/ / Console commands for CS: GO (CS: GO)

Console commands for CS: GO (CS: GO)

In computer games you have the opportunityUse cheat codes to gain certain advantages over the opponent. And if this is a single game, and your opponent is an artificial intelligence, then you will not get anything for it, because everything you enter affects you only and does not hurt other players. However, in multiplayer games everything is completely different - the fact is that if you use a cheat, you get the advantage not over the bot, but over live gamers. For this you can immediately banned if they find out the fact of using the chit. But there are other commands that you can enter in the console. They affect your client, not the game itself, respectively, they allow you to tailor your client to yourself, without affecting other players in any way. In this article you will learn about console commands for CS: GO - one of the most popular team shooters in the world.

Change global settings

console commands for cs

To begin with, you should immediately say that the consolecommands for CS: GO is extremely diverse - they are working on different aspects of the game client, so you have to spend a lot of time trying to study them, select the ones you need, and remember them. First, pay attention to the commands that allow you to make general settings - that is, do not go into details for now. With the help of these commands, you can perform a variety of actions, among which there are both universally useful and rather specific. For example, using the command cl_autowepswitch you can disable the automatic replacement of weapons that you pick up. Very often used commands that affect the scope - cl_crosshaircolor and so on. With the help of them you can change not only the color of your sight, but also the size, shape, type, thickness and other parameters. Naturally, this is not all, but the rest of you need to learn on their own - if you console commands to the COP need: GO, which set the radius of the review, the hand in which your character has a weapon, and so on.

Changing FPS

console commands cs go sight

Separately it is necessary to tell about the team thatChanges the amount of FPS in the game. If you do not know, then FPS is the number of frames per second that are displayed in the process. In some games, the number of frames is limited, and here you can remove this limitation yourself if you think it is necessary, and also have the opportunity to set an even greater limit. In general, if all the other console commands for CS: GO can come in handy, and may be completely useless, then fps_max is what every player in the CS should know. However, note that very closely with it is another team - func_break_max_pieces, which sets the number of fragments that the object is broken into if it can be broken. Many people do not think about it, but this parameter has the biggest impact on FPS. So, now you know quite interesting CS console commands: GO - you can adjust the sight yourself, you can set the desired frame rate per second - but there are still a lot of commands that deserve attention.

Hud commands

console commands for kss

For what gamers use the CS console commands:GO? The sight to many may seem too big, for example, so you can configure it using the console. Teams that start with hud, in turn, are also incredibly useful - they are responsible for indicators of time, health and so on. With their help, you can adjust how the health scale of the character you choose is displayed, how time is displayed on the screen, and also some other parameters. Console commands for KCC are slightly different from these, but by and large are very similar. But, for example, huds will not be there for understandable reasons.

Joystick settings

console commands for ks

As you already understood, the console commands for KCCmay differ slightly from those considered now. For example, everyone is aware that Sorse did not support controllers, but CS: GO is already more lenient to input devices, so you can use joysticks, gamepads and any other controllers that will allow you to play. Naturally, there is a whole set of console commands that are responsible for using the controller. With various combinations starting with joy, you can fine-tune everything from the name of your joystick to the response, movement and response to the click. As you can see, console commands for CS are really extremely diverse and cover various aspects of the game, leaving none of them without attention.

Commands for the mouse

console commands for shooting

Of course, if the console commands for CSallow the user to adjust the joystick, then the settings for the mouse are also available. For example, using the m_customaccel command, you can set a custom mouse acceleration rate. Naturally, this is not the only setting available to you - there are more than ten of them, and each of them can slightly change your approach to the game. You can even affect the inversion of the mouse with the m_pitch command. As you understand, all values ​​starting with m refer specifically to the mouse settings. Of course, the console commands for shooting may seem to the beginning gamers the most important, but with competent mouse settings you can create real miracles.

Commands for graphic settings

console commands for sight

Console commands for a sight in some plancan be attributed to the graphical settings, but still in this section are slightly different kinds of commands that act differently. For example, using mat_autoexposure, you can change the brightness of the screen, and with muzzleflash_light - turn off the light from flashes in the game. Naturally, this is not all - you can quite clearly and in detail adjust the graphic component of the game. But do not look there banal commands - you can implement them from the settings of the game itself, which is much easier. Console commands CS 1.6 allowed even this, but in this case, the developers decided that you should not overload the console with extra combinations. Naturally, if you want, you can do this if you are well versed in the console, but it's much easier to take care of it through the settings menu.

The budget commands

console commands cs 1 6

Gaming panels are important components,because they affect how your game is displayed, when you buy weapons, look at statistics and so on. Naturally, the console CS commands for shooting gamers hurry to use first, but in fact you can do much more - for example, set the transparency level of the panels, determine the smoothing of corners and so on. As a result, you have a chance to make the panels the most convenient to use, which will bring you a lot of benefits. Console teams to improve shooting will not help you if you do not have the most even hands, so it's better to practice than to waste time on unnecessary client settings. Teams are just a tool that helps you in the process, not a way to win all the matches without putting much effort.

Cc Commands

For those gamers who use subtitles inall games, including in such projects as CS: GO and "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", console commands cc should be well-known. With their help, you can influence which subtitle language will be displayed in the game, what delay will be before the appearance, and whether only the words or different sounds will be displayed in the subtitles. In general, if you like listening to the game in the original voice acting, but you can not all understand - include subtitles, customize them using console commands and have fun.

Commands for setting up an Internet connection

Given the fact that the COP:GO is an exclusively multiplayer game, your Internet connection is one of the key factors in the quality of the game display. If your provider does not guarantee high speed and constant stability, then you can hardly enjoy the game. Firstly, it can seriously slow down and you will not show high results, and secondly, if you disconnect from the games because of the disconnection of the connection, then you will be quickly banned, because you will prevent other players from having fun. However, it all depends on your provider - using the console commands, you can only configure different devices to determine the speed and stability of the Internet, such as a log or net_graph. Ask these applications a location on the screen, transparency, dimensions, and so on, so that they give you useful information, but do not interfere or distract from the gameplay itself.

Sound settings

As with graphics, sound settingsThere are to the game menu - there you can adjust the volume and other basic parameters. But with the help of the console you can go deep into these settings and do much more. For example, you can increase or decrease the sound quality, as well as influence individual sounds — for example, the suitvolume command allows you to raise and lower the volume of shots without affecting the volume of music and other sound effects. Naturally, the sound component is not key in games such as KS: GO, but nevertheless, professional settings are made up of many little things, and in some situations even a sound can save you — by drowning your shots, you can hear you from the back. Therefore, do not neglect such commands - they are also important.

Server settings

These commands will only be useful to those gamerswho take on the role of a host and create a server. In most cases, they start with the sv prefix and allow you to fine-tune access to your server. For example, the sv_forcepreload command can allow you both to activate the ability of players to connect to the server, which is not yet fully created, or to disable it. Naturally, the most important team from this section, which is known to absolutely all fans, is sv_cheats. As you well understand, with its help you can activate or cancel the use of cheats on your server. Most servers do not support cheating, but if this is exclusively your server on which you play with friends - then why not?

Voice Chat Commands

Not to establish a voice communication throughthird-party programs, you can activate this feature directly in the game itself. The voice_enable command is key here - it includes voice chat, but there are other commands. For example, voice_forcemicrecord allows you to record conversations on a microphone, and voice_loopback allows you to turn off the playback of your own voice.

Other important commands

Naturally, this is not the whole list.existing teams in this game. There are also important commands that do not fall into any of the groups, such as skill - with its help you can change the complexity of the game at any time. That is why you need to study all the teams, test them in action and choose the ones that suit you best. After that, you can select the ones that you always need - and create a config with them that will be automatically loaded each time you start the game - this way you will save yourself from having to manually register dozens of commands each time. Also, you always need to remember that console commands and config are just a way to tune the game to your tastes so that it is easier for you to play it. This is not a universal solution to all problems, it does not guarantee you an absolute victory, so do not expect that after prescribing all the necessary teams, you will immediately start to win. The most important thing in KS: GO is your skill, and console commands are the tools you use to make it easier for you to use your skills.

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