/ / How to build up nails on tips? Instructions and equipment

How to build up nails on tips? Instructions and equipment

Такой способ ухода за маникюром, как наращивание nails, has become a routine procedure for a long time. Every girl at least once made herself beautiful artificial nails. And, of course, each is familiar with how the process of nail extension. Building on tips is an uncomplicated method that will help your nails to get beautiful shape and desired length. Knowing how to grow nails tips at home, you can easily try to do this in practice. The result will please every woman.

how to build up nails on tips

What is tips

Tips are special shapes that havethe shape of the nail plate. They are made of plastic. Tips are attached to the nail with a special glue, as well as false nails. In order not to notice the difference between artificial and real nails, polishing of the border between them is carried out. After that, the nail plate is given the desired shape and the nail is enlarged on the tips with the help of a gel. How to build nails on tips, of course, know the professionals in their field. But in reality there is nothing difficult in this, and each person can independently master this technique. The extension procedure takes on average no more than 3 hours.

In order to create a beautiful and neatmanicure, tips should be as similar in shape and bend as possible to a real nail. If you can not find the perfect shape, then you should choose a larger size tipsu. The desired result can be obtained by cutting.

For those who are starting to get acquainted with technology, how to build up nails on tips, you need to know that they have their differences. Tips differ from each other in the following ways:

  • The form.
  • Colour.
  • Appointment.
  • Contact area.

how to grow nails tips at home

Forms Tips

Today there are several types of forms of tips. It:

  • Straight lines.
  • Classical.
  • Curved.
  • Narrowed.

Типсы всех этих форм делают разной длины.But the most popular are the longest forms, since you can give your nail any desired length. Also, most often manicure masters use the classic form of tips. It has a smooth bend and most accurately simulates a real nail plate. Classic tips are also called comfort or standard.

When creating a manicure in the style of "American" preference is given to curved tips, they will more accurately convey the effect of curved nails.

 how to grow nails on tips gel

Color differences of tips

Before you build up nails on tips, you need to decide what the final manicure will look like in order to choose the appropriate color of the material. Tips can be:

  • Transparent.
  • Natural color.
  • Colored.
  • French Tips
  • With design.

Tips with a design - it is immediately a ready-made solution of manicure. Such materials do not need filing, they already have a ready-made drawing and are intended to be covered only with transparent color.

If the plans include coating varnished nails with varnish, then transparent or natural color of tips is best.

French tips are naturally designed to create a classic French manicure. Such tips are often non-contact and thin.

On color tips, you can draw a variety of patterns and elements, but the main color of the nail will not be so easy to change.

 how to build nails on tips

Purpose of tips

Another criterion for the difference of tips from one another is the purpose. They are:

  • Universal.
  • With a strong bend.
  • With extremely strong bend.

Tips should have a bend that is as close as possible to the natural one, so that the shape of the enlarged nail is ideal and does not look sloppy.

Contact areas

The contact zone is the line along which the tips are glued to the nail. Contact zones are:

  • Little ones
  • Big ones.
  • Deep and vice versa.
  • Contactless.

The choice of the shape of the contact zone depends onfeatures of the nail plate individually. For example, if the nail bed is very short or the nail is strongly bent downwards, then you need to select the minimum contact area. But this does not mean at all that in the arsenal of the master there should be all kinds of tips with all kinds of contact zones. Knowing how to build up nails on tipsy, a master can take a tipsy with any contact area and cut out the necessary shape. This procedure is quite simple and does not take much time.

Tips that do not require filing, that is, with a design or a jacket, are made non-contact. Thus, it is more convenient to work with them and there is no risk that the design will be disrupted by cutting.

Why choose tips

Master chooses how to buildnails - on tips or forms, since there is no significant difference between them. It all depends on the condition and shape of the nail plate and, of course, on the level of professionalism of the master himself. Tips should be chosen if:

  • nail plate is too narrow;
  • nails are very short;
  • there is a bad habit of gnawing at the nails, in this case they are very damaged and the building up is possible only with the help of tips;
  • the natural shape of the nail is very different from the desired;
  • the side walls of the nail are uncomfortable.

how to grow nails with tips

What is gel

Gel - very popular and commonnail extension material. It is odorless and does not cause allergic reactions. It consists mainly of tar substances of conifers and acid-free elements. The gel wins in competition with acrylic in that it allows the nail plate to "breathe", does not allow the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, does not allow the occurrence of fungal diseases. For quick and uniform gel solidification, the nail is placed for a short time in a special UV lamp.

Preparing to build

Before you grow nails with tips, they must be carefully prepared. For this you need:

  • completely clean the surface of the nail;
  • process cuticles;
  • using a grinding file, completely erase the shiny layer of the nail;
  • make the surface of the nail plate smooth and even;
  • dust off;
  • degrease the nails.

build up nails on tipsa step by step

Bonding tips

Step-by-step instructions on how to build up nails on tips are a sequence of actions:

  1. Take the necessary tips and turn it inside, open glue for nails.
  2. Apply a layer of glue. You should pay attention to the fact that on the inside of the tipsa drawn a line to which you should apply glue. With the amount of glue you should not overdo it.
  3. Remove the glue and gently hold the finger, which will be glued on the tips.
  4. The plastic nail contacts the nail plate at an angle of 70 degrees and slowly descends on it. In the process of lowering the air is simultaneously squeezed out from under the tips.
  5. Firmly hold the tipsy and hold in this position for about one minute. It is not necessary at this time to move it, it is necessary to ensure that no air gets under the material.
  6. Slowly release the nail. Glued Tips takes up about half of this nail.
  7. In the same way we glue the remaining tips.

Build-up process

After waiting another 5 minutes after sticking, until the nails are completely dry, proceed to the procedure of building.

  1. Before you grow nails on the tips of the gel, you should select the desired length and trim the nail. For nail tips are special nail clippers, which are called gelatin.
  2. The border between real and artificial nails is carefully washed down.
  3. Remove neat glue residues.
  4. We cut the top layer of nail tips so that its surface becomes rough (the gel will hold better).

It should be noted that tipscategorically contraindicated scissors. They should either cut, or use a special tool that is called nail cut. With it, the tips will be neatly trimmed and not damaged.

  1. Apply a layer of gel on the nail plate. The distance from the cuticle should be 1 mm.
  2. We place nails covered with gel under an ultraviolet lamp. Keep them there for exactly 3 minutes.
  3. Next, apply a layer of modeling gel and also give dry.
  4. We give the nail shape using a nail file.
  5. At the end we cover the nails with gel finish.

step by step instructions on how to build nails on tips

The first nail extension procedure appeared in60s of the last century and over the past years has taken a strong position and unprecedented popularity among other varieties of manicure. Today nail extension takes relatively little time and is accessible to everyone. This is a very easy process - to build up nails on tips. Following the instructions step by step, you can quickly get the hang of building up tips and begin to learn and practice more complex methods. And to care for such nails is very simple. You should not forget about the cuticles and treat them with oil, as well as to periodically cover the manicure with colorless varnish.

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