So, the first cause of engine malfunction -this is a fuel feed violation. This may be due to the fact that the electric fuel pump does not work or there are some malfunctions in the gasoline pressure regulator. The fuel filter may also be clogged or the fuel is not present at all in the tank. In this case, you need to check whether the fuse is in the normal state, if the EBC connectors, its relay, and the start relay are working. When the ignition is switched on, it is important that the engine emits a distinctive sound. So, if this problem really exists, then you need to replace the fuel pressure regulator or filter, and then pour gasoline into the tank. It will not be superfluous to check the serviceability of the connectors.
Also, engine malfunctions can be causedgetting into the fuel tank of water. Or he could simply refuse any of the engine cylinders. In this case, you need to drain the fuel from the fuel tank, check for serviceability and repair the problem. It is desirable to clean the carbon deposits and replace the candles and their tips.
It is worth mentioning and malfunctions of dieselengine. Many, buying this mechanism, pay attention only to a small expenditure of relatively cheap fuel. Undoubtedly, diesel engines are reliable. Their shortcomings are associated only with the technology of production, they are manifested only when the mileage that exceeds the specified resource, or with illiterate use. The global problem is the failure to comply with operational regulations. The oil needs to be changed once in 7000 kilometers traveled, otherwise it will be oxidized, and this negatively affects engine performance.