/ / Purple hair: find your shade!

Purple hair: find your shade!

Bright, unusual, stylish, bold, sometimes even withcall. This should be a modern woman. And very much in the life of every woman determines the color. The color scheme of each of the fair sex, like nothing else, will emphasize her personality and will be able to tell about her character. And who said that women can only be blondes, brunettes or redheads? Any of them can become pink, blue, green or purple. The main thing is that this color is correctly matched to the color of the skin and the structure of the hair. Today, the trend is violet.

From royalty to matrons, and again to the top of fashion!

Purple hair
Purple hair, from gentle to saturatedshade - it's stylish at any age. The main thing is to choose this color you need. Violet color harmoniously combines the energy of aggressive red with the elegance of noble blue. This, at first glance, incongruous, has always been associated with kingship, with something that rises above. Above the crowd, over habits, over standards and templates. The purple hair color in the female fashion has gone a long and complicated way. Not so long ago, in the time of our grandmothers, this color was worn only by elderly matrons, and because of the lack of quality paints used in ordinary ink. Is it funny? Of course! But it is indicative - women at all times tend to be beautiful, and the hair color, like nothing else, helps them in this. And now purple is experiencing its second birth - it has become relevant for all ages.

Purple, he is so different

Purple hair color
Violet is a squeak of fashion.It can be both calm tones, and crushing bright. Violet hair is perfectly combined with dark shades, especially with black or chestnut. Rich and stylish, this color can completely transform any woman, giving her a royal majesty or crazy disobedience, it depends on the makeup and hairstyle that will be matched to such hair. Of course, the new style will require other accessories and a properly chosen wardrobe. Stylists advise combining purple hair with green, white, black and brown garments.

Purple blonde and purple brunettes

Now about the most important thing - which shadepurple choose, because the palette is huge. And there is a danger of "overdoing" the color. There are women brave - they rush into change, as in a whirlpool, and can easily turn from a blonde into a burning brunette with a purple hue. It's much easier for them. They can also emphasize their purple hair with a bright ribbon, creating an eye-popping image instantly.

But how many of the beautiful womenhalf of humanity doubting: and suddenly I will not go ... They can be advised to come to a new image gradually, to select shades from the lightest to the most saturated. Of course, the natural color of hair plays a key role in choosing a shade of purple. Those who have dark curls will come up with deep shades of purple. This will add hair and visual volume. Those who have brightened with strands can choose a light pale lilac shade that creates a bewitching harmonious image.

Technology of dyeing hair
About hairstyles and color

A great idea is the combination of different colorshades in one hairstyle. Interlacing of light and dark tones will create a unique image, but here you need a special technology for dyeing your hair. A professional stylist can advise a suitable shade and the correct method of coloring. Particular attention should be paid to the guiding strands, because bright colors require constant laying in order to maintain the original flawless effect. And you can not forget about the curls: with a purple hue, they will look very feminine and sexy.

In general, the shades of purple are great, find your own!

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