/ / What hair color will fit green eyes? Quite a lot of options

What hair color is suitable for green eyes? Quite a lot of options

Choosing paint for curls, always worthtake into account not only fashion trends and modern trends, but also how they will correspond to a specific image and appearance. For example, many girls think about what hair color will fit their green eyes.

what hair color will fit green eyes

It must be said that the green color of eyes with longtimes is considered fabulous, witchcraft. In the Middle Ages, girls and women only for the color of the iris could be burned at the stake, believing that green-eyed sorcerers could damage the livestock or people or cause even worse trouble. Well, if green eyes were combined with fiery-red hair! True, it is not clear that in this case it was necessary to do the inhabitants of Ireland? After all, there is this type of appearance found everywhere. Well, okay, the strangeness of medieval inquisitors is a separate topic. Let's go back to modern times.

We have to admit that even nowadaysgreen-eyed beauties have an amazing, almost magical effect and attract the attention of others. And not only men. Well, to enhance the effect it is worth experimenting with the color of the hair.

light brown hair color green eyes

So, green eyes: what hair color to choose?Here it is necessary to take into account such a moment as the shade of the iris itself. Very bright, piercing green eyes (they are also called feline) are very, very rare. But if a girl is lucky to become the mistress of just such a treasure, she can without hesitation choose for her curls any color that she wishes. And the more saturated it is, the better. Of course, the most attractive and win-win options are any shades of honey, chestnut, copper, bronze and chocolate. If you choose a dark or rich black color, you get a real vamp lady: luxurious, charming and destructive. And, oddly enough, even a blond color can go to such ladies (although it is not worth changing your hair radically, you should spare your own hair). So, the best choice is bright, with a red shade of color. In addition, the coloring will look great - in this case, even without that, bright eyes will acquire additional charming magnetism.

green eyes what hair color

And what hair color is suitable for green eyes,if they are swampy? Here, the ideal solution would be soft tones, calm and gentle. The softer and lighter the tone, the brighter and more expressive the eyes will be. It is best to prefer nutty shades. Do you have blond hair, green eyes? Consider yourself fabulously lucky! For such a combination can be called perfect. Red paints with a subdued shade (but not brightly poisonous!) Will look great too: burgund, mahogany, mahogany, copper. But with white strands marsh eyes do not harmonize (they will seem dull and inexpressive), so you shouldn’t repaint the platinum blonde.

What hair color is suitable for green eyes, ifare they ... "transparent"? Such eyes, resembling rather pure forest lake under the rays of the morning sun, are quite rare. They are ideally combined with cool calm tones: all shades of ashen, pearl, wheat. That is all that emphasizes, but does not obscure, the natural uniqueness of such eyes. A good option is highlighting (only the main tone should be warm brown, then the contrast will add brightness and expressiveness to the eyes and the whole image).

There is also one more variant, which occurs, by the way,pretty pieces. This is a gray-green tint of the iris. What hair color will fit the green eyes of this particular type? Well, the output will again be saturated and deep brown tones, for example, coffee with milk or dark chocolate. Neither ashy, nor burning-red in this case will not work, however, as golden shades. Although it is possible to experiment if you wish, sometimes it brings quite interesting results.

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