/ / How to choose a manicure table: tips and photos. Size of manicure table

How to choose a manicure table: tips and photos. Size of manicure table

Если вы профессионально собираетесь заниматься manicure, without special equipment you can not do. Each master of nail service should have a workplace, no matter where the work is going on - in the salon or at home. Therefore, the choice of manicure table in the work of working with nails is very, very important. And today we will look at what these tables are and what you should pay attention to when buying. Choosing a manicure table photos with sizes can prompt a number of interesting ideas.

Why is a comfortable table so important

When working manicure has a longtime to concentrate, to perform small neat actions. All this requires convenience and carefully selected working attributes, which include a table. In addition, it is important to optimally place on its working surface all the necessary cosmetics and manicure tools.

The parameters of the workplace professional strictlyregulated. The height of the manicure table cannot be less than 700 mm; the material of the tabletop must be waterproof due to the need to constantly disinfect its working surface. If work in the same room is carried out for several people at once, the tables should be no closer than three meters from each other.

In the hall for manicure must bewater source for cleaning work tools. The interior of the room, an attractive design is what every owner of the manicure business pays close attention to. And rightly so - an aesthetic impression that will leave the salon at the client, this is an important success factor, a guarantee that the woman will return to this place more than once.

size of manicure table

Other subtleties of interior arrangement

That is why the number of jobs mastersManicure rarely exceeds 4. With a greater number of them, the feeling of comfort at the customers disappears. It is desirable that each table stand at the window, since in daylight the master with the client is easier to coordinate and perceive color shades.

Manicure room should be equippedventilation to remove unpleasant and toxic odors. Of course, there is nothing to say about how cleanliness should be maintained, and about the need for the owner of the salon to be always smiling and affable.

It will also be useful to take care of the appointment and organize chairs or a sofa and a table with a supply of fashion magazines. And even better - TV or music installation.

Manicure table photos with sizes

Basic purchase requirements

Buying a nail table for the salon, you shouldmost careful attention is paid to the material of manufacture, the form of the object itself and its functionality. It is especially important what the tabletop is made of. The requirements for it are quite high. The surface must be moisture resistant and resistant to chemicals. From the decorative point of view, there is no fundamental difference between the matte and glossy tops, but it should be comfortable to the touch, as the manicure is a long procedure.

Forms of tables offered by enterprisessalon industry, varied in design and configuration. They can be both square and round, equipped with thumbs - both built-in and retractable, and it is sometimes difficult for the master to make a good choice.

Комплектация разных моделей тоже может vary significantly. To make a quality purchase, the master must clearly represent the functionality of the future purchase, and how the table will be placed in the salon. The size of the manicure table should be selected under the available free space. It is not necessary to buy too large a copy - it will clutter the room and will not necessarily be convenient for work. Buying an overly tiny table is also in question. If space allows, it is better to buy a full-fledged table with normal dimensions.

manicure table sizes standard

What are they like?

Future purchase can be attributed to one of the threeclasses. The lowest of them (economy class) is represented by the model range with minimal functions. These tables will be useful either for home use or for very tiny manicure rooms. Necessary additional accessories to such a table are often purchased separately.

Classic manicure table usually combinesafford a low price and modest elegant design. The material from which such a table is made is relatively inexpensive. The dimensions of a standard type manicure table, as well as the proposed set of functions, usually satisfy the professional needs of the owner, and therefore the classics enjoy steady popularity.

If you decide to purchase a class tablepremium, in addition to high quality, you will get many features and a number of additional accessories. In addition, such tables are often a very interesting solution in terms of design. Included with them can be an exhaust hood, an original lamp or stand, etc. These tables are mainly equipped with elite beauty salons. The size of the manicure table with the boxes in this case can be quite significant.

standard size manicure table

Other classification

Помимо деления на классы, столики очень сильно differ in design, functionality, and folding mechanism. Your purchase may be stationary or mobile, or it may look as a set at once for several places to work.

Fixed tables are usually in allnail salons where space permits. Most often, they are equipped with a variety of accessories and fixtures - from shelves and special lighting to hoods, etc. Some models are equipped with built-in lights.

Manicure folding table, the size of whichsuit someone who works at home or in a small cramped room, can be a way out of lack of space. In the assembled state, it takes up very little space. The design and configuration of these tables can be very different, and the folding mechanism can be manual or automatic.

There are also racks for which the master cando express manicure. They are put in nail bars where busy people go and get a quick manicure service from the masters of nail service. The set of equipment consists of a bar counter designed to work at once for several people, seating places in the form of chairs for staff and customers, as well as additional shelving and cabinets for tools. Having bought such a kit, you can organize an express manicure point in any free corner of a shopping center or beauty salon.

manicure folding table sizes

What can not do without

As an accessory for a manicure tablemention should be made of a directional light source, which can be desktop or embedded. Such an attribute is obligatory, no professional can work without it. Good lighting is the key to accurate and accurate work. Modern coatings (gel and shellac) require special LED lamps or ultraviolet lighting.

In addition to the hood, to eliminate unpleasant and toxic fumes, a manicure vacuum cleaner is required, by means of which the working surface is cleaned from dust and dead skin particles and nails.

Of course, you can not do without comfortable chairs,intended both for the master, and for the client, and a sliding curbstone on castors where numerous inventory will be combined. For the preservation of the tabletop you can buy disposable covers, it also makes sense to take care of interchangeable accessories, especially relevant for folding manicure tables, as well as lubrication for their mechanism.

Size of manicure table according to GOST

При покупке многое зависит от роста мастера, ведь when processing the client's nails, he is in a fixed position for a long time and should not experience any discomfort. Here, the size of the manicure table plays a decisive role.

size of manicure table with drawers

As a rule, manufacturers are guided by a certainaverage option. The standard dimensions of a manicure table, suitable for most professionals, are models with a height of 73 to 75 cm and a working surface 100-120 cm long and 45 to 50 cm wide. In shape, it is best to purchase a table with a smoothly curved tabletop line.

Если при маникюре предполагается использование acrylic, hood in the workplace must be present on a mandatory basis. Hazardous chemicals can cause not only discomfort, but also serious consequences in the form of dizziness, nausea or allergies.

If the size of the manicure table does not allow to provide it with a built-in hood, then it is installed in the room separately. Hood can combine the functions of a vacuum cleaner for the work surface.

Table to order

Если нет финансовой возможности приобрести A quality table, some craftsmen decide to make it independently, because in general, it will be cheaper to buy material and accessories than a finished product. In addition, having ordered such a table from a private master for an inexpensive price, it is possible to obtain the most complete set of required functions.

The cost of the table, both finished andordered, ranges from 6 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration and quality of raw materials. If at the opening of your own business all available means are spent, and it is not possible to buy a table of the required quality, then this piece of furniture can be rented.

manicure table drawings sizes

Homemade manicure table - drawings, dimensions, assembly

Столик можно собрать собственноручно, по составу elements it is no different from any other - for example, written. Its design usually involves attaching shelves from the top to the tabletop and drawers from the bottom. Design the author can choose according to his own taste.

The easiest way to make a table with builtbedside table based on one leg. Preliminary it will be necessary to draw and calculate the amount required for the purchase of accessories and material. The latter can be MDF or laminated chipboard, that is, a sheet of wood canvases. You will also need a PVC edge, table legs, handles for pull-out drawers, as well as hinges and fixing materials, such as self-tapping screws.

You should also stock up with shelf holders, PVA glue, as a tool you should take care of the jigsaw, scissors, screwdrivers, ruler, etc.

Chipboard sheet is cut out according to the selecteddrawing, then everything is collected in detail and sealed. A detailed video explaining the whole procedure of self-production and assembly of a manicure table, these days is easy to find on the Internet. The result will be an elegant table of individual design, which will please the owner with an excellent level of comfort and the presence of all the necessary functionality.

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