/ / Autosunburn "Garnier": product reviews and rules for its use

Autosunburn "Garnier": product reviews and rules for its use

Autumn is in the yard, and we want summer so much! To shine a bright sun, everything around was fresh and green, a beach with fine warm sand, a warm tender sea, and we are all so beautiful

autosunburn garnier отзывы
and tanned.And now what? There is not much sun, the tanning goes off quickly, and we can only dream about the next summer. And you want to have elastic tanned skin all year round! Of course, a solarium can be a solution in this situation. But we all know that regular ultraviolet radiation is very harmful to the skin. It dries it, depriving it of natural moisture. As a result, the skin quickly grows old, "age" pigment spots appear prematurely on it, which greatly upsets every woman. Fortunately, there is a way out and from this situation - you need to use a cream that gives a light bronze shade. In this article I want to talk about a similar facility, which is called autosunburn "Garnier." Reviews about this company's products are very good. The means of beauty that she releases, you can safely be trusted. In addition, it is worth noting that the prices for products of this huge cosmetic concern are very acceptable for our dear customers.

A little bit about Garnier

Вначале я хочу немного рассказать о самой company Garnier, who was born in sunny Paris - the city of love and beauty - in 1904. Her owner was a perfumer and a hairdresser Alfred Amour Garnier - hence the name of the company. The first product he released was a hair lotion. It became a real sensation in the world of beauty, because at that time people were washing their heads with soap. Soon a successful company was bought by a certain Gaston Russell, and it was called Laboratoires Garnier. The assortment of products of the company quickly expanded: there appeared the means for the skin care of the face, body and hair.

garnier reviews

In 1936, there were products that protect the skinfrom harmful solar radiation, - Ambre Solaire. Since then, many years have passed, and the cosmetics "Garnier", reviews on which were and remain mostly positive, has become one of the best in the world. The beauty products of this company take care of our hair and skin, take care of the oral cavity, help us to always be beautiful and healthy. One of the products, which in the range is represented in the line of cosmetics for the skin of this company, are autosunburns.

Tanning salons from Garnier

Autosunburn "Garnier", reviews about which inmost of them positive, is available in several forms: milk, gel, spray and mousse. Spray is very convenient to use, because it does not need to be rubbed with your hands. But at the same time it is less economical. Gel and mousse moisturize the skin better, lie evenly. Milk is used mainly to apply to the skin of the body.

cosmetics garnier отзывы

Before using an autosunburn from"Garnier," which reviews focus on the effectiveness of the tool, you need to clean and prepare the skin. To do this, it should be properly roasted and processed with a scrub. This is done so that the tint of the sunburn falls flat. After the procedure, we apply self-tanning on the face and body. After that, my hands with soap. As a rule, such tools already include moisturizing components. Therefore, no application of any nourishing or moisturizing cream is usually required.

Customer Reviews

Most women who have already tried itmeans, they agree that it was easy and convenient for them to use self-tanning "Garnier". Reviews of it say that after using this cream, the skin becomes unusually soft, moisturized, acquires a beautiful natural tan. This is very important, as many autosunburns from other manufacturers give too dark or unnatural shades. The buyers of "Garnier" note that the result of using the cream begins to appear already on the 4th day.

Thus, autosunburn "Garnier", reviews aboutwhich is said about the high effectiveness of this product, not only gives the skin a bronze shade, but also cares about it, moisturizes and protects from harmful factors.

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