/ / How to pass the game "2048" as effectively as possible?

How to pass the game "2048" as efficiently as possible?

In early 2014, the Internet happenedfull-scale boom - there was a game "2048", which immediately turned the whole network upside down. Then millions of people began to play it, to try their hand at it and test their mind. And if you still have not played a single game, then you urgently need to do it. However, to begin with, you better understand the basic principles of this project, as well as explore one of the most winning strategies that currently exist. The fact is that not everyone can immediately achieve high results, and they immediately begin to wonder about how to go through the game "2048". This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Principles of the game

how to pass the game 2048

If you want to learn how to play the game "2048",then you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and general principles - fortunately, there are not very many of them. This game is pretty simple, and because of this, its popularity is even more impressive. So, when you start the game, there is a small field with a grid of four to four in front of you. In two of the 16 cells appear tiles, which you can see the number "2". From this moment your test begins - you need to move the tiles so that they form new numbers. In this case, you can combine only those tiles that have the same number. With each turn, new tiles appear on the field, so your task is to continue increasing the values ​​until at least one tile receives the number "2048" - then you will pass the game. However, this result is not so difficult to achieve, for this you do not need to know the special techniques of how to play the game "2048". Therefore, many gamers continue to play in order to set new records. And if you want to be among them, you better learn the details of the winning strategy.

Numbering of columns

how to pass the game mansion 2048

There are many ways to go throughgame "2048", and you can also invent your own. However, to do it better then, first it is worth using the most effective strategy, which is already available on the network. The first step to your record is the numbering of the columns. As you understand, there are four columns on the game board, each of which has four cells. Number the leftmost one with the number 1, and the rightmost one - 4. Now you can freely navigate the field, so you can easily use the strategy, which will be discussed later. If you are interested in how to pass the game Mansion 2048, then you should definitely read the continuation of the article.

Victorious tactics

how to complete the game 2048 numbers

It's time to answer the most important question:how to pass the game "2048"? Numbers that do not want to develop in any way as needed, you will no longer be afraid. The essence of this strategy is that you will move all the tiles in the first column, that is, there will be the largest values. The second, third, and fourth columns will contain smaller numbers whose values ​​will decrease, approaching the fourth column. So you can constantly move all the tiles to the left, without using the right direction at all. Naturally, this is not an obligatory direction - you can number the columns in any order, even from top to bottom. The most important thing is that your tactics remain the same.

The main danger

This strategy is ideal, since itgives you an incredible freedom of action and a constant movement forward to success. However, you need to beware of the only situation that could spoil the whole process. You can not allow a new tile to fill the column - if this happens, you will have to take the step you refused from the very beginning. Accordingly, with almost 100% probability, the strategy will no longer function, since in the first column there will be a "two".

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