/ / Cream "Georgian": composition and method of application, feedback

Cream "Georgian": composition and method of application, feedback

The best solution to skin problems is regularvisits to a cosmetologist. But what if, for some reason, this is impossible? Georgian manufacturers offer an excellent remedy for fighting skin rashes, blackheads, postnatal spots, its high fat content and many other troubles.

cream Georgian

The remedy came to us from a mountainous country of legends,the purest mineral waters and fairy-tale plants, the mystery of which was spoken by Georgian grandmothers. They gave the prescription cream only to their granddaughters and great-granddaughters. Georgian women know secrets, thanks to which their skin is fresh, like a peach, and remains elastic for a long time.

Georgian cream composition

Cream "Georgian" helps in treatmentHyperpigmentation: it brightens the skin, removes freckles, wrinkles, scars from acne, postpartum pigmentation and stretch marks, reduces pores. After the course of application your skin will become young, fresh, tightened and will glow with health. The product acts as a cream peeling: gently cleanses and simultaneously nourishes the skin. In Russia, the product is supplied in a simple plastic package, closed with a cap nylon. Despite the unpresentable appearance, the tool perfectly performs its functions. The plus is that you do not need to overpay for a beautiful package.

"Georgian" cream: composition and course of application

Cream-peeling deeply cleans pores and tonesskin of the face. It contains a complex of vitamins, oils, acids and abrasive particles. Due to this, within 2 weeks mildly peeled dead skin cells. Getting rid of them, the tissues begin to breathe in a new way, the flow of oxygen increases.

В первое время вы можете замечать красноту и irritation, but do not be scared: after 10 days it will pass, and with each passing day the result will get better. The product is especially valuable for women with sensitive thin skin, prone to couperose. They are contraindicated scrubs, so the "Georgian" cream will be a real salvation.

Georgian cream reviews

"Georgian" cream is used for 30 days with a breakevery 10 days. That is, 10 days you use the product and give the same amount to the skin. And so three times in a row. The cream acts as a soft peeling.

Instructions for the use of cream

After the gel purification procedure for washing andtonic it is possible to pass to application of a cream-peeling. The result will be better if you steam up your face. With a tendency to couperose, you can simply apply a towel soaked in warm water to your face.

Apply the cream to the skin with massage circlesmovements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Gently rub it for 1-2 minutes. Leave the remedy until the morning. After awakening, wash thoroughly. Apply a nourishing cream. Go to the street after the product is completely absorbed into the skin.

The cream "Georgian" consists of natural ingredients. That's why it needs to be stored in the refrigerator. With proper storage, the cream is suitable for two years.

Precautionary measures

Many ladies act on the principle of "the more,all the better". Be careful with the amount of cream that is applied to the face. If you overdo it, then there is a chance of getting a chemical burn. Do not apply on the skin under the eyes - get swelling.

Before using a cosmetic product,do an allergy test: apply a little cream on your wrist for 5 minutes. After a couple of hours, assess the skin condition. If you notice tingling, redness and peeling - it does not matter. Do not use the "Georgian" cream, if the skin began to itch, there were rashes.

The manufacturer does not recommend the use of the productin summer, during a strong solar activity. If you still decided to use the cream "Georgian" in the hot season, then do not go out without a sunscreen.

Use of peeling is prohibited if there are scratches and wounds on the skin. It is strictly forbidden to use the scrub before applying the Georgian cream. There is a risk of burning the epidermis.

When buying, ask the seller for a certificate of quality, as recently there have been a lot of fakes of this cosmetic product.

"Georgian" face cream: reviews

Cream peeling consists of natural ingredients andhas no age restrictions in the application. You can buy it online, recently the cosmetic product began to appear in pharmacies. When buying, ask the pharmacist for a certificate of compliance.

Many have already tried the "Georgian" cream.Reviews after the application is different, mostly good. Positive assessments are based on the miraculous effect of this remedy. Their common analysis boils down to the fact that the cream perfectly copes with the effects of acne. The cream acts as a salon peeling, relieving acne and scars. It is an indispensable cosmetic product for teenagers. Scars from poorly healed acne remain for life and cause a thick layer of foundation, which clogs the pores and only worsens the situation.

Negative reviews are few, and mostly in themthere are complaints of rash and skin irritation. Firstly, with deep cleansing of the face, this is expected, since the remedy is peeling. Secondly, the rash may be caused by an allergy, since the cream consists of plant material. Therefore, it is recommended that it be tested before use.

Fighting freckles

"Georgian" cream is a salvation for girls withfreckles. Although many consider them sweet, most ladies dream of withdrawing them. The product copes with the problem perfectly. The modest cost of the cream is nothing compared to the salon procedures for combating conemia.

Georgian face cream reviews

Problem skin of the face can talk about problemsin organism. Do not rely only on the effect of the cream. If you are constantly tormented by rashes, and the period of hormonal adjustment is already over, it is worth turning to specialists. This can talk about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

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