/ / Such different short haircuts

Such different short haircuts

Decide on a short haircut, in particularowner of long hair, very difficult. However, many girls go to the salon and cut off their hair, which they have grown so long, and this is all for the sake of fashion, as now all stylists recommend short haircuts. How to choose exactly the version of the shortened haircut that will ideally suit your type of face and appearance will be described later.

Very often short haircuts indicate thattheir owners are self-confident. It is believed that a clear sign of lack of consistency is not to get a haircut for many years and to wear hair in a bun. And if the girl has short hair, then it says that she seemed to have bare herself, and this is not everyone is able to. Many professional stylists believe that creative short haircuts and a new image always become the beginning of positive changes in life, so experiments with appearance can have a very positive impact on your life as a whole.

When choosing such a haircut, you need to consider a number of factors.

Short haircuts are optimaloption for the refined skinny girls. Such a type does not suit the shock of hair, but the short hair will look very harmonious. If the girl is full, then for her, this option will only exacerbate the situation, as it will attract excessive attention to the figure, you will get a small head, combined with a large body. The short hair concentrates on the face, so your eyes or lips should be very expressive, otherwise you can hear from your loved ones a terrible phrase: "It used to be better ...". Before cutting, your image was perceived with hair, and now they will take on themselves much less attention, that is, the face will become a more attractive object. If a short haircut is combined with a short neck or wide shoulders, then this is also not good, since it will begin to attract excessive attention to problem areas.

Short haircuts and your face shape

We are all individual, it is also possible to say aboutshape of the face, which can be square, round, oval, rectangular, triangular. It can not be said that one form of the face is good, and the other is not. Each person is especially beautiful, the main task is not to spoil his unsuccessfully chosen hairdo or haircut.

If you are the owner of an oval face,then you are suitable for very short haircuts, and long enough, both symmetrical and with varying degrees of asymmetry. Not recommended only loose hair of medium length or long.

If you are the owner of a round faceform, then the wrong hair will make it even rougher and larger, so you can try to visually extend it, using for this haircuts and short bangs. Do not do backcourt back, wear long curvy hair or do waving with massive curls. For a round face, short haircuts are not contraindicated, but it is necessary to leave a slightly elongated bang.

If you are the owner of a squareperson, then the most important task of the hairstyle is to give softness to his features. For this type of appearance, the hairstyle with the oblique bangs and parting will be ideally suited. It is worth giving preference to square or oblique square, but at the same time the front part of the hair should be elongated, so that wide corners of the chin are covered. Do not scratch your hair back, as this will make the appearance even rougher.

If you are the owner of a triangular face, then you should choose haircuts with a long lush straight or oblique bangs, and those that do not cover the ears and do not make the face even more elongated.

Owners of a rectangular face are not worthdo hair cuts without a bang or with a too short bangs, as well as hair that are cut at the same level. In this case, it's best to choose a haircut with a lush bang that will fall on the forehead.

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