/ / Graphite: melting point, properties and uses

Graphite: melting point, properties and uses

Graphite refers to minerals that differmultifunctionality in practical use. It is usually accepted to associate it with coloring substances, but its possibilities are not limited to this. At the same time, it is impossible to talk about the universality of the use of this material, since its layered structure also determines the scope of application. And this is not to mention the need to create special processing conditions. The fact is that the melting point of graphite in degrees Celsius can reach 2800 ° C, which requires the use of special powers for the manufacture of the final product.

Graphite properties

graphite melting point

Among the main operational qualities of thisminerals produce thermal conductivity, the ability to act as a conductor of electric current and the softness of the structure, which, however, does not always go to plus graphite products. With regard to thermal conductivity, it can reach 2400 W / (m * K) or more. This indicator depends on the structure and density of the material. It is important to note that graphite, the melting point of which ranged from 2500 to 3000 ° C, acquires a softer structure. This may be beneficial for further disclosure of the mineral qualities of the mineral, but heat treatment drastically reduces the physical strength characteristics. As a result, graphite can be just as effective as metal in electrical conductivity processes, but due to its fragility it will be unsuitable for use in conditions of tough mechanical operation.

Also, the mineral is very reactive incontact with chemically active substances, among which are salts and alkali metals. True, it depends on the conditions in which the graphite is located. A melting point of about 2800 ° C (at which the mineral interacts with oxygen) can lead to its combustion before the formation of carbon dioxide.

Melting temperature

graphite melting and boiling points

The range of temperatures at which you can getgraphite melting is quite varied. Much depends, for example, on the final tasks of this operation. The temperature range also determines the external conditions, and the characteristics of the composition of a particular mineral, and the application during heat treatment of additional means of exposure to graphite. The melting point at which it is possible to obtain graphite ready for use varies from 2,600 to 3,800 ° C. Also practiced calculation on the Kelvin scale. In this case, it already reaches 4000 ° K, but this value may also increase depending on the pressure indicator. Typically, graphite is melted at a pressure of 105-130 bar.

Boiling temperature

The need for heat treatmentdue to the fact that enterprises are seeking to modify the performance of the material in order to create more efficient products. Methods of bringing the mineral to the boil are less commonly used, but they also allow to improve certain properties of the structure. The question of what the melting point and boiling point of graphite often involves indicating the same range - from 3800 to 4200 ° C. The lower threshold determines the melting state, and the upper one - the boiling of the material. Again, depending on the characteristics of graphite and its variety, the conditions of thermal exposure in terms of obtaining the desired state of the mineral — boiling or melting — may converge.

Receiving technology

graphite melting point in degrees

Virtually all graphite products before the finalusing undergo processing operations. The method of obtaining determines the type of graphite material. As a rule, the difference in methods is due just to temperature effects. So, by heating a mixture of pitch and coke, Acheson graphite is obtained. The melting point and boiling point in this case will be 2800 and 4200 ° C, respectively. The thermomechanical method of processing the coke mix provides for the effect with the same heating indicators - the only difference is in the use of carbide-forming components. The pyrolysis method is characterized by low rates of thermal processing. In this case, natural graphite is modified from gaseous hydrocarbons in a vacuum at 1500 ° C. At the same time, cooling methods for the processing of base mixtures to produce graphite are also common. These technologies include blast furnace, during which the slow cooling of the pig iron masses.

Graphite application

graphite melting point in degrees Celsius

Properties of graphite, as already noted, allowedHe found wide application in various fields. It is used in the manufacture of electrodes, pencils, protective equipment, reference measuring materials, and even as a lubricant. The thermal qualities of the mineral determined its usefulness in the composition of furnace structures. For example, lining plates and melting crucibles are made of graphite. But here too much depends on the particular variety in which graphite is represented. The melting point of certain types of material, component 2600 ° C, for example, does not allow their use in industrial heat treatment chambers. But electrochemical qualities allow the use of most products from graphite as elements of the wiring infrastructure.


What is the melting point and boiling point of graphite?

Graphite materials can be considered asflexible framework for use in different industries. The qualities of electrical and thermal conductivity, although coexist with physical fragility and modest indicators of mechanical reliability, but open up wide opportunities for highly specialized use of the mineral. From the point of view of industrial processing standards, the melting point of graphite in degrees, which averages 2800 ° C, is not critical. Even small enterprises engaged in the manufacture of electrochemical fittings can afford to organize the process of melting or boiling the material. Another thing is that the production of final products from graphite requires not only heat treatment.

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