/ / Carmex lip balm: a magic wand in emergency situations

Lip Balm Carmex: a magic wand in emergency situations

Бальзам для губ Carmex – универсальное средство, which instantly revitalize dry and cracked lips, as well as remove the acute symptoms of such an unpleasant disease as herpes that appeared on the face. In addition to caring properties, balm also provides reliable protection against ultraviolet rays.

carmex lip balm

Lip Balm Carmex: history of appearance

After 15 years, these miraculous hygieniclipsticks will celebrate their centenary. For the first time Carmex lip balm appeared in 1930, and Carma Laboratories was founded in 1973. To date, Carmex is the undisputed leader in sales in more than seventy countries.

For more than eighty years, thesepopular balms are successfully sold in all corners of the planet. And all this time the business remains in the hands of its founders. One can not but rejoice at the soul and slogan of the company, which claims that Carmex lip products are tested not on animals, but on members of the family that created the brand.

Composition of Carmex balms and their properties

Carmex is the most famous balm in the world.A list of its ingredients can be read on the package, but the proportions in which they are mixed are kept strictly confidential. Firms-competitors do not stop trying to create similar balms, but so far no one has managed to do something that remotely resembles the original.

Unfortunately, in our country it's difficult to find Carmex products on a free sale, so most often it is ordered in online stores, both Russian and foreign.

On the package of balm information about the composition andProperties are listed in English. The product is used to prevent airing of the lips, as well as to remove stiffness, dryness and peeling. In addition, hygienic lipstick can also be used as a remedy for cuts, insect bites, cracks and the appearance of a cold. Lip Balm Carmex, whose composition is more reminiscent of medicines than about cosmetics, is a real first aid for those who have sensitive skin that is highly exposed to cold, wind and sun.

By its properties, hygienic lipstick is more moisturizing than nourishing lipstick.

High efficacy of the agent is achieved through the use of the following active ingredients:

- Menthol (has a calming effect);

- camphor (anesthetics);

- phenol (disinfects).

In addition to them, the composition of balsam includes cocoa butter, wax, lanolin, salicylic acid and perfume fragrance. The product does not contain gluten and is not addictive.

How to use Carmex Balsam

The agent is applied to dry lips, from whichRemains of color lipstick or shine. If the skin is severely weathered and flaky, then it is recommended to apply a thick layer of balm overnight. Also the manufacturer advises to use it for dry skin areas, for example elbows, for the treatment of herpes rashes on the face, for removing redness in the area of ​​insect bites.

Balsam keeps for a long time and will not disappear anywhere after half an hour after application.

Kinds of balms Carmex

Manufacturers tried to please all potential buyers. What kind of hygiene lipstick they did not create!

Lip Balm Carmex is presented in severalvariants. Originally it was produced in a laconic round jar of white with a yellow lid. From it you had to extract the contents with your finger, which is not very convenient on the road or in the office. Therefore, a balm was soon released in the standard form of lipstick. It has a dense consistency, which quickly melts when it comes in contact with warm skin. There is also an option in a small bottle, from which the contents must be squeezed out.

 lip balm carmex composition

Balsams have a wide variety of tastes. Classic peppermint has a whole army of fans. You can also buy balsam with a taste of cherries, strawberries, lime and even prunes.

carmex for lips

Depending on the degree of protection from ultraviolet rays, variants with SPF from 15 to 30 are offered.

Carma Laboratories did not stop atrelease of standard transparent hygienic lipstick and began to produce multi-colored sticks. The palette is wide enough - from gently pink to a rich burgundy. Of course, you will not achieve such a bright color as when using lipstick, but a beautiful shade is provided to you.

Reviews about balms Carmex

As mentioned above, this remedy isout of competition in most developed countries. Carmex - lip balm, reviews about which in the vast majority of cases are enthusiastic. Very often it is possible to meet statements that lipstick allows to struggle even with strong rashes which have appeared because of herpes. In addition, some apply balm to dry elbows.

carmex lip balm reviews

However, some cosmeticians do not recommendUse Carmex lip balm, claiming that it is a kind of healing remedy and, like any medicine, should be used only when necessary. But manufacturers do not say anything about such features. On the contrary, they advise applying balm every time you feel that your lips need additional moisturizing.

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