The art of tattooing has existed for many centuries.The first tattoo found on Princess Ukok in the 5th century BC. In the novels of many famous writers of different countries, such as Beaumarchais, V. Hugo, people with “signs” and “symbols” on their bodies are described. The term "tattoo" brought to Europe by J. Cook after a trip to Tahiti. For the first time it was mentioned about the bodily drawings of the Rus in 920 in the stories of the Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan.
Потом много веков у наших предков не было traditions to make a tattoo. Then tattoos began to be made by sailors on ships in the early 20th century. Next caught the tradition of criminals. Of course, there was no talk of any art here. Just wanted to stand out, designated their hierarchy and belonging to the criminal world.
И только в последние годы и в нашу страну пришла the tradition of simply decorating your body with drawings, the masters of Russian tattoo are famous all over the world, considered to be among the best, especially the masters of St. Petersburg and Moscow. There are many styles. Tattoo festivals are held. In tattoo parlors to a good master, there may be a queue for several months ahead. People from Europe come to them to leave an unforgettable pattern on their body. The tattoo "Medusa Gorgon" is very popular.
The youngest daughter of the sea elder Medusa was one ofthree sisters. She had very beautiful hair. The sea god Poseidon was keen to get her, and the girl hid in the temple of Athena, not wanting to see him. The treacherous Poseidon turned into a bird, flew into the temple and possessed it. The goddess Athena became angry at such treachery in her temple and instead of punishing God, turned the unfortunate girl into a monster. Instead of her wonderful hair were angry hydra, and looking at her, people turned to stone.
Со временем сердце девушки настолько от этого horror hardened, that she deliberately began to kill people. Only Perseus, with the help of Athena's advice, was able to overcome the monster by cutting off her head with a sword. He looked only at the reflection of the Gorgon in the shield.
Men opt for tattoo "MedusaGorgon "because of its severity and strong energy. Often the guys choose her as a severed head, symbolizing their invincibility and fearlessness. The perfidiousness of women does not affect the Gorgon Medusa tattoo carrier. He considers himself invulnerable under the female magic look.
If she is portrayed in full growth, with allbends of the body, then it has the meaning of terrible deceit. The guy wants to show that outwardly he can be one, soft and balanced, but in his soul a riot occurs. Furious look Gorgon choose guys who want to show their courage and strength of mind. It is better not to approach this, the retaliation will not take long.
The woman who chose such a tattoo wantsshow your waywardness, magical sexuality. Externally beautiful woman, but try to hurt me. Revenge will be unpredictable. Also, the tattoo "Medusa Gorgon" is chosen by independent and proud girls who want to show that it is not recommended to "play cat and mouse" with them. They can stand up for themselves. Sometimes women choose this image to emphasize their mysteriousness. Rarely, but there are cases when a deceived woman takes an image of herself in order to protect herself from the encroachments of the unworthy. Tattoo gives her strength and confidence, shows others that it is better not to offend her, that she will not bear the offense, and no one will offend her.
Перед тем, как нанести изображение на теле, the master must perform the sketch. In the salons there are albums with samples, and the client of them chooses a suitable tattoo. More often, people even before the salon are considering a tattoo on the Internet. Choosing, for example, the tattoo "Medusa Gorgon", the photo is shown in the salon to the master. Usually, tattooists work only in their own style. If the master has a neotradition style of work, then he will not want to make a tattoo in realism or domatka. Especially if it is a good master.
Usually a professional tattoo artist isa good artist and sketches on his own. In order for the master to make an individual sketch, you need to come to him in advance and make an application. In the course of creating a picture, the tattoo artist may suggest complementing the plot with various elements. If you like the idea, it will finish. However, super cool masters like to make tattoos only in their own vision, so that by the handwriting his work is recognizable. So the client only has to obey and proudly be the bearer of the masterpiece of the famous tattoo master.
The sizes of a tattoo get out at will and a placelocation. If the tattoo is on the arm or leg, then, of course, it will be small or medium-sized images. If you decide to stuff it on your back or chest, then you can take a large size. There are color and black sketches.
The value of the tattoo "Medusa Gorgon" demonstrates the powerand courage, she can be with an evil, scary face, with fangs and fierce maws. The cut off head is depicted with closed eyes, blood is flowing from the neck. Sometimes the image is complemented with roses, especially if it is an old school. Also, the location of the snakes on different sketches differ from one another. On the face sometimes paint a mask.
Choosing a tattoo for yourself, you need to be well and carefullythink about what you have to wear on your body for the rest of your life. Read the value of the tattoo and decide whether it fits your character. It happens that even a weak person is given a boldness by a beautiful tattoo that has a strong energy.