How often do girls have to spend a hugethe amount of time to search for a new unique image. In order to change their image, experts recommend visiting an experienced hairdresser who can skillfully select not only the most suitable haircut, but also the hair color. However, the services of such a master are not always available because of the financial difficulties of consumers, so you can choose a new color for your curls and start updating the image.
Paint choice
Dark shades of curls look sated,emphasize the beauty and attractiveness of their owners. The advantage of chocolate color is that it looks natural compared to many others. In addition, you can always choose the right shades of chocolate hair color: the palette is very diverse. Starting from a light light tone and ending with a rich deep shade. In addition, very often this color is used to separate individual strands or, conversely, to give a general tone, which serves only as a background. But that's bad luck, what goes to one girl, maybe not to the other's face.
How to choose a shade
Of course, it's best if the paint is for youwill pick up a professional in the salon. In hairdressing salons you can find all possible chocolate shades of hair dye. Then you will be able to avoid disappointment. But there are other options. For example, you can go to a store selling wigs. Trying on a couple of dozen copies, you'll surely understand which particular shade you need.
Define your type
You can choose the color you need if you determine the type of appearance that you belong to:
- Winter.Representatives of this type have dark hair, bright eyes, dark or light skin. They are best suited chocolate-chestnut shade with black or steel shine. Red lipstick will emphasize the beauty of the lips.
- Spring.The girls of this type have golden or ashy hair, the skin is peach or gently pink, the eyes are light. They should choose the neutral chocolate colors. Eyebrows and eyelashes will be appropriate to give the same shade with a pencil and ink.
- Summer.This type of appearance is characterized by olive or pink skin, light eyes and blond hair. For them, the best solution is dark chocolate shades of hair dye. At the same time for applying makeup it is desirable to use calm tones and avoid unnecessary contrasts.
- Autumn. The skin is very light, almost transparent.Hair red, on the face of a freckle. Eye color can be anything. Girls of this type are well suited for light colors of chocolate paint. Make-up should not be bright, defiant.
General rules for applying makeup
To make chocolate hair color shades advantageousemphasized your beauty, you need to apply makeup correctly. In general, owners of chocolate hair should follow the same rules as brunettes:
- If your eyebrows are light in nature, then they need to be painted dark brown or black so that they do not differ much from your hair.
- The ideal color for the mascara is brown or black. Blue and eggplant colors should be avoided.
- There is no need to apply a large amount of cosmetics, since clear shades of hair will attract enough attention to you.
- It is desirable to achieve the ideal skin tone. You can use concealer. This is especially true for girls facing such a problem as dark circles under the eyes.
- Rouge need a little. Just to lighten up the face a little.
- Bright lipstick is quite suitable, but if you do not like excessive attention, then the colorful shades of lip gloss are an ideal option.
What difficulties can there be in coloring
Despite the fact that now there is a hugethe number of colors, and you can use the services of a specialist, however, sometimes it is very difficult to get the desired chocolate shade of hair: the photo on the box and the result can be significantly different. The reason is the original hair color. In addition, perhaps you have already dyed your hair before.
- If earlier you tried to dye your hair in redcolor, then chocolate hints of hair dye can produce a very unexpected effect. The color can turn out burgundy-red or even emerald. Therefore, before you dye your hair, you need to either grow your own natural hair, or return your color with the help of professional hairdresser's products.
- If you have light curls, you can getany shades of chocolate hair color: the photo on the box, most likely, completely coincides with the result. But in order to maintain cool shades of the palette, you will need special balms.
- On very dark hair, the classic shades of chocolate colors will not be as bright as expected.
Chocolate hair color remains popular onfor many years. Often, girls are afraid to paint in these colors, since there is an opinion that they are aging. The choice in favor of chocolate shades should be done individually. They range from light and air to deep and dark. If you choose the right tone, then perhaps you will even look younger than before.