/ / What is smeared around the nail when manicure? Description of various means

What is smeared around the nail when manicure? Description of various means

Every girl wants to have a beautiful manicure.And many people want to learn how to independently create masterpieces on their nails. In this the girls will help some secret tricks. In the process of creating the perfect manicure, any irregular movement can spoil the whole idea, staining the skin around the nail or cuticle. Excess varnish can be easily removed with a cotton swab, after having been wetted in a special varnish remover. But, to save time and nerves, the skin around the nail is better to protect immediately. In the article we will take a closer look at what professional masters smear around the nail during manicure.

that smeared around the nail when manicure

Means to protect the skin around the nail when manicure

Technique water, gradient and ombre manicurequite difficult. It is impossible to make it so that the cuticle and the skin around the nail are not touched by varnish. Some girls use scotch to cover skin from pollution with varnish. But this method of protecting the cuticle is ineffective with water manicure. In water, ordinary scotch is soaked, becomes less sticky and does not adhere well to the skin. As a result, the lacquer penetrates through it and pollutes the cuticle. It would seem that it is easy to clean the skin from varnish with a cotton swab and acetone containing agents. But as a result, instead of a beautiful manicure, it is likely to get a spoiled design and mood. Therefore, modern girls are increasingly asking the question: what is smeared around the nail when they do a manicure? There are many ways to protect the cuticle from lacquer on it: cream, ointment, petroleum jelly, PVA glue. Let us consider in more detail each of them.

Vaseline to protect the cuticle from lacquer

Asked what is smeared around the nail whengradient manicure, should focus on petroleum jelly. This tool is very greasy and has a viscous texture, so it covers the finger very well, and the varnish does not get on the skin. Apply Vaseline should be very careful that nothing fell on the nail. Otherwise, the manicure may be spoiled. It is very easy to remove petrolatum with varnish using cotton buds.

than smear around the nail with a gradient manicure

PVA glue for the safety of the skin around the nail

Многие девушки хотят узнать, чем мажут вокруг nail with ombre manicure. In fact, the necessary means is in almost every home. This is ordinary PVA glue. How does he act? First, the skin around the nail and the cuticle must be smeared with glue using a brush. This should be done carefully so that the glue does not fall on the nail. Being in the open air, the glue will set and form a protective film. It will prevent nail polish from getting on the skin and keep the manicure perfectly smooth and neat. Glue is removed very easily with ordinary water and cotton swabs.

Данный способ очень прост и экономичен.There is PVA glue in every home, so you don’t have to spend time and money looking for another similar product. It is easy to use, and it will take much less time to remove the glue than to clean the skin from the polish.

Oily hand cream

Asking what is smeared around the nail whenmanicure, should pay attention to the usual hand cream. The fatter it is, the more reliable the protection of the skin from undesirable varnish. In addition, you can also use face cream, but the only and basic requirement is fat. It is because of this quality that undesirable varnish does not get on the skin and does not spoil the manicure. Apply the cream for manicure as easy as other tools. It is necessary to lubricate the skin rollers around the nail and the cuticle as gently as possible so as not to touch the nail itself. When the manicure is ready, the cream together with the varnish is very easy to remove with cotton pads or chopsticks. This method is very simple and effective. Many young girls and do not realize that smeared around the nail with manicure ordinary improvised means.

than smeared around the nail when manicure ombre

Skin Defender - to protect the skin around the nail

Выше были рассмотрены простые способы защиты кожи from an undesirable varnish, but professionals prefer to use various cosmetics. One of them is a protective coating Barlet Skin Defender. This tool, which smeared around the nail for manicure, is gaining increasing popularity due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

In addition, the tool has a number of other advantages, including:

  1. Naturalness - as part of no synthetic substances.
  2. The presence of a durable bottle, which is very convenient to travel.
  3. Pleasant aroma of essential oil after drying.
  4. Existence of a convenient brush with which help it is easy to put means, without touching a nail.
  5. Long shelf life.

Skin Defender is easy to apply.Using a comfortable brush, it is necessary to treat the skin around the nail plate. If the tool has fallen on the surface of the nail, it must be removed, otherwise the varnish will not hold. Skin Defender dries very quickly, so almost immediately after application you can begin to create a unique manicure. Removes the coating as a film, so remove it is not difficult.

Other companies have similar means, for example, Pure Manicure from Dance Legend.

than smear around the nail when doing a manicure


So, in this article we looked at what is being smearedaround a nail at manicure professionals and ordinary girls. There are a huge number of available tools that are in every home. They will help to create a beautiful and neat manicure without excess varnish on the skin.

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