/ / Slavic symbols of tattoos and their meanings. Slavic Tattoos: Photo

Slavic symbols of tattoos and their meanings. Slavic Tattoos: Photo

The art of tattooing has recently becomevery popular. A great interest in lovers of decorating their body today is caused by ethnic themes. And not the last place is occupied by Slavic tattoos. The basis of such a pattern lies Scythian patterns, Russian ornaments, mythological and fairy characters, elements of old embroidery, Slavic runes and symbols.

Slavic Tattoos

Sacred value of a tattoo

Tattoos of pagan subjects look beautiful andgracefully. But for most of those who wear such a drawing on the body, what is important is not so much beauty, as sacred value. It can be a call to the forces of nature to keep and protect or appeal to one of the gods for help in a loved one. Anyway, but Slavic tattoos will be intertwined with the pagan beliefs of our ancestors.

Such tattoos can be performed both in colorIn this case, the gamma is selected in accordance with the symbolic value of the image), and in the monochrome version. The most common pagan tattoos depict animals, whistles (sunspots), squares, trixels, rectangles, circles, ribbons, ornaments, runes.

Runic Tattoo

To tattoos, based on the runic pattern, are:

  • The runes themselves.
  • Swastikas with 3-4 corners.
  • 4-5-end stars.
  • Various geometric ornaments.

Runes in Russia were used as tradingmarks and were called "tamgas". It is noteworthy that the word "customs" is literally interpreted as "an organization that places tamgas". Such a custom until recently remained with the Khanty-Mansiysk, but they had such a kind of runes denoted belonging to a particular genus.

Slavic Ornaments

slavic tattoo symbols

Researchers believe that the mostwidespread among the Slavic tribes were symbols of fertility, they were made up of rhombuses, commas, dots, spirals and crosses. So, the rhombus, divided by a cross into four parts, in the center of each of which is placed a point, symbolized a field for crops.

Since the XI century, traditional images andthe patterns of Catholicism began to be added to the Slavic symbols. Tattoo in the Slavic style for women enriched with images of garlands, plant ornaments, ornaments from twigs and leaves. Men's tattoos of that time were even more influenced. Mostly depicted crowns, hearts with the initials of the owner, popular were the inscriptions, indicating the origin of man.

What is the Slavic ornament today?

tattoo in the Slavonic

If you select a tattoo Slavic theme is your priority, it will not hurt to expand your horizons and draw your attention to what they are today:

  • Old Slavic and ancient Scythian ornaments often render mixed, at times to understand, what traditions whence have come, now it is rather difficult.
  • The pattern can be compiled on the basis of the Old Russian tradition and Christian graphics.
  • Motives of ancient Russian songs, epics, fairy tales can be present.
  • Slavic tattoos can be performed under the Palekh or Gzhel paintings.

There are many variations, everything depends on the customer's desire. There are no strict rules or laws in the image of drawings, everyone is free to choose his interpretation of the ancient symbol.

Amulets and charms of the Slavs

Slavs were pagans and believed in spirits who livedwith them nearby (house, bannik, ovinniki, leche), sorcerers, gods, who were considered the animated forces of nature. Some of them were supportive and helped people, others, on the contrary, only harmed. To survive in such a world, it was necessary to protect against dark forces and the location of the light. For this, the Slavs needed amulets and amulets.

tattoo slavic themes

Some characters were intended only forprotection, while others could provide protection to the spirit or god throughout life or in a particular case. So, the soldiers put on their swords and armor rune "Treba" (depicts in the form of an arrow pointing upwards) for victory in battle. The runaway drawing of the "horror helmet" had several options and was also meant for battles. Rune "wolf hook", which has many analogues in other pagan cultures, protected from the attack of the werewolf.

The idea of ​​the world was reflected in theall images that have inherited Slavic tattoos. Sketches of such drawings will always carry the ancient sacral meaning, calling for the help of forgotten gods or protecting from dark spirits.

Picture of animals

Slavic tattoos depicting animals can be of two types:

  • When this image is a totem ancestor.
  • When the beast represents the pagan god.

slovak tattoo sketches

It is noteworthy that the features and basic functions of the animal preserve in both cases. So, similar Slavic symbols of tattoo will be denoted:

  • The wolf is the beast of Dazhbog.Treated to him is always ambiguous. On the one hand, the wolf is a fierce dangerous predator associated with the world of the dead, on the other hand, it was attributed to the gift of prophecy and wisdom. This beast invariably evoked fear and respect.
  • The bear is Veles the beast. It was considered the main ancestor of the Slavs. Bear - the owner and keeper of the forest. This wise beast has always been respected by people.
  • Fox is an animal of Makoshi, the personification of the feminine. Symbolized the fertility and destiny of man. Was venerated for cunning and resourcefulness.
  • Vepr is the beast of Perun. The most terrible enemy of man in the forest. Fear him more than a wolf or a bear. The warrior and invincibility of the wild boar were connected with the god-thunderer, patron of warriors Perun.

Slavic symbols

Tattoos on the Slavic runic alphabet are often replaced by pagan symbols. Here are the most common of them:

  • The Goddess - provides protection to the gods of man, who is on the path of inner perfection.
  • Swastika is a symbol of the sun, the eternal cycle of life. Protects the ancient order and the law. Use such a sign usually as an amulet.
  • Valkyrie is a symbol of wisdom, justice and honor. He was revered as a warrior, but as a guardian, he was used by the Wise Men, who perform the function of custodians of knowledge.


Patterns, symbols and ornaments of the Slavic themethere is a great variety. Choosing from this diversity, you need to understand that, one way or another, it is an ancient symbol that carries a certain sacred information. So, in a way this will affect your mental or physical state. Therefore, before applying such a pattern on your body, find out about its meaning as much as possible. And be sure to make sure it suits you.

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