/ / Paint "Loreal Preference": a palette of flowers, composition, reviews

Paint "Loreal Preference": a palette of colors, composition, reviews

Every girl at any age wants to lookbeautiful and stylish, so she is constantly in search of herself and her ideal image. In addition, a woman wants to get better every day. That is why in the modern world designers, stylists, doctors and technologists try to create many new procedures, tools that improve the appearance of each.

In turn, some do not pursue the ideal,they are simply tired of themselves and therefore want to somehow refresh their image. And what is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to change the look? That's right, good and stylish coloring. The paint should be used high-quality, with the right ingredients, which will not badly harm the hair. But to paint every time hair in the cabin is too expensive, so the most correct option is painting the house, for example, with the paint "Loreal". In addition, the paint palette "Loreal Preference" is really wide.


Before talking about the paint palette "LorealPreference ", it is necessary to understand its composition, because this is the most important criterion in choosing, it is by it that one can understand how much the product will harm the hair and what properties it possesses.Also by composition, you can immediately understand how much the price corresponds to the quality.Thus, Let's move on to the composition of the paint "Loreal Preference".

  • Coloring components.They also give hair a certain color. The company "Loreal" has introduced an innovative technology of large molecules that penetrate deeper and better into the structure of the hair, which allows the shade to stay much longer compared to others.
  • Components that impart shine. Thanks to them, the paint not only adds a new color to the hair, but also improves their appearance, giving them a beautiful shine.
  • Essential oils.In good paint must include a variety of oils, it is because of their texture envelops the hair, contribute to a deeper penetration of coloring pigments. In addition, they have a positive effect on the structure, firmness and appearance of the hair, giving them softness and extra shine.
  • Vitamin E. Thanks to vitamin E, the strand structure also improves. It fills and thickens the hair, making it dense and smooth.
  • Components that protect against ultraviolet radiation. Additional protection from the sun does not damage the hair, it protects them from burning out and dryness.
  • Ammonia. It promotes the effective penetration of coloring pigments into the hair, this is achieved due to the fact that ammonia has the properties to loosen the outer layer of the hair.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.The combination of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is used for better lightening of hair. That's why blondes are recommended to use ammonium dye only on the roots, and the main, and so clarified mass, stained with toning means without ammonia.

Warm shades

So, to begin with, we'll talk about the fact that the palettepaints "Loreal Preference" is divided into two types: cold and warm shades. They, in turn, are divided into colors for blondes, brunettes and brown-haired.

First, it will be about warm colors ina palette of paint "Loreal Preference". So, there are only about 20 warm colors for this company. And each of them has its own subtle and properties. Their similarity is determined only by the basic shade. So, for example, classic brown can contain up to 8-10 color variations. For example, the shade of "Shangrila" gives a gentle copper-golden effect, and the paint "Caracas", number 4.15, has a cold chestnut color with ashy overflows.

Light brown color

Separately it is necessary to talk about the paint "LorealPreference is of a light brown color, because it also has several variations, and it is also one of the most popular colors for Russian and not only women, because it is similar to many natural hair colors.It should be noted that light hues can have both warm , and a cold podton.So, here are some variations of the paint in a russet hue.

  1. "Madrid". 6. Saturated cold dark blond.
  2. "Touches." 6.23. A little lighter and warmer than the previous one, gives a rich light chestnut color with overflows and a warm sub-ton.
    Loreal Preference Tasks. 6.23.
  3. "Antigua". 5.25. Copper-golden, bright chestnut, differs from others in pearly overflow.
    Loreal Preference Antigua. 5.25.
  4. "Rivoli". 6.21. Incredibly beautiful cold chestnut shade with a light, slightly perceptible plum-cherry podtonom.
    Loreal Preference of Rivoli. 6.21
  5. "Havana". 6.35. And finally, the shade of light amber paint "Loreal Preference." One of the most natural and natural, gives a noble light blond shade with warm, peachy overflows.

Cold shades

Cold shades recently gaining allgreat popularity, this is due to the fact that such colors look really expensive and unusual. In the palette of paint "Loreal Preference" cold colors is about 25 pieces, the amount, by the way, is slightly larger than that of warm colors.

There are such shades for blondes, and forbrunettes, and for brown-haired women. For example, "Brazil", number 3, has a deep dark chestnut color with cold overflows. "Naples", number 0 - is a saturated coal-black color with a small gray-emerald tint. "Ultrablade", 11.11 - this is really one of the most fashionable shades of late, it has a gentle, laconic color, ash blond and light pearlescent pink tint.

Loreal Preference Ultrablade. 11.11


Blondes, like no other, have a really large number of options, because the paint "Loreal Preference" blond has 12 different variations.

  • Number 01. The most light and natural shade in the palette. Helps to remove the yellow color.
  • "Stockholm". Number 10.21. Incredibly beautiful ashy shade with pearly multi-faceted overflows.
Loreal Preference Stockholm.
  • "Helsinki". Number 10.1. Beautiful platinum blond, it helps to remove gray hair and yellow shade.
Loreal Preference Helsinki. Number 10.1.
  • "Copenhagen". Number 8.1. Classic ashy blond color with cold overflows.
Loreal Preference Copenhagen. Number 8.1
  • "Berlin". Number 8.32. Beautiful light-brown shade with copper-golden overflows.
  • "Los Angeles". Number 10. Light-brown shade with a yellow-golden tint. Thanks to this paint, you can create the effect of lightly sunburned hair.


The paint "Loreal Preference" has huge advantages in comparison with analogues, after all for such price you receive really qualitative product.

  • Good price.The cost of the paint does not exceed 500 rubles, so we can conclude that the coloring is the most budgetary, while you get first-class quality and do not hurt your hair.
  • Persistent color. Innovative technology, which we talked about earlier, contributes to the preservation of color for a long time, about 8-9 weeks.
  • Good composition. Thanks to this set of components, you get both protection, and shine, and a persistent color.
  • A huge variety of colors.The paint palette "Loreal Preference" is really wide, because it contains 45 different shades and colors, which is why every girl can find her own paint, which will ideally suit her.


Like any other product, this paint has its drawbacks, but they are quite insignificant. So do not worry about the fact that the paint can cause severe damage to the hair.

  • A little pungent smell.This is due to the fact that the paint contains a certain amount of ammonia, which gives such a smell. It is worth remembering that most of the known and popular paints also have ammonia, respectively, and a sharp smell.
  • The color in the picture may differ from the result.This is because your hair does not repeat the color of the model. In addition, some girls have clarified curls. Also much depends on the pigment of the hair. For example, if the pigment is yellow, then yellowness is more frequent and faster. That's why to recreate the shade, exactly repeating the color of the paint "Loreal Preference" from the picture, will not work.


And of course, you need to tell us about the advice, because the staining takes place at home, and few know how this procedure should actually go.

  • Apply this paint on wet hair. It is with this option that it penetrates the interior of the hair most deeply and quickly.
  • Before applying the paint, it is advisable not to wash your hair for a day. Pure hair paint can significantly damage.
  • Use the special balm included in the kit. It will help to restore, moisturize the hair, and also to fix the result.
  • Maintain a strictly defined time.This tip especially applies to those girls who want to lighten their hair a little. After all, for clarification you need stronger components, so increasing the time can be detrimental to your hair.


The last thing we'll talk about is, of course, reviews about hair color "Loreal Preference". Thanks to them, you can definitely decide whether you want the products of this company or not.

So, many customers of hair dyes"Loreal Preference" in the reviews note that the remedy does not give a strong yellow tinge. In addition, the composition is really good, especially if its natural color is not much different from that in which the hair is dyed.

Some note that after staininghair became much better, the density increased and the desired shine and softness appeared. Some, on the contrary, say that the hair is slightly drier after applying the paint, but after 2-3 use of the mask the curls return to their previous state. The last thing that many customers singled out is a slightly harsh smell due to the presence of ammonia in the composition. But many of those who used to paint at home, do not consider this a big disadvantage.

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