/ / Hair tips. To paint them in what color?

Hair tips. To paint them in what color?

Hair staining is very popular amongyouth. This is a wonderful way to make your hair look more original and interesting. And most importantly - it's easy. After all, you do not process all the hair, but only the tips.

hair tips dye
It is quite easy to paint them. The article will tell you how to choose the right coloring, and describe in detail the process of staining.

What color to color the tips of hair?

First you need to understand what the effect of coloringyou want to achieve. It should look elegant and beautiful or fun and fun? Also, you should consider the color of your hair and what kind of melioration will look more organic with them. Blondes prefer bright and rich hues (bright pink, red, blue ...), which will be radically different from the main one. It does not always look beautiful. Only a few girls get a similar "flashy" coloring. In fact, blondes are more suitable gentle, paler tones (pale pink, sky blue). The fair-haired girls will be fine with tips slightly lighter in color than their natural hair. It will look very attractive. To dark hair (chestnut, black) will suit dark, but rich colors (dark red, dark blue and so on). Such colors are best used to make bright ends of hair. To paint them in a shade appropriate to your hair is very important. This moment can not be neglected.

what color to color the tips of hair

Hair tips. To paint them is very simple

Before starting the procedure, you need to examine yourstrands. Perhaps you will need to go to the hairdresser, so that he trimmed them, giving the hair a more beautiful look. Next you need to buy paint. Follow the instructions, divorce it. Then divide your
hair on individual prjadki, having consolidated each of themAt a level where the highlighting should go into the main color. This must be done in order to separate the two shades, making a beautiful, not blurred transition. Apply brush with paint on the tips and wrap the painted part in foil for a few minutes. Then remove it and gum, wash the head. Now dry the tips of your hair. Everyone can paint them in this way. Is not it so simple?

The very beautifully colored hair tips will look very beautiful. Photo hairstyles after this procedure you can look in the article.

colored hair tips photo
It should be remembered that hair with colored endswill require much more care. After all, the more brightly you choose the paint, the stronger will be visible all the flaws (the tips of the tips, for example). Here again, remember the advice to contact a hairdresser before the procedure. You can also ask the expert's advice about the future color of the tips - he will pick up a more suitable shade for you.

You can paint not only a few centimeters inthe end of the hair, and also the roots. Such a decision will look even more beautiful. Remember that this kind of color will look attractive only on well-groomed and preferably straight hair. You can paint the ends with pastels. It's very quick and easy. Buy a special tool (in the form of a pencil) and just lead them to the desired order. To wash off this paint, you will only need to wash your hair under running water. Done!

Here's how to make your hairstyle beautiful and interesting - just highlight the tips of your hair! Painting them will not be difficult for anyone, and the effect when used correctly will be just perfect!

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