/ / Grunge hair coloring: features and techniques

Hair coloring in grunge style: features and technique

Hair coloring in grunge style is becoming more and morepopular and gaining momentum in the fashion world. It is a fairly simple alternative to the glamorous style, which for a long time occupied the leading position. Grunge expresses a certain peculiarity, a rebellion against everyday life. This relatively new style is suitable for women who want to emphasize their individuality and at the same time look stylish and modern.

Basic concepts of grunge in coloring

Hair coloring in grunge style, photo of which can besee in this article, now is at the peak of popularity, not only due to its peculiar appearance, but also due to the ease of implementation. However, it should be noted that for this style, it is very important to what kind of hairstyle it is performed. Ideal fit asymmetrical haircut.

As for the length of the hair, grunge is the sameit will look great on both long and short hairstyles. In this case, the classic models of haircuts do not become an exception: they can also perfectly embody this style.

Colors and methods of coloring

Painting hair in grunge style can be carried out in various ways and in different shades. However, all the same it is necessary to give preference to natural tones and to make combinations with them.

hair coloring in grunge style

The most common type of staining -ombre, characterized by a smooth transition of one shade to another. As a result, you can get the effect of burnt hair. This will make your image more fresh and updated.

Distinctive features of grunge

Hair coloring in grunge style differs from otherssimilar species in that it uses bright shades. The same ombre can be performed with the help of violet, red, red, green and other colors. They can be combined with their natural hair color, and with a more intense and cardinal palette.

Staining technique

Hair coloring in grunge style is performedstylists using a variety of techniques. The main thing is to make bright strokes in the original image. Strands can be painted both horizontally and vertically, a zigzag technique is also acceptable. There are also specialists who performed painting in checkerboard order. In general, this style can be compared with the pixel technique.

hair coloring in grunge style photo

Hair coloring in grunge style can be performedas in the salon as a professional master, and at home on their own. However, salon painting has some advantages, because the wizard will not only perform his work professionally, but also help you to choose the right shade depending on your natural hair color and skin tone.

Dyeing hair in grunge style in black canquite suitable for women who are afraid of bold experiments. With black, you can very well combine blond. If to make coloring in the horizontal way, then transitions from one color to another will be well visible. Black can be replaced with mocha or chocolate.

Grunge on short hairstyles

Dyeing hair in grunge style for short hair,The photo of which can be seen in this article is often performed by staining the tips and bangs. However, those who are determined and extravagant, you can try to paint one part of the head in one color, and the other - in another.

grunge style hair dye in black

Now a haircut is very fashionable when the temple is shaved on one side. In this case, the side with a short temple can be painted in a dark color, and long strands - in a lighter.

Long hair grunge styling

For owners of long hair acceptable techniqueas zigzag staining, and vertical, horizontal. Especially winning this style will be for those who have liquid hair: mixing colors will visually give them volume.

long hair grunge styling

When painting hair in a grunge style, you should avoid licked hairstyles. If you are uncomfortable walking with loose curls, then it is quite possible to collect them in a bun, but it should be quite loose.

Some grunge coloring tips

If you want to change your image, but you can notdecide on cardinal changes, are afraid to lose money, then in this case temporary tint means (mascara, crayons, spray, etc.) may come to the rescue. If the result does not satisfy you, you can easily get rid of it.

If you do not have extensive experience in staininghair, it is best to see a specialist. Sometimes it is difficult for beginners to cope with one shade, but with two or three or more may even be dangerous: you can not only spoil the external expected effect, but also harm your own hair.

hair coloring in grunge style for short hair photo

After coloring in the grunge style for the hair you needtake care as you would with a normal change in the color of your hair. Hair will be extremely necessary masks, various means for recovery, special shampoos.

After dyeing hair should be protected fromsunlight so that the shade does not fade prematurely, and try to avoid using chlorinated water when washing the head. Also, when using detergents and shampoos you need to ensure that they do not wash out the colorful pigments from the hair.

It is undesirable to use a hair dryer for drying the head.However, if you really need, then you should choose the most gentle mode of operation. Hair care products should be tried to buy the same manufacturer, from which you used and paint.

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