/ / Error 923 in the "Playmarket": what to do?

Error 923 in the "Playmarket": what to do?

You sit quietly and peacefully and look through Google's sectionsplay on your phone or tablet in search of something interesting. And you see - that's it, just what I've been looking for so long. You start to install this program, and here as a bolt from the blue - an error 923 in the Play Store. What to do in this situation?

Error Source

Very often owners of devices based onoperating system "Android" there is an error 923 in the "Play market." This happens when you download a game or an application. It looks like this: "The Google Play services application could not be loaded due to an error 923". And no matter what application you download, there will always be a pop-up window with this problem.

There may be several reasons for this:

- connection problem;

- something with Google play;

- blocking by another program;

- system files are corrupted or deleted.

With each reason you need to understand your own way, so consider them separately.

the Internet

The first step is to check the connection to the network,as this is a very common problem. Usually his state can be seen by the icon near the clock. The first thing you need to know is whether the Internet at all. To do this, just go to the browser on some site. If it is a mobile Internet, it is worth checking the balance or available megabytes, perhaps they are banal. It may be that the phone has lost the mobile operator's network, but the icon continues to burn. In this case, you need to turn off and turn on the data transfer.

If the device is connected to the Internet viaWi-Fi and the reception icon is lit, then maybe a bad signal or the Internet is off, and the phone is just connected to the local network. It will also be useful to go into Wi-Fi settings, since it is possible to have an incidental connection with the wrong router.

Trouble with Google Play

Very often error 923 in the "Play market" arisesbecause of the problem in the Google play itself. It can arise as a result of cluttered time data and cache. The cleaning program will not fix the situation. Therefore, we do the following.

We go in "Application Settings", select all and sort by size. Find the Google play market and click on it. There we click "Erase data" and "Clear the cache".

error 923 in the play market

Go back and look for the Google Services Framework, where we erase the data and clean the cache.

error 923 in the play market what to do

The same is done in the menu "Google Play Services" - get rid of all unnecessary.

error 923 in the play market for android

Having done this, you need to reboot the device and try again to install some application.

Another mistake 923 in the "Playmarket" on "Android"can be in the account "Google". So it's worth reinstalling it. We follow this way: "Set up Accounts" and "Synchronization". There we find the account "Google" and delete it.

error 923 in the market

Then again restart the phone, go to the "Market" and re-enter the login and password of the account. Again try to download something. If it still does not work, then we look further.

Other applications

There have been cases when error 923 in the "Market"was due to an anti-virus program that blocked Google play files or a self-installing application, considering it a spyware or unsafe program. Also there are firewalls that protect the device from unwanted influences from the Internet, but in fact block installation of utilities. If such programs are available on your phone or tablet, you should turn them off or delete, then try installing from the store again. This problem is quite rare, but there have been cases.

If there is root-rights

Also error 923 in the "Playmarket" can occurdue to inaccurate use of super administrator rights. These rights are needed to gain access and ability to manage system applications such as Google Play, Native Navigator, Facebook Agent, mail, etc. Obtaining such rights is not so easy, but detailed instructions it's not difficult to find a piece.This is very useful, since it is possible to knock out or turn off completely unnecessary programs and games.But if an unknowing person takes this case, then with the emulator you can mistakenly "tear down" important services, such as the Google Services Framework , after which there is an error 923 in the "Playmarket." Even worse, when and the operating system files are deleted.

You can correct this unpleasant situation only by cardinal methods: to roll back the system or to reflash the "Android". In either case, all personal information and applications will be lost.


To make this error appear as sparingly as possible,it is more often to clean the phone and not install everything. Before installing any application, you should look at the ratings and read the comments. After all, if there is some mistake in it that can lead to problems, then there it will be accurately described there.

It is best not to install any firewalls andantivirus, because they are practically useless, and there are a lot of RAMs. In addition, they can block or delete something important for the system or system programs.

And it's worth to be more careful, because many problems, such as accidental deletion of the desired file, unnoticed Internet shutdown, etc., arise precisely because of inattention.

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