/ / Using which the computer is checked

With the help of which the computer is checked

One well-known Russian humorist in hisspeeches often stresses that a Russian person and curiosity are inseparable concepts. With this it is difficult to argue. Buying a music center, hardly anyone can at least once not unscrew the volume control to the maximum position.

computer check
And not because it really isit is necessary, but just like that ... And any lucky owner of a new car will not hold back, so as not to check the speed ceiling. Man is just interested. Everyone can find a lot of similar life examples in his memoirs.

Computer testing is another possibilitysatisfy your curiosity. Work behind the screen of the computer system and do not know how many conventional units (the so-called "parrots") it gives out - it's not about our man. A computer scan can have two objectives: identify failures and determine the potential for performance. The latter allows you to objectively compare this system with others, which is in demand, in particular, when buying new components. Sometimes the program for checking the computer, largely loading the internal blocks, quite successfully solves two problems at once. We'll talk about such applications today.

Checking computer performance includesyourself testing of the three main components that just affect the speed index. This is the CPU, video adapter and RAM.

checking computer performance
Sometimes this list includes a hard disk, but this is not entirely true: choosing a high-performance system based on the data of the HDD speed measurements is not the best solution.

Thus, a computer test requiresinstallation of necessary software. It is worth noting the package 3DMark from the company Futuremark (for the video subsystem); diagnostic complex SiSoft Sandra. To get a more extended result, you can recommend AIDA64 and Victoria (hard disk). Of course, this is not true in the last resort, since the programs, whose task is to check the computer, there are several dozens.

computer scan program
So, the video.The package 3DMark is presented by several versions - 2001, 2003, 2005, Vantage, etc. For modern systems it is necessary to choose the latest version. The correctness of the comparison is achieved by running the test by default (this is an unspoken standard). When working on the screen, excerpts of three-dimensional clips from non-existent games are displayed, using the latest technologies for building 3D images. The result of the program is a digital index. The higher it is, the more productive the system.

To check the speed of mathematicaloperations is SiSoft Sandra. After installation, you must proceed to the "Performance" section, select "CPU" and click the "Update" button. The test will begin. At this time, the computer for other tasks is better not to use. As a result, a window with graphs will be displayed, allowing you to compare your result with other systems. Similarly, you need to check multimedia performance and do not forget about the bandwidth of RAM. Data obtained in different versions of Sandra can not be compared.

Having on hand these three results (actually six, because they are doubled), you can get an idea of ​​the performance of your computer.

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