/ Means after shaving. Cosmetics for men

Means after shaving. Cosmetics for men

Behind the shadow of a huge cult of women's cosmeticsit can not be seen at all cosmetic products for men, but this audience is no less in need of funds for care. The biggest stress for men's skin is shaving. Although some shave once every few days, most often this procedure is carried out daily, but the treatment of injured sites is rarely given the required attention. And this is wrong - the means after shaving are necessary for everyone, regardless of age.

What are the shaving aids for men?

In fact, in our time there are a lot of them:from balms, creams, foams and emulsions up to masks. All of them differ in time and method of application, and each is good in its own way: it helps with certain problems and is suitable for specific types of skin - dry, oily, sensitive, normal, combined. But the best after shave is, of course, the one that is right for you.

After shave care

What are they needed for?

To answer this question,what happens to the skin during shaving. Regardless of which razor is used (although with the help of well-sharpened blades it is possible to minimize the amount of damage), together with the hairs, the upper layer of the epidermis is cut, "exposing" the areas of the skin that are not yet coarse enough to contact the surrounding environment. Hence the two main problems: irritation and dryness. And just for their elimination there are various means after shaving.


What should aftershave lotion help?

As a rule, lotion is a remedy for irritation.After shaving, the entire face is strewn with small wounds that cause not only unpleasant itchy sensations, but redness on the skin. To disinfect them, alcohol is added to the lotions, but it has a strong drying effect on the skin, so some men (especially those with dry and sensitive skin types) prefer alcohol-containing products with a lower concentration of antiseptic (less than 30%). Here is an example of after shave lotion "Nivea":

Nivea After Shave Lotion

The main purpose of lotion is antibacterialprotection. In addition to alcohol in its composition include silver ions, chamomile and provitamins - they have a disinfecting, soothing and nourishing effects. These are the main components of after shaving care. Lotion "Nivea. Silver Protection" is suitable for all skin types, because the alcohol content in it is not more than 30%.

Who needs a cream after shave balm?

And this cosmetic product already servesother purposes - humidification and nutrition. As mentioned earlier, shaving, together with alcohol-containing lotion, dries very much the skin of the face. In men, it is thicker and fatter than women, so the first few need moisturizers. But in addition to the feeling of tightening, because of excessive degreasing, you can get sliding skin flaps and even eczema. To prevent them, you must use cream-balm. It restores the water balance, moisturizes the dried skin and nourishes it with the substances needed for recovery. As an example, consider another product "Nivea":

Cream-balm after shave

The main active ingredients in this product -vitamin E and aloe vera. The cream is suitable for normal skin, which once again emphasizes: moisturizing requires not only a dry type. It is worth paying special attention to the lack of moisture in the body in winter: at this time of year it is better to use the cream, so as not to weather the delicate skin after shaving.

What should be included in the composition?

It depends on the goals for which you are usingmeans. If humidification is required, the leading components should be substances such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the means containing salicylic acid and alcohol, which greatly dry the skin.

If you are looking for a means of irritation after shaving, you should pay attention to salicylic acid: it will prevent infections, redness and future scars.

We repeat:in the lotions in most cases includes alcohol. For normal skin, this may not be critical, but the owners of dry need to closely monitor the composition. If you want to find out if there is alcohol in the product that you use, then it is easy: after application, the alcohol-containing lotion should lightly heat the skin.

shaving aids for men

The real treasure in the composition of care products -this is aloe vera. The plant is suitable for all the above purposes. It has the strongest moisturizing effect, contains vitamins E and C, helps to accelerate the regeneration of cells, prevents the introduction of infection. The presence of such a component in the composition is a definite plus.

What is important for men in choosing?

When choosing cosmetics for skin care in the first place, men pay attention to several specific factors.

Very often before you figure out whichmeans for what is used, what components should be included in its composition and when to use it, men simply buy the first tube and assess its effect - is it even worse? Got better?

But to say "the first tube you got" would bewrong, because design is the first thing that consumers see and think about. Men like comfortable packaging, nice colors (dark blue and dark green), stylish design without pretentiousness. Oddly enough, many people when choosing after shaving means the first criterion is the appearance.

And the second criterion is the smell. But this point is obvious - if the after shave product that you put on your face every day, there will be an unpleasant odor, it will become impossible to use it.

the best after shave

In defense of the choice of men, we can say that theypay attention to the type of skin for which the product is intended. Although there is nothing wrong in focusing on your own feelings of use. However, if you paid more attention to the active substances, you could find the ideal remedy for you.

Is it possible to use women's means?

Really, are all these creams, gels, foams and lotions needed, if similar products are produced for women? Does it make sense to buy after shaving for men?

After shave care

Yes, they do.Firstly, it is trite because of the smell - all women's cosmetics usually have a sweet for men aroma. Secondly, a moisturizer for women's skin can be too fat for men, thicker and protected from nature.

Nevertheless, nothing terrible will happen ifyou will even be on a permanent basis to use such cosmetics for skin care. For example, to find truly sparing female aids after shaving is much easier than men's, yet with a whole palette of fragrances and additional ingredients.

Never forget that any skin needscare, especially after such a traumatic procedure as shaving. Properly selected after shave products will help daily maintain a neat appearance and health of the skin of the face.

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