/ / BlueScreen (error): how to fix?

BlueScreen (error): how to fix?

"Blue screen of death", or as they callBSOD specialists are a defensive reaction of the computer, suspending system work before potential failures or damage. In certain situations, BlueScreen (error) appears due to driver problems. In such cases, a simple restart of the computer helps a lot. But often there are situations when it is already impossible to solve the problem without additional actions and special programs. One of these popular applications is BlueScreen Viewer, which will be discussed later on.

It should be understood that the "blue screen" is not soscary, as they say, but very unpleasant when it appears. To remove it, you must have certain knowledge of computer technology and, of course, know the reasons for its appearance.

The name of the event (problem) - BlueScreen. Causes

Causes of a similar problem on the computerthe most different: from the virus and the drop in electricity to the deletion of the files of the operating system and improper installation of the software. In most cases it is possible to cope with this problem without leaving your home. But for this, it is necessary to at least approximately determine the reasons that led to the “blue screen”. These reasons can be briefly described as follows:

  • severe overheating of the motherboard or video card;
  • driver damage;
  • video card overclocking attempt;
  • violation of memory;
  • lack of power in the power supply;
  • breakdown of the device itself.

Most of the reasons for the "blue screen" lies in the video card of the computer. For example, such a common problem as BlueScreen (code 1049), means a violation of the video card.

bluescreen error

Diagnose the problem

The most common cause of occurrence“blue screen” problems are recent actions to replace or install new components on a computer. This means that either there are no drivers for the new components, or they are “crooked” installed.

Sometimes the BlueScreen event occurs becausethat the internal parts of the computer are poorly connected in their places with the motherboard or with other nodes. In order to check all the details, you should open the system unit and examine the cables, RAM and video card for the correct connection. Such a check is harder to do on a laptop. The only thing you can do is open the back cover of the laptop and check the connections of the hard disk and RAM.

Due to the overheating of the video card andCPU often can also occur system failures. To find out whether the processor and the video card overheat, you can look at the BIOS menu, which indicates the internal temperature of the computer, or use a special program that measures the temperature of internal components and nodes.

Следующая причина, по которой на экран выводится The name of the BlueScreen problem event is a breakdown of the memory bar. The work of RAM can be tested by the program "Memtest", which within a few minutes will scan the memory and show whether the system really crashes because of the RAM.

Также проблема BlueScreen может появляться из-за hard drive malfunctions. To check this option, you can use special programs to eliminate errors and failures in the hard disk or the system function chkdsk, which can be found in Windows, in the “Service” tab. When it starts, it starts checking the computer for errors.

And the last common option is to check.computer for viruses. Common antivirus programs such as Avast, Doctor Web, Norton, Kaspersky and others will do this.

bluescreen problem event name

If BlueScreen (1049) still appears, an error, how to fix it?

It happens that failures in the system, leading to the effect"Blue screen", caused by more serious problems than the above reasons. Therefore, the means of correcting this error should be applied more radical.

If all of the above recovery methodsthe systems did not help, and the “death screen” constantly appears on the monitor when the computer is booted or during operation, then the most effective way to restore everything to working condition is to return the PC to its basic configurations and parameters, i.e., reinstall the system. Programmers often joke that this is the only effective way from all system problems of a computer, including BlueScreen (1049). Indeed, this method can solve almost all computer problems associated with system crashes, disruptions or virus infections. However, this option has a serious drawback - it is the loss of all stored information on the hard disk during the reinstallation of Windows. Therefore, it is the most extreme way to restore the computer.

There is another way to eradicate BSOD, whichmay allow the user not to resort to radical methods, such as reinstalling the operating system - special recovery programs.

bluescreen problem

Uses of auxiliary programs

First of all I want to call such a programas BlueScreen Viewer, which deservedly ranks first among computer users when you need to clean your PC or fix system errors. This program can be downloaded in Russian for free and installed on your device. It has several advantages and advantages compared with other similar programs:

  • scans minidump files created during a system crash that led to a blue screen;
  • provides detailed information in the summary table;
  • shows the date / time of the problem;
  • shows the error code;
  • displays the minidump file names on the monitor;
  • provides information about modules and drivers that could have caused the system to crash.


Advantages of the BlueScreen Viewer

In addition, the program has the following advantages:

  • it is free;
  • does not require to be installed on a PC;
  • in the file folder there is a crack;
  • easy and convenient to use.

The principle of the program

When a system failure occurs, the program searchesfiles and drivers that could cause a similar disruption in the computer. When it detects these, it creates a report in the form of a table with a description of the driver and its location.

The program can also find the real cause of the system crash and display a full description of this problem with the date of its occurrence.

In addition to the above program, BlueScreen(error) can be diagnosed and applications such as WhoCrashed and WhatIsHang. These are free programs that detect faulty drivers that cause the operating system to crash.

Computer “blue screen” - request for help

Many people treat this issue as"Death" of the PC, while in reality, the "death screen" is a cry for helping the user. When a person has something to hurt, he can complain to his relatives or a doctor about this pain, tell about the symptoms and so on. And what should a smart, but so far, silent device, when a serious problem occurs in its “organism”, which we call BlueScreen (error)? All he can do is to highlight a blue screen on the monitor, in which the computer’s complaints are written in white letters and symbols with a brief description of the problem, which contains only a few numbers.

Эти «жалобы» известны как коды BlueScreen.Description of these codes can be easily found. Each code is specifically responsible for one or another error and the cause of the occurrence of a violation in the system. If you do not understand the code description language, then it is better to refer to some well-known forum of programmers, where experts can explain the system error and advise how to remove it.

If everyone has already tried, and the "blue screen" still appears, then even then you should contact the service center for the repair of personal computers and laptops.

bluescreen 1049

Features and nuances of self-recovery system

Below are some recommendations for eliminating BSOD:

  • Если недавно было обновление видеодрайвера, то you should try to “roll back” it or restore the system to an earlier date. To do this, in the system options of the computer, you must install the function of automatically fixing a restore point when installing new software.
  • BlueScreen (error) may appear due to an attempt to overclock the processor, video card or operating memory — these processes must be stopped.
  • If this problem occurs during games, you need to lower the screen resolution, and set the graphics to the minimum.
  • You must update the Direct file.

Advice of specialists

Существуют разные методики решения проблемы с "Screen of death." Professionals recommend using them in turn, do not rush to carry out radical measures, such as reinstalling the system, returning Windows to basic parameters, or sending a computer for repair in service centers.

Here is another option to restore the OS.

Если «синий экран» не позволяет системе boot up, then you should go into safe PC mode. To do this, you need to press F8 while the computer is loading. After that, the boot menu appears on the black screen, in which you can select the mode we need. The difference between the safe mode and other downloads is that it loads without using network drivers.

In this mode, you can check the computer forviruses, because they also often show the name of the event - BlueScreen. To do this, use antivirus software with an updated version of the database.

Also in safe mode you can tryrestore the system without reinstalling it. In this case, insert the disc with "Windows", select the function "Restore the system" and click "OK". Thanks to this choice, old system files are erased, and new ones are installed without losing personal information.

In the same mode, you can make a "rollback" drivers. Incorrectly installed drivers can affect system crashes.

event name bluescreen

Programmer Secrets

There is another secret, revealing the causeappearance of BSOD, - lack of free space on the hard disk. Many people do not know about this, but if less than 15% of free space remains on the hard disk, this also often causes this problem. It is necessary to clean the "hard drive" from old and unnecessary files using special programs or a function of the system itself.

Some motherboards exista special button located near the processor, which, when pressed, resets all late installations and system updates. Therefore, as one of the options, you should open the computer unit and see if there is this button. If there is, then it is worth using it, holding it for 15 seconds, which will allow the system to return to the initial state.

bluescreen code 1049


Do not immediately grab his head due to the fact thatThe inscription BlueScreen (1049) appeared, an error. How to fix the problem of a "blue screen" at home, while having basic knowledge of computer use, can be seen from the above information. And it’s still too early to run to the nearest PC repair center, you need to try to restore the “fallen” system on your own, which will save quite significant funds and give you confidence in your abilities and capabilities. And only if all the methods did not bring results, can the computer be referred for repair.

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