/ / Format doc: what to open?

Format doc: than open?

Пожалуй, можно сказать, что Microsoft Word is the second most popular program on most modern personal computers. The first place is occupied by all known Paint. 90% of all computer users use Word daily for study, work, writing letters, poems, personal diaries and many other important things. However, strange as it may seem, there are still people who are not familiar with the doc format. How to open it and how to work with it? They do not have the slightest idea about this, but this is not at all evidence of their incompetence. Most likely, they either know little about the computer and have never encountered electronic text documents of this format, or their operating system does not support Microsoft products.

Files of the doc format - text documents,created through Microsoft Word. The new Microsoft Word 2007 program works with the docx format, which is completely new and can not be opened in previous versions of the program without updating it, and with the doc format. Than to open it, you already approximately understand. Microsoft Word of any version allows not only to open a file of this format, but also to read it, edit, format, insert tables, images, graphics, diagrams into a text document. All changes can be saved by clicking on the floppy disk icon or on the "File" menu button and selecting "Save".

Also, another problem with the doc format is possible.What can I do if I do not have Office installed on my computer? The Paint program mentioned above is installed by default on all personal computers with the Windows operating system. And the program Word is included in the package Microsoft Office and is a paid program. Not everyone can afford it.

How do I open a doc file?

How to open a doc document if you need itsent by mail or you downloaded it from the Internet and it urgently needs to be read or edited, but you do not have Word? Do not panic and worry. There are other free programs and services on the Internet that allow you to open the doc and edit it.

Online services

To open a text document in doc formatyou can use online services that are completely free. And you, in addition, do not have to install additional software on your computer. This is especially important if you practically do not work with text documents. One example for opening a file with the doc extension is the Google Docs service. This free service allows you to open and edit Microsoft Word files. To use the service, it's enough to register an account with Google.

Programs for reading format doc

Если вам необходимо работать с файлами doc constantly, but to put Microsoft Word for various reasons you can not, you can put a friend program to read this format. Below we introduce you to the most popular programs.

Word Viewer

This Microsoft development program allowsView doc format documents, copy information from a document and paste it into another document. It also allows you to print data from this text document. But only Word Viewer has one significant drawback - you can not edit the document.


This free package of various programsworks on many operating systems and makes it possible not only to read doc files, but also to perform editing. The program has all the same functions as Microsoft Word.


This program is also free and allows you to work with the doc format. It has a fairly wide functionality, but still inferior to OpenOffice.

Now, if you get a document with an extensiondoc, than to open it you already know. You have many options, and what exactly you decide to choose depends on your preferences and capabilities. But do not despair if the full package of MO 2007 you can not install.

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