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Why you need a good hair mask

good hair mask
Of course, any woman wants to lookflawless and always be on top. And what else can beautify women's beauty like long curls? Correctly selected hairstyle will help not only to throw off a couple of extra years, but also significantly change the appearance for the better. With the help of various haircuts, even visually adjust the face oval, bringing it closer to the ideal forms.

Unfortunately, in conditions of poor ecology, as well aswith malnutrition it is very difficult to maintain hair in a healthy state. As well as our body, they need constant care, otherwise the strands will begin to fall out, be cut off, or even completely gray. A good hair mask is what your locks need. Repeating simple procedures at least once every two weeks, you will be able to achieve good results in a few months.

In order to ensure proper skin carehead, do not necessarily go to expensive beauty salons. A good hair mask is very easy to do at home. There are many recipes from natural products that will help restore the life force to your locks, making them shine again.

mask for hair lamination

Contrary to popular belief, the mask for laminationhair can be cooked by yourself. It consists only of food gelatin and water. There is such a miracle penny and is sold in almost all grocery stores. Thanks to natural collagen, which is contained in gelatin, your hair will shine more than ever. It envelops the entire length of the hair with a thin film and protects it from adverse external influences, while simultaneously nourishing and caring for it. Such a good hair mask can compete with expensive cosmetics, and most importantly, how much family budget it will save you! For its preparation, mix a bag of food gelatin and warm water. You should get a consistency of thick sour cream. Apply this mixture to damp hair, wrap it with food film, then with a towel and leave it for an hour and a half. To enhance the effect, you can warm up your hair with a hairdryer.

mask for smoothness of hair
And here's another mask for smoothness of hair:Avocado oil mixed with a few drops of essential oils of pine and cinnamon, add a couple of tablespoons of onion juice. Apply to wet hair and keep under the shower cap for at least two hours. To wash it, however, it is necessary, most likely, several times, but the effect will already be noticeable after several applications. As a balm rinse, you can also use a home remedy: stir a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. With the mixture, rinse clean hair. Attention! To wash it it is not necessary! You immediately feel how the hair becomes soft and unraveled literally in front of your eyes.

A good hair mask can help youcope with dandruff, as well as get rid of fatty hair or, conversely, moisturize the fragile and lifeless "straw". If you successfully choose the right tool, you can solve several problems at once, especially in the case of a combined type. We wish you good luck in finding the perfect elixir that will transform your hair into a lush and thick head of hair.

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