/ / Tattoo "Maori": meaning for the tribe, how they were applied, what is different

"Maori" tattoo: the meaning for the tribe, how it was applied, what is different

Tattooing is an art.In ancient times it was sacred. Popularity has survived to this day. Tattoo "Maori" - the property of the homonymous settlement of New Zealand. This tribe considered the most sacred part of the body a head. Not surprisingly, a person is the most popular place for tattoos of this kind.

Maori Tattoo

By their appearance, tattoos are curved and spiral lines. The whole face, covered with tattoos, speaks of a high status and power.

From the history

The Maori tribe tattoos were a kind of ritededication. The first of them was applied to a teenager and in the course of her life was finished. The information on the drawing told the tribesmen about the place of the person he occupies in society. In another way these tattoos were called "moko". They told everything about a person: the family, the financial position of the family, etc.

maori tattoo sketches

Tatu "Maori" enjoyed great respect in the tribe. This is especially true of men. To put drawings on the whole body were entitled only to leaders, noble warriors and priests.

Initially, the tattoo was applied only to the face, the remaining parts of the body had to be earned by their exploits or origin.

If a tribesman covered his body with tattoos without special rights, he was executed.

Tattooed in unconventional ways. Without using needles. The main tools are various forms of knives and chisels, which are made from the teeth and bones of large predatory fish.

Inks were made according to a strict prescription.The main components for creating pigmentation are natural substances. It could be the ashes of trees mixed with animal fat. The darkest pigment, created from the ashes, was stored for the face. Ink, cooked according to other recipes, was applied to less important parts of the body. All the pigments were stored in decorated dishes called "Oko". These items became family relics, which were passed down from generation to generation.

About the Tribe

The name of the Maori tribe has a definition of "normal" or "normal". But if you look at its representatives, they are very difficult to name.

Thanks to carved intricate patterns on the skinMaori communicated with the Gods. The process itself was something like a sacrifice. The only brave representatives could decide this step.

The most painful tattoo

According to the legend, before the tattoo "Maori", the master must carefully examine the person's face. This allows you to make an individual picture.

In the culture of the tribe there is no catalogimages. Those who want a real tattoo, you need to be brave, because will have to endure the intense pain that is an integral part of the ritual.

Maori tattoo meaning

At the first stage, the master makes deep cuts of the skin, then fill them with ink.

Nowadays, tattoos are applied to give the imagea certain style or charm. Masters are already using modern methods of impaling, which are less painful. The toughest way to try is to experience the authenticity of a Maori tattoo. Sketches can be viewed on the photo.

What is a tattoo

Maori laid in the drawings secret meanings. Depending on the location, each tattoo was divided into several parts. If a man was respected by his fellow tribesmen, his face was completely painted.

  • The picture on the forehead said that man is a warrior.
  • Tattoos around the eyes showed marital status.
  • Cheeks - a place that personifies the profession.
  • The jaw and chin were shown on the estate in which the tribesman was born.
  • The right side of the face spoke about the mother's pedigree, the left - the father

Significance of tattoos

All information about the tattoo "Maori" value was very important for fellow tribesmen. Moko was a substitute for all modern documents.

Such tattoos allowed not only to identify the person, they had a certain ritual orientation.

maori polynesia tattoo

The drawings on the body protected the representatives of the tribe from diseases. And according to belief, the soldiers were given strength of spirit and helped in battle. To those who died, tattoos showed the way to the other world.

Women covered the face with drawings not as thick as the representatives of the stronger sex. For the beautiful half, images about the lips, eyebrows and wings of the nose were of great importance.

If the man’s tattoos showed a pedigree, the pictures on the woman spoke about her marital status and the number of children.

What is the difference between tattoos

«Маори», Полинезия, тату – эти понятия тесно connected. Drawings have always been a clear thin lines with well-drawn fine details. All this developed in a smart pattern. Another important feature is the arrangement of the ornament in a spiral. The whole picture unfolds around an invisible axis.

Only priests were engaged in tattooing in the tribe, since this was attributed to sacred action, which could not have happened without worshipers.

Today, one of the most popular ornaments is Maori tattoo. Sketches exist in large quantities. You can pick up your favorite and fill it on any part of the body, regardless of the customs.

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