/ / Hollywood make-up: secrets of the stellar makeup

Hollywood make-up: secrets of the star make-up

Bright, stylish, bold, luxurious - all this is Hollywood make-up. Today we will reveal all the secrets of the star makeup.

Star Makeup Rules

  • Say no to excesses! Remember that you can not emphasize your lips and eyes at the same time.
  • The ideal basis is the main secret of star makeup. Correctly selected tone will hide shortcomings of appearance and will emphasize its main advantages.
  • Use the eyeliner. It is she who will give your eyes the desired expressiveness. Stylists recommend using classic colors (black, blue, brown).
  • The eyebrow line should be in harmony with the color of the lips.Women rarely adhere to this rule. However, the world's leading stylists assert that harmony of the line of eyebrows and lips is important for creating a sophisticated image. For example, if you choose a lipstick of a light shade, then the eyebrows should be as natural as possible.

Hollywood makeup

Hollywood makeup is a whole science.It's not every girl who can make a perfect make-up. If you are not confident in your abilities - ask for help from a specialist who will help in creating a luxurious image. Today in any beauty salon stylists will make a beautiful star makeup. The price of such a makeup, as a rule, depends on the cost of the materials used.

Toned cream and powder: secrets of an ideal basis

Even skin tone - a required element of a Hollywood makeup. So, how to make an ideal base?

  1. Professional makeup artists recommend starting work with applying a moisturizer or mask. A special compound will prepare the skin for the subsequent application of paints.
  2. Apply makeup base. Makeup artists recommend using a foundation for evening make-up with light-reflective particles.
  3. Use a special corrector to disguise pimples and redness.
  4. To remove dark circles under the eyes, use a special concealer.
  5. Using a special sponge, apply a tonal basis. Remember that it should fully match the color of your face.
  6. With a light highlighter, select the area above the lip, near the outer corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow. This method will help make the person more expressive.
  7. A light flickering powder will help maintain the effect of makeup for a long time. Gently shade it all over the face, and then apply a blush on the cheekbones.

make-up price

Expressive eyes - the secret of a charming look

Hollywood eye makeup can be done in twovariants: classical and modern. The first presupposes the presence of arrows. Remember the eyes of the famous Marilyn Monroe. Bright, expressive, charming! This effect is achieved with the help of the right arrows. To decorate the eyes, use liquid liner and a black felt pen.

Modern version of Hollywood makeup use of monochrome shadows. So, how to give the eyes expressiveness? Reveal all the secrets of the star map!

  1. Apply the beige shadows on the eyelid and carefully blend them.
  2. Inner corner of the eyes decorate with silver paints.
  3. On the outer edge, apply shadows of a darker shade (coal black, steel or graphite).
  4. Exaggerate the shadows to create a smooth transition.
  5. With liquid liner or liner-pen, draw an elegant arrow.

Makeup stars are impossible without chic eyelashes. To create a volume makeup artists I recommend using a special mascara. You can also use false eyelashes.

makeup stars

The secret of luxury Hollywood lips

In Hollywood make-up, the color of the lips is very important.Today the most relevant shades are: plum, wine, cherry, red and cranberry. It is important to choose a tight opaque lipstick. In addition, Hollywood makeup allows the use of matte paints. So, how to make your lips bright and juicy?

  1. Draw the outline in pencil. Remember that its color should match the shade of lipstick.
  2. Use a brush with a pencil.
  3. Apply a brush with a lipstick.

Makeup stars: the secrets of beauty Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe - the main symbol of beauty and charm of the XX century. Today we will reveal all the secrets of her retro-makeup.

make-up effect

  • Natural complexion. Light, smooth and slightly transparent skin is the secret of an ideal foundation. Remember that the face should not look like a mask. Naturalness is always in fashion!
  • Fresh blush. Never forget about blush.They are just as important part of makeup as lipstick. To create a natural blush professional makeup artists recommend using not dry, but cream blush.
  • Black graceful arrows are an unchanging element of Marilyn Monroe's image. To create a retro shooter, use a liner-pen or a liquid liner.
  • Scarlet lips.Juicy and bright, bewitching and stylish - Marilyn Monroe's lips drove men mad. To create an image in retro style, use a cream or matte red lipstick. Shine in this case will be inappropriate. To make your lips look brighter and more juicy, their outline should be penciled. Remember that its color should completely match the shade of lipstick.
  • Natural eyebrows. Marilyn Monroe preferred thick, natural eyebrows of dark brown color.
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