/ / Codes on "GTA: San Andreas": on missions, money, weapons and entertainment

Codes on "GTA: San Andreas": on missions, money, weapons and entertainment

For all fans of interestingthe pastime was specially created game "GTA". The first part, published in the era of the two thousandth years, at one time struck all the participants with a special high-quality graphics, powerful system. This project was successful for a studio developer, and new parts of this famous game came out of the hands of specialists one by one. Today we can try at once five parts, in each of which - about 100 missions.

codes for

But to pass each level is very difficult, thereforeYou can use the codes for "GTA: San Andreas." There are cheats on a mission, on getting money, weapons and even on committing complete lawlessness - combinations of letters that allow the player to get what they want in a couple of seconds without any time costs.

General information

To complete the game at 100%, you need not onlya lot of desire and free time to overcome the locations of the storyline. You also need to know the cheats and codes. Their use is most often required in small, so to speak, side missions. In the game, all locations are divided into two categories: those that affect the statistics, and those that are available for passing, but do not change the overall course of the plot. To complete all these quests may be useful codes for "GTA: San Andreas." You can enter a code on a mission of varying difficulty, to purchase a superbook or for an infinite number of lives, get what you want and complete the game at 100%.

Cheats for different occasions

The main character may be in differentsituations, and sometimes the protection that he has will be too little. To protect yourself from the powerful blows of the police, shots of bandits, you will need special codes for "GTA: San Andreas." On the mission, where you need to buy an invisible body armor, you need to enter the combination BAGUVIX. This allows you to defend against everything.

Many say that this is a kind of semi-immortality that can help with the passage of any mission.

Entertainment codes

Very often the character needs to replenish his strength,food is constantly required. This is very distracting from the main mission, so you can use the appropriate codes for “GTA: San Andreas” for this situation. On the mission, where you need to save time and not be distracted by the meal, cheat AEDUWNV. After its introduction, the need for food completely disappears.

Many participants choosing locations freepassage (which are not included in the accounting statistics), like experiments. So, if you're interested, you can see how the character's different physique will look. To become fatten sharply, you will need to enter the letters BTCDBCB. The JYSDSOD combination changes the body and makes the hero recoil. And to lose weight dramatically, you will need a code from the letters KVGYZQK.

Passing missions using cheats

Если уж переходить к серьезным комбинациям, то need to consider another section of the game "GTA: San Andreas." The code for passing the mission separately does not exist, but it is quite possible to become a millionaire in a second. The set of letters in the following order HESOYAM gives Karl Johnson 25 thousand dollars, health and full equipment and armor.

code on the

That changes affected specifically locations, withoutloss of health, money and weapons, there are other interesting cheats in the "GTA: San Andreas." The code for the passage of the mission ASNAEB removes all the stars in the location. Cheat AEZAKMI allows Karl to act with impunity in his hometown, because thanks to this combination, he will never be found.

A set of letters in this order:LJSPQK - creates a level of 6 stars in the game "GTA: San Andreas." The code for the mission cannot be fully found: you can use cheats only on certain parts of the location (to increase the level of health, increase the amount of money, and so on).

If a player is very worried about the statistics, then the set of letters OGXSDAG makes the total score and points for the completed missions the highest.

Other codes

In general, the game GTA a lot of cheats, whichInvented just for fun. For example, those who have already passed 100% of the main locations will enjoy having fun with a character like this: change their physique, attract girls or be recruited into a group. So, in order to seduce any beauty, a sequence of letters BEKKNQV is introduced. The additional combination of EHIBXQS will give the hero's image even more beauty and attractiveness - there will be no release from the girls.

If girls are not the favorite topic, then you can even leave this life. The SZCMAWO combination is Karl Johnson's suicide. The spectacle is not a pleasant one, but it will amuse those who have nothing else to do.

Transportation codes

The whole atmosphere in which the city and Karl are immersedJohnson is speed, cars, cars, chase, and so on. The real era of gangsters is unfolding in the game “GTA: San Andreas”. The code for mission skipping cannot be entered, but driving on steep wheelbarrows, absolutely any, is quite realistic. You can drive a tank using the AIWPRTON cheat. You can even ride the coffin by typing AQTBCODX. Those who need a car ready to go anywhere and in any way will need a set of the following letters: AGBDLCID. Due to this code, you can get an all-terrain vehicle. You can drive in a luxury limousine using the KRIJEBR cheat, or you can try super speed on the fastest racing car using the PDNEJOH code.

Even in the passage of the most difficult location canneed some code on "GTA: San Andreas." It is easiest to complete the mission using cheats, so those who want to complete the GTA 100% progress will definitely need them. Codes for all occasions: for fun, for recreation or for the speedy passage - will allow you to enjoy the pastime in the game to the fullest.

Participants who have tried this entertainment withconfidence can say that the cheats here - this is an aid in the passage of individual levels. Knowing the individual combinations of letters, you can complete any mission beautifully: on an expensive car or a luxurious limousine. There is no limit to fantasy, so everyone can come off here using a variety of codes.

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