/ / How to tame a horse in Minecraft?

How to train a horse in Minecraft?

When you first start a new game inMinecraft, you do not have any additional means to move - only your own legs. But if a big world has been chosen, then you will quickly get tired of spending an impressive amount of time trying to cover huge distances in search of resources, mobs, food, and so on. Therefore, the developers have provided the possibility of taming certain types of animals on which you can travel much faster. Anyone who owns a horse will be able to overcome not only long distances, but also high obstacles, so riding a horse is not just a fad, but a very serious bonus. But first you need to understand how to tame a horse, because you just can’t jump on it like that - just like in real life. Wild horses are unlikely to let a man close to him, much less to hold him on his back.

Finding the right stallion

how to tame a horse

Чтобы разобраться с тем, как приручить лошадь в Minecraft, you need to find it first. This can be done quite easily, since on the plains, where a large amount of grass grows, they are very common. But here your own taste comes into play - you can choose the horse that you like. Naturally, you can always go up to the first one and start taming it, but will it really suit you? With this horse, you will travel later, perhaps you will want to breed it, so you are serious about the choice. Your fate will not depend on him, but still it is worth doing it deliberately. After you decide on the desired horse, you will need to go to the main question - how to tame a horse? Here everything is not as simple as when choosing the horse you like - you will have to make some effort.

Feeding wild horses

minecraft how to tame a horse

If in real life you try to find out howto tame a horse, you will most likely be answered - feed it, make friends with it. This is what you need to do - to appease the horse, you will need to feed him. Various products are suitable for this purpose, but red apples work best. However, do not store them in small quantities, as especially stubborn stallions may require several approaches from you in an attempt to tame them. Feed the selected horse five to ten apples - this is the key to success, without this stage you will not succeed in absolutely nothing.

Enter trust

games minecraft how to tame a horse

When the animal eats with your hands, you willopportunity to climb on his back. Naturally, this opportunity is worth using. But at the same time do not impose on the first attempt of great expectations - the stallion will most likely throw you off your back, as they are in Minecraft. How to tame a horse from the first time? Here, no one can give you an answer, because the reaction of the animal is generated randomly, so that you are equally likely to make friends with the horse both from the first and the fifth time. If you got rid of, then you should not go look for another horse - just repeat the procedure. Feed another five or ten apples - for this you need a large supply, and then try to climb back to the animal again. If you succeed, then you can be congratulated - the first step to taming the horse you have done. One of the most interesting questions of the game "Minecraft" - "how to tame a horse" - almost found its answer. But it is not enough to just sit on your back to the horse to set it in motion.

Ride the horse!

games how to tame a horse

For riding a horse, and othersanimals, such as a mule or a donkey, use a saddle. Taming donkeys and mules is a separate aspect of the game. How to tame a horse is the main issue on the agenda. So, you have already fed your future pet, made friends with him and even managed to climb onto his back without being on the ground. Impressive successes, but this is not enough. You need to have a saddle with you when you go in search of a horse, because it is with its help that you can set the animal in motion. Without a saddle you will just sit on your horse's back, and with a saddle you will be able to move. Therefore, immediately put a saddle on your pet, but if you are not comfortable with the animal, take your time. First make sure that it is not going to throw you off, and then saddle it. That's all - you can control the horse using the movement keys, to complete the jump, you need to press the spacebar, and to go back down to the ground - Shift.

Additional Features

Also make sure you have a specialleash for horses, as it is very useful to you. You do not have to search for your horse in the area, if you leave it and go somewhere on foot, for example, to extract certain materials. Tie a horse with a leash, and it will not run away anywhere. Also, with the help of this item you can drive a horse, while not saddling him. Without a leash the horse will not listen to you and will remain in the place where it stood.

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