/ / All the ways, like in the "Word" put square brackets

All the ways, like in the "Word" put square brackets

And you know how to put a square in the "Word"brackets? If yes, then you still can not name four ways how to do it, but they do exist. It is about them that the topic will be discussed in this article. We will consider the most trivial methods, and the most sophisticated ones are those that few will use, but still they are. As they say, just in case.

Use the standard keyboard

The way everyone knows isuse the appropriate keys on the keyboard. In the article, it could have been omitted, but for users who are just beginning to master the computer, it needs to be known. Therefore, we now tell you how to put square brackets in the "Word" using the keyboard.

how to put square brackets in a word

After looking at it, you can find the iconsquare brackets on Russian "X" and "K" keys. Clearly, by pressing these keys at the time when the Russian language is selected in the system, you will not achieve anything - the corresponding letters will be printed. The trick is the other. You should change the language of the system. Who does not know, this is done by pressing ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT (depending on the system itself). If this option seems complicated for you, then you will be able to change the language by clicking the corresponding button on the taskbar. Its location you can see in the picture.

how to put square brackets in a 2007

After the system has Englishlanguage, you can safely press these buttons. So you found out how to put square brackets in the Word by means of an ordinary keyboard. Well, now we move on.

Use special characters

Now let's figure out how to put squarebrackets in the "Word" 2007 with the help of special characters. Of course, this method can work on other versions of the program, but the example will be cited on the specified one.

Initially, you should open the appropriatea window in the Word. To do this, initially go to the "Insert" tab. In it you need to find the "Symbol" button. It is located on the right side of the tape. Clicking on it, you will open the menu in which you need to select "Symbol".

how to put square brackets in a Word 2010

So, the window you need is open.You need that place in the drop-down list, which is called "Set", choose "Basic Latin". After that, symbols from this category will appear in the main field of the window. Scrolling down the table, find necessary and highlight them. After that, click the "Insert" button, and they will be printed in the document.

Now you know the second way to put square brackets. In the "Word" 2010, by the way, this method works on a similar principle.

We use hexadecimal code

Now we will tell you how to put square brackets in Word using hexadecimal code. This method, rather, refers to the category of sophisticated. Now you will understand why.

Here is the hex code for the character "[" - 005B, and here the symbol "]" is 005D. As you can see, it's quite easy to remember them. Now tell you how to use them.

To insert square brackets in the textIn this way, you need to enter this code into the text itself, and then press the ALT + X key combination. You can try it right now, after this operation your code will turn into the symbol you need.

We use the formulas

By the way, when you opened a table of specialsymbols, in the drop-down menu, next to the "Symbol" button, was the second pictogram - "Formulas". Now we will just talk about how to insert square brackets by entering formulas.

This method is unlikely to be used for normal typing in a document, but if you want to write a formula into it, then it will come in handy.

So, as soon as you click this button, the textthe form for the equation input is inserted, and the equation designer opens on the toolbar. In the designer, find the "Bracket" button and click it. In the menu that appears, you need to click on the square brackets, between which is a translucent square. After clicking in the document, this form appears. Click on that square and enter the text - it will be inserted between the brackets

We use the Alt-code

The article showed methods for the latterversions of the "Vord", now it's time to talk about how to put the square brackets in the 2003 Vord. Although this method works anywhere and even beyond the named program.

how to put square brackets in Word 2003

The method is very simple:you just need to remember the sequence. For bracket "[" it will look like a combination of three keys: ALT, 9 and 1, and for the bracket "]" - ALT, 9, 3. By pressing them, you get the desired result.

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