/ / Hair lightening: reviews, ways, consequences

Hair lightening: reviews, ways, consequences

Women's passion for experiments with their ownappearance has long ceased to amaze the world. Change the figure, face, manner of dressing, hairstyle - a similar desire at least once visited every girl. If plastic surgery is not available to everyone and involves a much greater risk to health, then changing hair color is a less expensive, faster and safer way to bring something new to your image.

Lightening hair reviews
This procedure has many varieties.One of them is the lightening of the hair, the feedback about which can be persuaded to do it, and to force forever to abandon such a venture. To understand the details of this article.

Lemon juice

This method is one of the mosttested and traditional, because it was used long before the appearance of paints. He comes from eastern countries, where women have predominantly dark hairs of rich colors. Since this method is effective and safe, it is actively used today. Citric acid is able to dry hair, so it is recommended to use it only on fatty strands.

lemon juice for lightening hair

For the solution you need one lemon juice and waterin the ratio 1: 1. Ingredients are mixed, and then applied to clean, but slightly damp hair. It is recommended to follow from the roots towards the tips. After the first procedure, the result will be noticeable. Positive feedback on hair clarification similar to the method confirms its effectiveness.

Decoction of chamomile

The use of this plant is very great. Blonde often uses it in the manufacture of masks, broths for rinsing hair after washing. Among other properties of chamomile can be called and clarification.

It is best to use the possessor of light brown hair. It is on them that it has the most favorable effect, giving a light golden hue.

For broth, pour two tablespoons of dry chamomile with a glass of hot water (boiling water). Then hold it for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Let cool, drain the broth.

Apply the product regularly, after each washing of hair, just rinse them with wet strands. To wash it is not necessary.

chamomile for lightening hair

Feedback on the lightening of hair in this way says that the chamomile not only brightens the strands, but also nourishes them, strengthening, and also preventing loss.

Such a procedure is less radical, and the result from it will be noticeable not immediately. After the 6th procedure, the hair tone will change.

It is important to use freshly brewed broth, since after 24 hours it will lose its effect.

A kind of cunning of this tool is the fixation effect, which is especially noticeable on soft and thin strands.

Use of yogurt

A real salvation for thin and brittle hair. It nourishes, makes the structure denser, brightens well.

For the procedure, the following mixture will be needed:50 g of natural kefir, juice ½ of a lemon, 1 yolk, 1-2 tablespoons of cognac and a teaspoon of any hair balm. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then the resulting substance is applied to the hair, evenly distributed over the entire length.

For a better effect, the head needs to be insulated by putting on a polyethylene cap or something like that. The mixture should be kept for at least 8 hours, so it is better to apply it before going to bed or in the morning.

The result of the procedure will be noticeable after the first application, and the hair will become soft, get shine.


According to reviews, cinnamon lightening is excellent for dark strands. A wonderful bonus will be a magic smell.

It will take 3 tablespoons of cinnamon, 6 canteensspoon conditioner and 2 tablespoons of honey. These proportions are designed for long hair, for short it is recommended to reduce them. Lightening should be done after washing your head. Strands should be practically dry. The mixture is applied carefully from the roots towards the ends.

As in the case with a kefir mask, the head must be insulated with a polyethylene cap and tissue napkin. Keep the mixture is 3-4 hours.

The result will be noticeable after the first application. Hair will lighten 1-2 shades. For greater effect, the procedure can be repeated. Strands will be very shiny, will become obedient, silky.

Since cinnamon has a characteristic smell, it is worth choosing a balm or conditioner with a neutral flavor.


By itself, it is also used to lighten hair. The price of such a tool is relatively low, but there are more benefits at times. Honey perfectly restores damaged hair and nourishes them.

For the procedure, add to the shampoo a littlesoda and wash their head. Then the hair needs to be dried a little. Honey is heated in a water bath and applied to damp strands. Next, the head is covered with polyethylene (cap or simple package). After two hours, the mask is washed off. The plus of this method is that the hair is lightened gradually, in parallel, the course of recovery takes place.

White henna

This is a special chemical composition, where there isa large number of different additives, and therefore, it must be used with caution. White henna for lightening hair is used as follows: the powder is diluted with water or kefir to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The mixture is applied to strands, after 40 minutes thoroughly rinse.

white henna for lightening hair

After the first application of white henna to lighten hair, they will acquire a rusty hue, so the procedure must be repeated.


The consequences of lightening hair can be very diverse, but on the web you can find a lot of both negative reviews and positive ones. Still it is worth to be ready for a number of unpleasant moments:

  • Shevelura will experience stress in the process of such a procedure. It is possible that the strands will become more dry, especially if low-quality products have been used.
  • Hair after clarification can also become more brittle. Let this problem not be noticeable to others, but it will still bring trouble. A mask with keratin content will help in this situation.
  • Changes in the image will not only affect the hair itself. The lighter their tone, the thinner the face will look, which means it is important to choose the appropriate make-up so as not to look painful.

The price of lightening the hair varies.If the procedure takes place at home, the costs will be minimal, but there is a risk not to get the desired result due to inexperience. The master in the salon will be able to suggest an acceptable shade, advise the paint, and make a qualitative clarification.

hair after lightening

Change yourself - the dream of many girls.Transforming hair color is one of the easiest ways to do this. Let the brunette look at the blondes sidelong, but often it's a look of envy, because many of them themselves dream to join them.

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