/ / Stylish mens hairstyles (photo)

Stylish mens hairstyles (photo)

Hairstyle is a key element of the male image,it plays a very important role. Men, no less than women, care about the health and appearance of their hair. According to the results of the polls, almost 80% of the representatives of the stronger sex consider the hairstyle to be a reflection of their style and individuality. But not all men are willing to spend their precious time on long-term styling, so in fashion there is always a classic haircut, which you only need to thoroughly wash and blow dry.

Stylish men's hairstyles, able to emphasizecourage and sense of style, there are every new season thanks to the tireless work of stylists around the world. Consider the most popular and spectacular ones.


Haircut appeared in the middle of XX century in the UK, hence it got its name. The appearance of the haircut is very elegant and at the same time somewhat brutal, gives the man a special charm.

Such stylish men's hairstyles most oftenyoung boys choose, but in general there is no restriction on age or face form. The only thing that hair should not be very rare, otherwise the haircut will not keep the desired shape. You should also know that the british woman requires mandatory styling, but there is nothing to be afraid of - the process will take no more than 10 minutes. And when you "punched", then even less.

haircut british

The back of the head must be cut short, and the strands nearest to the face are of medium length. The Brit is made with a bang, which can be combed on one side.

You can lay this haircut in three ways:

  1. Lock the locks towards the back of the head.
  2. To comb the hair on one side.
  3. Send them up.

To the British always looked stylish and neat, in your arsenal you need to have the means for styling, namely: wax, gel and lacquer (enough will be of medium fixation).


In the list of stylish men's hairstyles not the lastplace is a universal haircut fade. She is unpretentious in care and suitable for men of any age category. The main feature of the fade is a smooth shadow transition.

It best fits in with the oval orround face, as visually lengthens its shape. People with a triangular face are recommended to supplement the image with a beard, and men with a square shape should make an asymmetrical haircut, depart from the perfectly correct form.

Cutting a fade has many variations. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • The classic option.He looks more conservative, looks like a Canadian (described below) and is suitable for men who are not ready for experiments. The essence of the haircut is a smooth transition from short strands to long ones.
  • High fade. The longest locks are on the top of the head, and the rest of the hair is cut very short.
  • Average. Something in between the two previous options. It begins with a microdroplet, but gradually turns into strands of medium length on the vertex.
  • Low. In this case, the strands are shortened from the back of the head.
  • Extended. A modern youth variant, when the locks on the nape are of medium length. Very nice looks like a hairstyle with a wavy head of hair.
  • Made with scissors. Haircut does not involve the use of a typewriter, only scissors and skillful hands of a master. Hairstyle in this version looks more manly.
  • Short. It is mostly athletes who prefer it, it looks pretty daring and stylish.
  • Parting. Hairstyle is suitable for men who prefer a business style, because it looks very elegant and elegant. It is made only on strands of medium length.
  • With beard. A very successful harmonious combination, when a smooth and smooth transition to the beard is made from the temple.

Owners of beautiful thick hair should pay attention to haircuts with an average length of strands. And if the hair does not differ in density, then a short fade is a fashionable and stylish way out of the situation.

Boxing and semibox

box and semibox

Short stylish men's hairstyles for all time - it's boxing and half-box. They are somewhat similar to each other, but still have a number of significant differences.

Hairstyle box should be no longer than 3 cm, whiskeycut out without fail, and the back of the neck only at the request of the client. The longest strands are in the upper part of the head, and the line of the transition can go along the occiput or slightly lower.

Poluboks looks more conservative. Upper strands can be longer than 3 cm, the transition line is slightly lower, and the transition itself becomes smoother.


Who would have thought that the haircut invented forconvenience of tennis, will be one of the most stylish men's hairstyles of our time? But it really is. Haircut has become popular due to its versatility, light technique, ease and ease of care. Hairstyle tennis is preferred by men of all ages, types of person and areas of activity.

Feature haircut - this is the maximum short neck and whiskey, and on the top - strands medium length. There are 4 variants of this hairstyle:

  1. Bobrik. The hair on the vertex should be short, about 2-2.5 cm, whiskey and the back of the head are almost 0.
  2. Kare. This haircut does not resemble a woman's square.The length of the hair should be within 1-2 cm on the entire head. The back of the head, whiskey and upper area are cut exactly and should be the same length. Haircut a little like the shape of a square.
  3. Hedgehog. The whiskey and the back of the head are invariably short, and the upper strands can be from 3 to 3.5 cm long.
  4. Youth option. It is more free and makes it possible to make different stackings. Upper strands can be 4 or 5 cm long.

Classic haircut

Among the stylish and fashionable men's hairstyles classichas never been forgotten, because it is truly a universal and effective haircut. The business card of the classic haircut is a clear hairstyle geometry and smooth cut lines. There are several options for the classic hairstyle, but they all have one thing in common - the length of the strands should be between 3 and 5 cm.

classic men's haircut

Haircut is very easy to care for, it's not necessaryaddition stack. Such a hairstyle is made for children, young people and men in adulthood. She always looks great. A classic haircut is suitable for all types of face, only if you have an extended face, the master will somewhat change the standard form of the hairstyle, but not crucially.


Canada takes one of the first places amongpopular male hairstyles for medium hair, as it is done by an experienced craftsman very quickly, it fits any style of clothing. Haircut effectively looks on wavy hair, best fits with an oval face, but with a round shape, too, will be well combined. Do not choose it for men with a rectangular shape of the face.

The essence of the hairstyle is that on the forehead andcrowns are the maximum volume and density of hair, and the neck with temples are cut a little shorter. In this case, the transition is almost imperceptible. To make the hair look perfect, you need to use a gel to fix it, and then the image of the modern dandy will be 100%.


The hairstyle fits absolutely any type of face withoutexceptions. Cutting cascades looks great on even and curly hair, with its help you can give the hair volume and beautifully lay the strands. The cascade will help to hide chubby cheeks and excessively sharp beard, and also to correct other lacks of appearance.

male cascade

Among the stylish men's hairstyles, photos of whichpresented in the article, the cascade is a universal solution, as it can be done on long, medium and even short hair. Each of the variations of this haircut looks impressive and stylish.

Undercut (Undercut)

Haircut is very popular among young people, andfirst saw the light back in the 1960s in the UK. Externally it looks like this: elongated strands, located on the vertex, cover on top a short-cut or shaved temples and a nape without any transition. This is one of the most stylish men's hairstyles for medium hair.

Undercut haircut

The main advantage of the undercard is thathe creates an effective image, while practically does not require the care of himself. If desired, the hairdo can be laid in dozens of different ways, and there are no restrictions on the choice of clothing. Haircut is combined with any way.

Top note (Top Knot)

Among the most stylish men's hairstyles with a tailor a bundle is considered a haircut top note, in recent years it began to choose millions of men around the world. After all, this haircut helps to show individuality, to look decisively and courageously.

In order to make a Top Knot haircut, you need to be patient and let go of your hair, but you will not have to wait too long. Hairstyle can be done on strings that have reached a minimum of 15 cm in length.

There are 3 ways to tie your hair:

  1. Loose knot. There is a feeling that he is about to fall apart.
  2. A bunch on the vertex. And at the back and at the bottom are completely shaved hair that show a clear line of transition.
  3. Tail. Usual ponytail, intercepted by an elastic band.
    haircut top knot

There are many fans at Top Knot haircuts withshaved temples. But it does not suit everyone. With a thin and elongated face, a stylish hairstyle will not harmonize. Also, it is contraindicated for people with a large massive nose, protruding ears or other similar features of appearance that are conspicuous. But at the same time, the haircut will give firmness to the limp chin and visually lengthen the face oval.


Among stylish men's hairstyles all the morepopularity is gaining a male bunch. Yes, today women began to cut hair short, and men to grow them. Such are the fashion trends that are happily followed by modern actors, singers and athletes.

The bunch makes the face more open and successfulsuitable for both sports and formal outings. Hairstyle can be transformed, as you wish: high or low, neat or slightly disheveled.

male beam

A male bunch should always be done on cleanly washed hair. And it is better to use some styling remedy to give it a neat shape.

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