The sun is considered a natural antidepressant,which energizes, raises the mood, gives strength. Taking sunbaths, we get rid of fatigue, all life-important processes are set in the body. In addition, a tan makes the body more attractive, evening the skin tone.
Thanks to the sun, the work of the internalorgans, the vitamin D required for bones is produced, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. However, to get everything useful from a natural source and do no harm to health, you need to know some peculiarities of sun exposure.
How to tan if the skin is white?For owners of light skin, the regime of sun exposure is special. In order to get a beautiful tan and maximum health benefits, and not burns, you need to stay in the sun often, but not for long. When can you sunbathe people with a light skin tone? The sun's rays are most active from 11 to 16 hours. During this period, it is worthwhile to hide in the shade and dress in light clothing covering the skin. Periods 9-11 and 16-19 are considered the most optimal for a tan with any type of skin. People with intense formation and accumulation of a specific pigment (melanin) in the lower layers of the skin tan appears quickly, so they do not make much effort to get a beautiful shade. Those who have melanin produced in insufficient quantities, worried about the question of how to tan. If the skin is white, it will not be possible to get a beautiful shade quickly. It should start with small doses of sunbathing and gradually increase them. Usually for the first time, 15 minutes is enough. Gradually, this time is increased and brought to the maximum two-hour stay in the sun. Do not forget about cosmetics with UV protection factors for the face and body. Choose the means before and after sunbathing.
At a time when you do not take sunbathing,but you have to be in direct rays, use light clothing that covers all areas of the skin, and a hat with wide margins. On the face, neck and decollete at this time, apply a cream with protection from ultraviolet. Do not forget also about the open part of the legs. Thus, you will not have places with a more intense tan, and the skin will be smooth and beautiful. Sunburns quickly, as a rule, the part that most often remains open. In the end, it turns out that the face, decollete zone, shoulders and the upper part of the foot are under the sun more often. Consider this, wondering how to tan.
If the skin is white, then, no matter how you sunbathe,she will not become swarthy. To give the light skin a beautiful tone, you need to take sun baths regularly and be sure to follow the regime. In a hot period, it is desirable to eat foods that contain vitamins E and C, selenium and zinc. They will protect the skin from premature aging, burns and will fix the tan. It does not hurt to include in your diet foods rich in beta-carotene to give the skin a golden hue. Asking about how to tan, if the skin is white, remember the consequences that can be caused by non-observance of the regime of sun exposure. In pursuit of a dark shade of the skin, you can cause such a serious disease as cancer. Remember that beauty can only be when there is health.