/ / 4 top hairstyles for medium length hair, or how to make a hairstyle for medium hair

4 top hairstyles for medium length hair, or how to make a hairstyle for medium hair

how to make a hairstyle for medium hair
In the fashion of any era, the hair occupied one of theleading roles. Of these, incredible hairstyles were constructed, curled, powdered, and painted. Even for some reason shaved, then all the same to wear a wig. Fortunately, modern girls do not have to resort to such methods. For each day, just have well-groomed hair. The most popular is a medium-length haircut. It's not surprising, because how to make a hairstyle for medium hair with his own hands, they know practically everything. Many fashionistas do not just prefer hair just below their shoulders - they are most easily amenable to all sorts of styling. We bring to your attention several options for medium hair, which will help you choose a hairstyle for a cardinal image change.

choose a hairstyle
Original laying

The average haircut is considered very relevant, andhere, so that it does not become trivial, we offer you a styling in the style of hentai. For this image, a straight bang must be thick and long, ideally - to close your eyebrows. The lateral strands twist along a vertical spiral. Hair is divided into a perfectly straight straight part and stretched ironing. The hairstyle is simple in execution, even if the hair is trimmed with a ladder. Ideal for oval face shape and high cheekbones, making you look like a Japanese princess.

Ageless Retro

How to make a hairstyle for medium hair, beautifulknew in the 60's. The standards of beauty of that era - Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor, Gina Lollobrigida - still remain symbols of elegance and style. To do retro style hairstyles, you do not need to be an experienced hairdresser.

Make an oblique parting and lay the front strandbehind the ear. Hair on the vertex divide into two parts along. Lower brush and fasten the ends of the invisible. The upper one can be left to fall freely. The ends can be pulled out with an iron and fixed with a wax. For light thin hair will take a lot of varnish. The accent of this image can be a wide hoop of contrasting colors.

In the evening, this style can be turned into a famous"Babette". To do this, a part of the hair that remains free before, must be combed from the inside and, having closed with them the lower starting, fasten them in the back of the head. Strand the side strand with a tourniquet and also pin it with studs. For decoration, a ribbon made of lace or a silk handkerchief is suitable.

Thoughtful ease

Many actresses and models for several seasonsprefer to flaunt with a hairdo a la "May breeze." Indeed, naturalness and naturalness have become firmly established in modern fashion. However, do not forget that our idols do not just get out of bed and forget to brush their hair. It is possible that over this seeming carelessness stylists labored. Conclusion: these hairstyles still need to be done. How to make a hairstyle for medium hair, so that it would seem like a work of nature itself? It's very simple, if you have obedient thick hair. Then, after laying, you should only slightly tousle them, before wiping a little wax between your fingers. A drop of lacquer - and you are divine. With fine hair - it is better to trust a professional.

how to make a hairstyle for medium hair
Ideal smoothness

Alignment has long replaced the curling.Smooth laying is perfectly underlined by straight lines. It can be a straight parting, side or parting through the growth line of a bang. In the latter case, the emphasis is on the back of the head. This styling is universal and will suit any form of face. How to make a hairstyle for medium hair perfectly smooth, it's easy to guess. Execution is extremely simple: only an iron is needed, heated to an average temperature. At the end of each pass, it must be turned into the inner or the outer side - depending on the desired result.

Try it, do not be afraid to experiment and be fine!

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