/ / How to use lightening shampoos correctly

How to properly use lightening shampoos

Women are constantly not happy with their appearance.They always sit on diets, go to cosmetologists, stylists and make-up artists. Naturally, hair color is also sometimes desirable to change. For the sake of their beauty and uniqueness of the image of a woman go to much. But with the coloring of the hair, you can not hurry, suddenly the color does not fit, and the harmful effects of staining can not be avoided. In order not to harm the condition of the hair, but at the same time to change their color, you can try clarifying shampoos.

What are they needed for?

Lightening shampoos are used to:

  • the color difference of the overgrown roots did not differ significantly from the rest of the hair;
  • the shade of the painted hair became less expressed;
  • gray hair was less noticeable;
  • prepare for hair coloring;
  • perform highlights.
    lightening shampoos for hair

Lightening shampoos are used for dark andlight hair. But if the natural color is darker than chestnut, there will be no effect, or it will turn out to be insignificant. Most often this tool is used for colored and streaked hair.

Composition and action

Lightening shampoos change the shade by no more than two tones, since they act gently and gently.

This tool usually includes the following components:

  • Lemon acid. It is necessary to facilitate combing and conditioning hair after the procedure.
  • Chamomile extract. Lightens hair, makes it obedient, soft and silky.
  • Sorbitol (or glycerin). Softens the texture of the shampoo so that its action is not too hard.
  • Silicone is water-soluble. Creates a protective film on the hair to facilitate combing and preventing tangles.
  • Natural vegetable oils. Positively affect the hair, depending on the concentration.
  • Dyes and preservatives. Provide the effect of the remedy, but can cause allergies.

brightening shade
Brightening shade of the shampoo, to achieve the desired effect is used several times. It all depends on the color that was before it was applied.

Most often, clarifying shampoos are made in tandem with a balm-rinse. Thus, the effect is strengthened and fixed.

How to use?

Lightening hair shampoos should only be used as recommended by the manufacturer in the enclosed instructions. Most often, the agent is applied twice:

  • First you need to wet your hair;
  • we apply a little money and foams;
  • then rinse well with water;
  • Re-apply a small amount of shampoo to the hair, foams and leave for a few minutes;
  • all thoroughly rinse with water;
  • we apply balm.

lightening shampoo for dark hair

Do not forget that shading and lightening shampoos should not replace conventional shampoos. They are suitable for single use or for periodically fixing the effect once a week.

For hair that have a pronounced yellow hue,such a tool is not recommended at all, or you need to do it with extreme caution. Otherwise, you can get a head of unnatural violet color.

Shampoo "Irida"

Many famous manufacturers makesuch means. One of the budget and popular options is "Irida" - a shade of shampoo. Feedback from customers about it is ambiguous. If you analyze the offer of such funds at prices, then this shampoo will be the most budget option. The package will cost about 70 rubles. This tool is presented in a diverse palette of colors.

Before using the product "Irida"(shade shampoo), customer reviews should still be read. More than half of the women who tried it are satisfied with the result and strongly recommend to others.

iridium color shampoo reviews

Consider the feedback of the fairer sex, who had experience in using such a shampoo:

  • the agent changes hair color very slightly;
  • Do not paint over the gray hair;
  • well removes yellowness from light hair;
  • suitable for emergencies, when you need to change the color, for example, for a banquet;
  • has a beneficial effect on the hair;
  • not suitable for sensitive and dry hair;
  • sometimes causes allergies.

Whether or not a tool will help a certain person depends on his type of hair, natural color and other individual factors.

Benefits of use

  • The application does not harm the hair.
  • A lightening shampoo for dark hair will help to find out if another, more light shade will suit a woman, and whether it is worth to be painted in the same way in the future.
  • Hair does not lose a healthy appearance and silky.
  • You can remove the yellowness of streaked strands and improve the appearance of a pronounced aggressive shade.

Disadvantages of the facility

There are certain disadvantages of use:

  • toning shampoos produce a short-lived effect;
  • since the composition is quickly washed off, it will be necessary to apply the agent every week to preserve the desired color;
  • besides this, they can cause a strong allergic reaction;
  • as a result of staining, a violet or gray shade may appear, which looks unnatural.

lightening shampoos
Before using clarifying shampoos forhair, you need to examine their composition. Most often, the coloring components and preservatives included in the shampoo, severely affect the hair. It is recommended to apply balm after application. Women with sensitive scalp, dry and weakened hair, it is better not to use such remedies at all. As for normal hair, it is also not recommended to abuse lightening and shading shampoos.

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