/ / "Baptiste" depilation cream: description, features, instructions for use, types and reviews

"Baptiste" depilation cream: description, features, instructions for use, types and reviews

Депиляция у многих девушек может вызвать панику.This process is usually quite painful. To alleviate suffering, special depilatory creams come to the rescue. For example, "Baptiste". What kind of a tool is this? What are the pros and cons? Does the cream work? How good is "Baptiste" (depilation cream)? Only customer reviews help to soberly assess the situation. After all, manufacturers always praise their products!

Baptist Cream for Depilation

Definition of depilation

Для начала стоит понять, что такое депиляция в principle. Is this process something specific? Yes. Depilation is the removal of unwanted hair from the body. Usually accompanied by pulling these. It brings quite painful sensations.

In order to alleviate the suffering of women,invented a variety of depilatory creams. They help to carry out the procedure independently, without pain and discomfort. There are many of their varieties. What can the "Baptiste" offer? The depilation cream with this name is in great demand among buyers. But why? What is so special about it?

Variety of choices

For example, a huge selection of products.Girls like that they have the full right to purchase a depilation cream that suits them. Not all such products are universal. Sometimes you have to choose a particular cream for a specific type of skin and hair. And this is not so simple as it seems. At the moment, the depilation cream "Red Line Batiste" offers the following product options:

  • "Honey".
  • "Yoghurt".
  • "Silk".
  • "Fruit".
  • "Cucumber".
  • "Chocolate".
  • "Pink".
  • "With argan oil."

Each of these depilatory products is intended for a specific type of skin, as well as hair. Without problems, you can choose the option that suits you the most!

cream for depilation bacon cucumber

A little surprise

This is not all the advantages offered by the "Red Line". The fact is that besides ordinary depilation creams, you can buy special gift sets. They are also in great demand.

As a rule, they are intended for an integratedskin care. Usually the kit includes a cream and some other remedy (for slowing down hair growth or a foot scrub). A very good option for those who are not only interested in depilation. A wonderful gift to yourself and your family!


"Baptiste" - cream for depilation, which pleases buyers with its composition. True, it is not entirely safe. However, like most analogues. This cream contains:

  • water;
  • flavoring;
  • glycerol;
  • vegetable oils;
  • beeswax;
  • alkali;
  • active components;
  • other excipients.

It is the "active" components that play an important rolefor depilatory. They emphasize the characteristics of each type of cream "Baptiste". Thanks to them you can choose the product that suits your hair and skin!

cream for depilation baptist chocolate


Depilatory cream "Baptiste" (reviews and advice onapplications are presented to your attention in the article) you need to be able to use. Improper handling of the product results in a substandard result. To avoid this, carefully read the instructions for the product.

It says that first thing you need to clearskin and thoroughly dry it (the area to be depilated). Next, you need to apply a special spatula cream. Preferably against hair growth. You can and in the direction, but only so that the tool completely hides the hairs.

Ready? Then leave on the skin for 5 minutes depilatory, after wash it with warm water. For faster cleansing, first remove the cream with a spatula.

Caution does not hurt

Do not forget: "Baptiste" (depilation cream) in its composition contains a lot of alkali. So, this is not such a safe tool. Special care must be taken during the application.

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First, the cream should not get into the eyes. If this happens, flush them with warm water. If side effects (redness, burning, itching, lacrimation) appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Secondly, leaving the remedy on the skin for a long time is dangerous. No more than 15 minutes - this is the maximum waiting period for the result. It is better to repeat the procedure several times.

Thirdly, do not use "Batista" before checkingon allergic reactions. To do this, apply the cream on the back of the elbow for a few minutes, then rinse and observe the skin reaction. Nothing happened? Then you can start the procedure! If not, choose another depilatory.

Attention:it is not recommended such depilation to allergic people. They often have a reaction to the substances contained in the composition of the product. Also do not forget: increased alkalinity contributes to burns on the body. It is for this reason that precautions are strictly necessary!

Price category

It is already clear what the cream is forDepilation "Baptiste". Price - this is another characteristic that pleases buyers. Many girls claim that this product is a budget and very high quality analogue of expensive depilation products (for example, Veet).

cream after depilation baptiste

On average, one tube will cost 80-100 rubles.Not much! Especially considering the fact that the package lasts for 1-2 months (3-4 applications). Cost-effective and inexpensive high-quality hair removal in unwanted places! Just what you need! For all this, "Baptiste" (depilation cream) receives only positive opinions!

Cucumber's paradise

And now a little about the most common typesfacilities. Most often there is a depilation cream "Baptiste Cucumber". It is designed specifically for sensitive skin. Must slow down hair growth and moisturize the skin.

This cream is intended specifically for the zonebikini, but can be used on other parts of the body. The entire depilation process will be accompanied by a gentle and rich cucumber aroma. Girls indicate that this cream is the hardest to get. It is universal. With its task of removing hair copes at 100%. Helps to eliminate the possibility of ingrown hairs. If you do not want to select a specific depilatory for a long time, then "Cucumber Baptiste" is ideal for you!

depilatory cream red line cambric

Chocolate pleasure

This does not end the most common component lines. There is a depilatory cream "Baptist Chocolate". It is also common, but not the same as "Cucumber".

"Шоколадный Батист" предназначен специально для remove dark and hard hair. It is very difficult to get rid of such "vegetation". Therefore, often you have to use a depilator. But with "Baptiste" now there will be no unpleasant sensations and pain! The "chocolate" version perfectly copes with its task. True, its effectiveness is not much different from the effect of epilators.

The huge advantage of the tool is not onlyno pain, but also slowing hair growth. Repeat the procedure may take about 2-3 weeks. Ingrown hairs? Forget them! "Baptiste" completely prevents their appearance. Pleases and the smell of cream - a rich aroma of cocoa beans will accompany you the whole procedure. And a long time after it!


But "Baptiste Yoghurt" uses a smallerdemand. It is intended for sensitive and dry skin. It is recommended for the treatment of skin areas with light and soft hair. Only the girls, he is not too happy.

First, this cream should slow growthhair. No such result, in any case significant, is not visible. Secondly, the cream has a specific chemical odor. Not very pleasant. Thirdly, "Baptiste Yoghurt" is not suitable for all types of hair. He does a poor job of depilating areas with coarse and stiff hairs. Hence, it is intended only for a specific application.

You can buy yourself such a product, but only ifthere are no other analogs. For maximum results, it is necessary to withstand the skin cream for about 15 minutes. Be careful, do not overdo it! Otherwise, burns may appear!

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The Silk Road

The last popular tool is "BaptisteSilk. "However, he also has his own shortcomings: this cream is used for sensitive and dry skin.As opposed to" Yogurt ", he copes with dark and hard hair.The growth does not slow them down, although he should .For that there is a cream after depilation "Baptiste Silk." True, it is not very effective.

Disadvantages are odors from depilatoryagents, as well as an unpleasant sensation of glycerin on the skin after application. In general, the cream is not bad, but it is inferior both in its effect, and in the aromatic constituents of "Cucumber" and "Chocolate".

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