/ / Religious tattoos - a significant niche in the world of tattoos

Religious tattoos - a significant niche in the world of tattoos

Tattoos on religious topics are meteverywhere. They occupy a special niche in the world of drawings on the body. This type of tattoo is considered one of the most popular and constitutes a significant part of the total volume of tattoos.

religious tattoo

Birth of a religious tattoo

According to sources, ritual tattooingwas born in Palestine. Christianity did not accept native drawings and forbade spoiling the body given by God with tattoos. However, history shows that even prohibitions did not lead to their extinction. Religious tattoo was at that time the only evidence of being in Jerusalem. Pilgrims used tattoos as evidence of visiting the church of the Lord. Right at the city walls sat people making memorable drawings on the body.

Most of the pilgrims received a tattoo inthe form of a cross. The work was done in a hurry, rudely and most often ineptly. But some were more lucky, and on their body appeared the Mother of God, the tattoo "Jesus", the image of the face of St. Peter.

By the way, Muslim pilgrims also decorated their body with tattoos. When visiting Medina or Mecca, religious tattoos symbolizing faith in Allah were applied to their body.

 tattoo jesus

Christian Tattoos

The numerous symbols of Christianity outstripon the popularity of tattoos of other religions. The most popular topic, of course, is the crucifixion and the Orthodox cross. The second place is occupied by the image of the Mother of God with the infant Jesus. On the third - saints and angels. Certainly, in order to obtain an exact similarity, to create a beautiful and clear picture, you should spend a lot of time and effort. If you decide on a religious tattoo, try to find an experienced master with practical and artistic abilities.

Experts say that religious tattoo moreare suitable for the stronger sex. Stylize the harsh themes of Christianity under the weaker sex is quite problematic. But there are girls who "wear" on their bodies a tattoo of religious orientation and are proud of it. Many people want to emphasize religious affiliation, love for God, sacrifice, purification.

religious tattoos

Ancient religions

Currently very popularacquire antique tattoos. Religious themes can be traced in Celtic patterns, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Aztec images, and ancient Babylonian symbols.

The most common are Celtic patterns and symbolic signs of ancient druids, which symbolize the unity of the soul and nature, self-sacrifice, certain features, hidden human capabilities.

As for the meaning of religioustattoo, then the owner puts it in the drawing independently. Similar pictures for different people can have completely different meanings. The only aspect that tattoo masters advise not to forget is the thoughtfulness of the drawing. Agree, a tattoo in the form of an Orthodox icon can not coexist with the Aztec symbols, and the Celtic pattern - with Muslim themes. Maybe, visually the pictures will be combined, it will look rich and bright, but the disharmony of the subject will be provided.

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