/ How to determine the type of facial skin?

How to determine the type of facial skin?

Human skin is one of the most difficultbodies, because it directly interacts with the environment. So, on it all positive and negative influences are quickly reflected. That's why you need to know how to determine the type of facial skin to correctly pick up decorative and caring cosmetics.

Proper cosmetics will significantly reducenegative environmental impact, and cope with the disadvantages that are inherent in the skin of a woman: dry skin can be moistened, fatty - make matte, etc.

How to determine the type of facial skin? There are several methods for this. Your attention in this article will be offered 3 of them:

- visual definition;

- definition of a cosmetic napkin;

- test.

Regardless of the method chosen, the skinmust be thoroughly cleaned. Then she should give a rest for 4 hours, then you can count on a believable result. However, do not forget that the skin can change in different conditions: in the winter, the skin dries and flakes, and in the hot summer even dry skin can give signs of fatty skin. And the state of the skin depends directly on the foodstuffs consumed by the woman.

In order to visually determine the type of skin,you need to carefully consider the face in the mirror, perhaps magnifying. It is necessary to determine the presence of open and dilated pores, acne, acne, cracks, fatty shine. It is necessary to analyze the information obtained and compare it with descriptions of all skin types. These are the descriptions.

Normal skin.For such a skin is characterized by lack of expanded pores, greasy shine, cracks, peeling, pimples. It is necessary to strive for this skin condition. Women with such skin is extremely small, and its only drawback is that with age, normal skin dries and turns into a dry one. However, with due care, the onset of this moment can be seriously delayed.

Oily skin.It is characterized by a fat gloss, the presence of pimples, a dull color. From the advantages of oily skin, it can be noted that it remains elastic for a long time and wrinkles appear late on it. Care for oily skin involves thorough cleansing, narrowing of the pores, regulation of the sebaceous glands. But the use of fatty creams such a skin is contraindicated.

Dry skin. Thin, soft, matte skin. Often after washing such skin seems to be tightened. Dry skin quickly fades and needs constant moisturizing.

Combined skin. Very common type. Some areas of the skin, most often the chin, nose and forehead, are bold, and cheeks are dry. Picking up cosmetics for this type of skin is the most difficult.

How to determine the type of facial skin with the help ofcosmetic napkin? Take a napkin and blot her face in three places: cheeks, chin and forehead. By the number and intensity of fat spots on a napkin, you can determine the type of skin. If the skin is oily, the spots will be extensive and intense. If the spots are small and they are small, then this is normal skin. If there are many spots on the napkins from the forehead and chin, and the napkin from the cheeks is dry, then the skin is of a combined type. Completely dry napkins speak of dry skin.

The test "How to determine the type of facial skin?" Answer a few questions:

  1. Determine the number of oily stains on the cosmetic napkin according to the previous method, many spots?
  2. Do you have acne and often?
  3. Does it happen that the makeup for a day turns into a fat mask?
  4. Do you have acne? A lot of?
  5. Does skin tighten after washing?

There are three answers: under the letter "a" - yes, often, a lot; under "b" - medium, sometimes, rarely, and "in" - no, not enough.

It remains to calculate which answers are greater. If there are more letters "a", the skin is oily, if more "b", then normal or combined; "In" - dry skin. How to determine the type of facial skin as accurately as possible?

Usually enough of these tests, however, if there were questions, it makes sense to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

In addition, it is important to remember that over time the typeskin changes. So, in adolescence, a girl can suffer from oily skin, and to mature age get another problem - the skin is dry. That is why, the type of skin needs to be checked every two years to adjust the care according to all the changes. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling your skin.

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