/ How to make a temporary tattoo at home with henna for a month?

How to make a temporary tattoo at home with henna for a month?

Almost every person in any periodlife was thinking about how to make yourself a tattoo. A beautiful figure on the body can be a worthy decoration. But what if the "eternal" tattoo is not at all what you need? The answer to this question is, because now temporary henna tattoos are in great fashion. They are painted always and everywhere, using stencils and hands of real artists. The appearance of temporary tattoos can be anything, and most importantly, after a month the skin will be clean and you can start new patterns, decorating your body with exquisite patterns. The most popular places for tattooing are the back of the hand, the palm, the raising of the foot and the foot. It remains to understand how to make a temporary tattoo at home.

What is mehendi?

Temporary tattoos were called mehendi.If you turn to history, then such drawings of henna on the body is not a new trend, but ancient Indian art. To similar ornaments of the body resorted girls and women in Ancient Egypt, India, Persia. For each state the mehendi had its significance, for example, in Persia, the dancers applied patterns on their hands to look more spectacular during the dance. But in India, henna tattoos were a sign of wealth, because an ordinary person to get a natural dye was virtually impossible. According to historical data, the first temporary tattoos were found on the body of mummies, which are more than five thousand years old. Impressive, is not it?

patterns on the legs


To decorate mehendi the hands of the girls was taken atwedding. There was even a sign, the longer the drawing is held on the bride's body, the longer and happier the new husband and wife will live. For wedding preparation, only red henna was always used. This tradition does not end there. There was another pleasant custom: a young wife should not engage in any domestic work until at least the slightest features of the drawing are erased from the body.

Besides dances and weddings, henna tattooswere applied to the body as protection against evil spirits and evil eye. Besides mystical beliefs, it was believed that mehendi rescues the body from the heat, cooling it, and is a strong antiseptic that disinfects the skin. The tradition and some Slavic peoples did not ignore the tradition.

Are such drawings safe?

The most frequently asked question among those who wishmake a temporary tattoo - whether there will be an allergic reaction to henna or basma. However, experts assure that the drawings with these dyes are the most harmless and safe for health. All because the main components of henna and basmas are natural hypoallergens. In addition to the obvious safety of the drawings, natural colors also have a curative effect, help to fight against such misfortunes as psoriasis and other skin diseases. The only ingredients that can cause concern are the oils of orange, lemon or other citrus. But without these components nowhere - because they make the color of the dyes more saturated and allow you to adjust the brightness of the temporary tattoo. Mehendi have no age restrictions and are suitable for both adults and children. And in tandem with oriental accessories, beautiful manicure and Indian make-up - all this looks very stylish and unusual. The most important thing is to dilute the gray, boring everyday life.

Such a picture will not show on the bodylife and it does not have to be laser-driven when it's completely boring. A month later, with drawings, you can say goodbye and start applying new ones. The difference between mehendi and permanent tattoos is that the dye, in this case henna or basma, is applied not to the skin, but to the surface. It remains only to answer the question, how to make a temporary tattoo at home.

drawings of henna

What are the pros and cons?

Like any cosmetic product, such temporarytattoos have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages can be safely attributed to the fact that after a temporary tattoo, the skin condition improves, it becomes fresh and comes into tonus. All this is due to the nutritional components that make up the dyes. If you believe the reviews, temporary tattoos can be applied to any part of the body, because they are harmless. The application is not accompanied by pain, unlike conventional tattoos, moreover, the technique of applying henna can even replace the massage session. Tattoos are not felt on the skin, and you can create them yourself, with certain skills in drawing.

The next item, which many attribute to both merits and shortcomings - drawings of henna are short-lived. Depending on the quality of henna tattoos can stay on the body from a week to a month.

What are temporary tattoos?

Mehendi (in the translation from Hindi henna) - specialpowder, which is made from the leaves of the tree of Hina. This tree grows only in arid regions. After the leaves of the china are collected, they are ground to a powdery state. Initially, such a powder was used as a healing agent. A natural antiseptic, which was famous for its excellent antipyretic and analgesic properties.

Patterns on the hands

How to make a temporary tattoo at home

At first glance, the technique of performing tattooshenna may seem quite complicated, but even a beginner with minimal drawing skills can cope with this task. It is not necessary to run to the salon and pay a lot of money for such a procedure. You just need to stock up the ingredients and ask a friend who draws well. Carrying out the procedure at home is absolutely painless and safe process. And the fragility of patterns is not a minus, but even a plus. After all, they will not have time to get bored and they can be changed to new ones at any time. And how many admiring glances from the side!

If the drawing skills you have somewhere on the levelkindergarten, then do not despair. Now you can find absolutely any stencil, choose your favorite drawing and apply a temporary tattoo yourself at home to the right area.

how to apply mehendi

Rules for the application of temporary tattoos

However, no matter how safe the procedure is, you should adhere to some rules for applying temporary henna tattoos at home.

  1. To begin with, the skin needs to be prepared and cleaned. To do this, you can also use improvised tools, for example, make a scrub of coffee, and then degrease the desired area of ​​the skin with alcohol.
  2. Before applying henna to the skin, useeucalyptus oil. Thanks to him henna will dry out more slowly, which will allow it to penetrate deeper into the skin. Such manipulation will give a more intense color, and henna will last a little longer.
  3. After the skin has been prepared, we beginApply the mixture through a stencil or draw a pattern with a special brush. Remember that henna absorbs quickly enough, therefore it is recommended to remove unsuccessful lines instantly.
  4. The finished drawing dries for 20 minutes.Then you need to carefully remove the dried henna from your skin. Experts recommend to prepare a solution of lemon juice with sugar and lubricate them with a temporary tattoo.
  5. The last and most important rule is not to wet the skin area with a tattoo within 24 hours.

Since mehendi every year becomemore popular, and the technology of applying henna does not stop developing, you can refer to special pencils. However, their significant disadvantage is their low resistance, this tattoo lasts no more than three days. The pencil works like a normal felt pen, therefore it will be several times easier to apply temporary tattoos. However, temporary tattoos for a month are made only from natural henna.

mehendi in his arms

How to prepare a paint for mehendi

Dye based on henna is not necessary to buy instore, you can cook yourself. If you believe the reviews, temporary henna tattoos made at home, last even longer than those used to buy henna. Make a temporary henna tattoo easier than it seems.

In order to prepare a mixture for temporary tattooing, you will need:

  • One package of regular henna.
  • A glass of lemon juice and sugar (1 tbsp.).
  • Any essential oil with a pleasant smell for more enjoyment of the procedure.
  • Mixing container.

The only minus of home cookingdye - the duration, because you have to cook for a whole day. However, the answer to the question of how to make a temporary tattoo at home is simple and understandable even for a beginner. Let's turn to the application technique.

Indian traditions

How to make a temporary tattoo:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to sift the henna powder so that the mass is completely homogeneous. Otherwise, thin lines may not work.
  2. Next, a tablespoon of the sifted powder should be covered in a prepared container and pour a quarter of a glass of lemon juice. Stir until smooth and smooth.
  3. The resulting mixture should be sent to a plastic bag, which must be tightly closed and left for 12 hours in a warm, inaccessible place for children.
  4. After 12 hours, add a spoonful of sugar and essential oil to the paste.
  5. After careful mixing, gradually add one teaspoon of lemon juice until the paste takes a consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. The mixture is again sent to a dense plastic bag and a warm place for another 12 hours before final preparation.

The mixture is ready, you can start drawing patterns.

mehendi on foot

How to care for mehendi?

To have a temporary tattoo rejoice as long as possible, it is necessary to observe the following rules of care:

  • Do not use a loofah and scrubs on the site with a tattoo;
  • before going to the pool, taking a bath is recommended to oil the tattoo with vegetable oil;
  • to abandon the use of razor on the painted areas.

Mehendi is a great way to diversify your image, bring a little beauty and brightness to the gray daily routine.

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