/ / How to backup iPhone: tips and tricks

How to backup iPhone: tips and tricks

The company "Apple" has always been famous for itsdevices. People show great interest in iPhones. These are advanced smartphones with different capabilities. Only Apple products require certain knowledge from its owners. Otherwise, it's impossible to work properly with the device. Today we will try to figure out how to make a backup of the iPhone. What is required for this? What advice and recommendations can help a person? Why do I need backup copies of iPhones? And where can you find the relevant data? In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. And even an inexperienced owner of the "apple" phone will be able to create a backup copy of the smartphone.

how to backup iphone

What can I copy?

First, let's try to understand which onesthe person can save the data when creating backup copies. By themselves, such documents are needed to restore the iPhone at any time without losing user information and settings. Sometimes such documents are extremely useful.

Thinking about how to make a backupiPhone, a person should understand that he will save almost all the information that is on the mobile device. With confidence, we can say that it will be possible to restore:

  • phone and account settings;
  • notes;
  • photos and videos;
  • music;
  • events in the calendar;
  • all settings and elements of browsers;
  • messages and MMS;
  • network settings;
  • keychains;
  • Data about games and applications from the AppStore;
  • all application settings and settings;
  • bookmarks in "Maps";
  • books.

As a rule, not always listeditems can be restored. For example, one of the following methods will not allow you to return music from iTunes, TouchID data, Apple Play settings. But otherwise it will be possible to completely return the operating system to the desired state.

how to backup iphone

Ways to restore

How do I make an iPhone backup? It is quite easy to do this. Especially if you know what exactly the owner of the "apple" device should do.

There are 3 variants of the development of events. Restoration can be done:

  • through aytyuns;
  • with iCloud;
  • through third-party software (iMazing).

How to act? Everyone decides this independently. It should be noted immediately that the backup through iTunes will be more complete. Next we will consider all possible options.

Through aytyuns

iPhone can be restored using iTunes. In this case, you will have to take into account that the backup copy will be saved on the hard disk of the computer. And recovery is possible only through the PC.

How to backup iPhone? This will require:

  1. Download and install the latest version of iTunes.
  2. Run the program.
  3. Connect the "apple" phone to the computer via a USB cable.
  4. Select the connected device in the program menu.
  5. Go to the "General" section.
  6. At the bottom of the right window, select "Create a copy now."
  7. Wait for the process to finish. If necessary, select the items you want to copy.

Once the operation is completed, a person can view the backup log in iTunes. With their help in the future it will be possible to restore the gadget.

With iCloud

Backup iPhone contacts and othermobile phone information can be done with the help of the device itself. In this case, you must act through the iCloud service. All copies for recovery will be stored in the cloud service. Restore will have to be done only through a mobile device.

where is the backup iphone

How to back up an iPhone? This will require:

  1. Create an AppleID profile. If it is already there, you will need to log in to the system.
  2. Go to "Settings" -iCloud.
  3. Enable on your mobile device Wi-Fi and connect to the Internet.
  4. Click on "Settings" - "Aiclaud" - "Backup".
  5. Enable the corresponding switch.
  6. Select "Create backup".
  7. Mark the data to be copied, if necessary.
  8. Wait until the process is complete.

To carry out a similar procedure is not so difficult.But the proposed algorithm of actions is possible only if there is an Internet connection. Otherwise, the "Create Backup" button will be inactive.

Features recovery via iCloud

Now I understand how to make a backupiPhone. When restoring a mobile phone via Aiklaud, you will have to take into account that the cloud service allows you to transfer 5 GB of data. This space is given to all users by default.

In addition, you can put a mark in the iCloud settings, after which data will be backed up when the device is connected to the network (when charging).

iMazing to help

You can implement the task through third-party software. For example, with the help of "iMayzing". This application almost completely copies iTunes.

Creating backup copies of Apple devices comes down to the following manipulations:

  1. Connect your device to PC via USB cable.
  2. Install on your computer and run iMazing.
  3. Go to the settings of the application and allow access to the iPhone.
  4. Open the main menu of the application and select "Create a copy".
  5. Specify the type of document being created. It is better to choose "Standard". It is compatible with iTunes.
  6. Set the options for saving a copy and click on "Create."

That's all. It remains to wait a few minutes. Usually the process takes not much time.

iphone contacts backup

Search data

Some are wondering where the iPhone backup is. Answer this question is not so simple. It all depends on how exactly the data was copied.

In the case of iTunes, you can find the relevant documents:

  • in the folder BackUp, which is located in the "Users" - for "Windows";
  • in Library / Application Support / MobileSync / BackUp - for MacOS.

If we are talking about iCloud, then all data will be on the application server. Data transfer will be carried out together with authorization under a specific AppleID login.

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