/ / Alignment to the width in the "Word". How to remove large spaces

Alignment to the width in the "Word". How to remove large spaces

Do not know how to use the "Vord" or forgot how to find some important function for editing text? In this case, this article will definitely interest you.

When editing text, people oftenface the problem of large gaps. Below, you will learn how to correctly align the width of the Word, and how to use the various functions in this program. So after reading a short course you will be able to successfully perform all the work you need.

First, let's define what is generallyBy itself it means an expression such as "flattening". This is how your finished text will be placed on the page. After all, in addition to equalizing for width, there are as many as three types of its distribution:

  • on the left;
  • in the center;
  • on the right.

And for each of them has its own algorithm of action.

How can I align text to the width

So, in order for you to successfully execute the process widthwise alignment, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on any place in the paragraph of your text that you need to align.
  2. Now find the top of the "Vorda" tab"Home". It has five subgroups ("Clipboard", "Font", "Paragraph", "Styles", "Editing"), among which you need to pay attention to the group "Paragraph".
  3. After going to this group, find the "By width" button in it and press it right away.
  4. Now your text is leveled.


How not to align the text

Do not use the keyboard buttons "Spacebar" or Tab to align. Since it will take you a lot of time, but the main width of the text will be more, then less.

How to remove spaces after alignment

It should be noted that immediately, as soon as youfinish the work on aligning the text to the width, your concern for this will not end, since you may well have big gaps between words. But this problem is also extremely easy to eliminate. Below we offer you several ways to help answer the question - how to remove spaces when aligning to the width.

alignment in width in the word

Causes of large gaps in the text

Before proceeding to the elimination of large gaps, it is reasonable to determine the cause of their occurrence, since each of them has its own individual solution.

There are several reasons for this problem:

  1. Large spaces may occur due to the use of different commands when aligning rows to the width.
  2. They appear because of the use of special characters instead of spaces.
  3. Formatting text or some of its parts after aligning to the width can also cause this problem.
  4. If the "End of line" symbol was printed, and thenthe ENTER + SHIFT keys were pressed, then you will automatically switch to the next line of your text, after which large spaces are formed.

Techniques for eliminating large gaps

If you can not determine what exactlyis the essence of the origin of these biggest gaps, then simply perform all the remedies suggested below. And remember the above reasons for the future, so as not to accidentally place a large gap in the text.

Removing large spaces

The first way to solve this problem is toin that you just need to remove a large space and put in its place the usual, for this you need to make a simultaneous click on three buttons on the keyboard of your computer: SHIFT + CTRL + SPACEBAR.


In order to get rid of large spaces in the entire text, you need:

  • isolate it completely;
  • after that go to the "Page layout" tab;
  • there you can find the "Hyphenation" tab and click "Auto".

After that, the problem will be solved.

text alignment in width


Find out if they were used instead of spacestabs. To do this, you need to enable the display of "non-printing characters" in the text. To perform this action, you must do the following:

  • go to the "Home" tab;
  • in the "Paragraph" group, click the "Nonprinting characters" (¶) button.

How to remove spaces when aligning to the width

After performing the above actions, the text will display all the non-printable characters, and you will be able to find out if the tabs are the cause of the problem.

If this is the case, then you just need to copyOne of them and press CTRL + F, after which you will see a replacement window. In the first field of this window, insert the text with a large blank, and in the second - the text created by pressing the three buttons on the keyboard SHIFT + CTRL + SPACEBAR. After that you need to press the "Find and replace" button.

aligning rows to width

After completing all of the above, the replacement will be made, and large gaps in the document will be lost.

Inter-character intervals

If the cause of the occurrence of large spaces are the inter-character intervals, then you must do the following:

  • in the top menu, find the "File" tab;
  • then go to it;
  • in the menu that opens, select the "Settings" tab;
  • after that you will have a table with parameters, and you will need to select the "Advanced" option, and in it check "Do not expand inter-character intervals in a line with a break".

After that, click save and go back to the text. The problem with large spaces will be solved.


After reading this article, you learned howcorrectly align the width of the "Word". Now that you need to perform this action while editing your text, you can solve all your problems yourself. Also now you will be able to identify all the causes of the so-called large gaps and eliminate them yourself.

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