/ / I want long hair: what to do?

I want long hair: what to do?

Attractive curls, long hair, wavesflowing on the back, have always been the goal of many ladies and the object of interest of men. Now, when ladies change hairstyles more often than their handbags, it is very difficult to grow hair of normal length. You can often hear: I want long hair, what to do if they grow only 1-1.5 centimeters a month. There are several women's tricks and recipes that our great-grandmothers used, so they are able to help grow hair.

How much can I grow my hair?

There are several reasons why hairgrow slowly. The first of these is the restriction of the natural process of growth and cell division, that is, the renewal of the hair cover. The second is the health of the hair itself. If they severely split, damaged, drop out, lack nutrients, then they will grow very slowly. In this regard, it is very important to take care of the health of your hair. If you often think: "I want long hair, what should I do?", Then you need to give your hair extra nutrition and reduce the load on them. To restore the structure of hair and bulbs, you should use oils, and as a means to stimulate growth - a complex of vitamins. Vitamins are best obtained not from tablets and powders, but from their natural carriers: nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables, cereals and other.

In the people there is an opinion that to accelerate hair growth should regularly cut ends. This method can save them only from the cross-section, but this does not affect the rate of growth.

I want long hair, what to do?

First of all, to accelerate growth,allow this to happen. To accelerate growth, it is necessary to limit the use of a hair dryer, use restoring shampoos and rinses, not to use tight hairpins and elastic bands, so as not to create additional stress on the hair follicle. As an experiment, you can use hair masks and special "growth accelerators", which can be purchased at pharmacies or stores. But experts do not recommend using store tools, it is worth giving preference to masks made according to national recipes. So you do not harm your hair.

I want long hair: what to do, how to help them grow?

Our ancestors who lived in the villages and were not in thethe course that there are hairdressers, knew best how to grow hair. Then, than the girl was longer and thicker than the braid, the easier it was for her to find the groom. People's means can now help in such a difficult business.

The first method involves the use of liveyeast. It is necessary to dilute them in warm water, add a little sugar and leave for half an hour. Fermented yeast should be applied to the hair as a mask and held for 20 minutes. This tool should not be used more often a couple of times a month.

As the second method, you can offer eggmask. It is necessary to mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of sunflower oil. This mass should be rubbed into the scalp, then leave it for half an hour. This mask can be used weekly.

Naturally, these are only two folk methods, and theirthere is much more. However, even if you use one of them, combining it with vitamin therapy, the result will not be forced to wait.

If you can not wait to get instantresult, you can always use a procedure such as hair extensions. Here many people are concerned about the important question: how much can you wear crimped hair? On average, hair after this procedure can be worn for 4-6 months. Here everything depends on the degree of growth of their hair, from care for them and from the technology of building.

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