/ / Learning to draw beautiful arrows on the eyes

Learning to draw beautiful arrows on the eyes

Nowadays there are a wide variety of types.make up. While some are fashionable, others fade into the background. But the beautiful arrows are unlikely to ever lose their relevance. Even residents of ancient Egypt used them to gain a more expressive look. Well, the biggest peak of popularity came in the 50-60s of the last century, when they really began to come into vogue.

Beautiful arrows

Beautiful arrows can be drawn softpencil, liquid or helium liner, automatic felt-tip pen and even ordinary shadows. Each tool is good in its own way, but still the easiest way to work with a pencil. Liquid eyeliner during application requires some skill, as one inaccurate smear - and makeup will be damaged. Plus helium liner is that during its breeding, you can achieve the consistency you need, thereby obtaining a completely different saturation of the arrows. Automatic pencil-pen allows you to draw clear lines due to a certain supply of coloring matter. Well, the shadows provide you with a field for creativity. A rich palette of colors will allow you to create arrows of different shades depending on your mood and type of makeup.

Beautiful arrows with eyeliner

How beautiful to draw arrows on the eyes

Let's understand the main points of thisprocess. If you are just starting to get acquainted with the arrows as an element of makeup, use an ordinary soft pencil to fill your hand. Draw an arrow start from the inner corner of the eye and finish at the outer. The line should be as close as possible to the eyelashes. Try to put dots or short strokes first in order to mark the passing of the line, and then connect them together.

Beautiful arrows are made in the same way,like a pencil. At first, the hand should be placed on the table, so that it does not shake, and the line is smooth. Before using a helium eyeliner, it should be diluted with water, and then draw an arrow with a brush.

The remaining tools for creating arrows are appliedin the same way. The most important thing is to ensure that the line is as smooth as possible and has such a thickness that will suit your eyes. And the thickness, as, indeed, the length, is the most diverse. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How beautiful to draw arrows on the eyes

Beautiful arrows: some useful tips

  • If the arrow is drawn with a liquid eyeliner, before applying it to the eyelid, you can apply dry powder, which will allow the agent to lie more smoothly.
  • The lower eyelid is best drawn with a soft pencil, without resorting to eyeliner.
  • If you can not make a flat line, remove the excess through a gel-make-up and a cotton swab.
  • Drawing the arrow, try to delay a little eyelid. In this case, the process can be greatly facilitated.

Beautiful arrows are a whole art, but notas inaccessible as it may seem at first glance. Practice at home, try different lengths and thicknesses, and you will definitely be able to choose an arrow that will perfectly match the slit of your eyes.

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