/ / Kara Delevin: Tattoos do not happen much!

Kara Delevin: Tattoos do not happen much!

Kara Delevin is the top model of the world's largestscandalous reputation. But despite the provocative actions and statements of this star, she has enough admirers and admirers, and many fashion houses are willing to tolerate such behavior, just to cooperate with this incredibly beautiful girl. Among other things, in recent years, the model has seriously taken a great interest in tattoos. What is curious, Kara Delevin tattoo does not only with deep meaning, but also for the sake of self-expression.

The most famous tattoos

Kara Deprive the tattoo
The trademark of the model is the drawing onthe index finger of the right hand. This is a realistic image of the head of a lion. Tattoo of Kary Delevin on her finger shocked all her admirers and journalists. It was the first tattoo of a star that appeared unexpectedly for everyone. Why the lion? The answer is simple: in front of us is the sign of the zodiac model. Use your own body as a canvas very much liked the star, and very soon on her body appeared new drawings. Kara Delevin tattoo makes impulsively, expressing their own thoughts and affection for those around them. On her body today there are inscriptions: "Do not worry, be happy", "Made in England", "Pandora" and even your own initials. In honor of his friend Rihanna, Kara made a tattoo in the corner of the auricle in the form of a faceted diamond.

The newest tattoo of Kary Delevin

Tattoo punishments on the finger
In the star circles there are rumors that love fortattoos - this is the real dependency of the top model. Kara himself does not comment on these statements, but continues to do the tattoo. Not so long ago on the web there were photos of a very unusual image. At the foot of the star now flaunts more than an unusual inscription "Bacon" (in English). And if Kara Delevin tattoo "Leo" made as an amulet and her zodiacal symbol, the culinary word demonstrates only her love for the traditional breakfast in England. The newest tattoo of the star can be attributed to the modest inscription "Silence" (literal translation - "silence") on the wrist. Not so long ago, Kara and her friend Jordan Dunn did pair tattoos - "DD" - their initials.

Who makes a tattoo a star?

Among the girlfriends of the top model are the world-famousdesigners and many famous people. Most of Kara's close associates have tattoos. It is believed that the first tattoo model inspired by her close friend Rihanna, who for today has about 20 native images. However, the girls themselves do not confirm this rumor, but they also do not dispute it. Interesting fact: Kara Delevin tattoo makes a very famous star master known as Bang-Bang. This tattoo artist has already decorated the bodies of many celebrities. However, he really became famous because he allows his clients to leave autographs with a tattoo machine on their own body. Kara was also honored by this honor, and now Bang-Bang can boast of her painting as well.

Career model under threat

Kara divide the tattoo of the lion
Total on the body of Kara Delevin today more than tentattoos, and the star is not going to stop there. But this is already very much for the top model of world magnitude. According to some agencies and fashion houses, Kara is already barely fit today for some kinds of professional activity. Many employers say: if the star makes at least one more tattoo, contracts with it can be broken. Representatives of agencies argue their position by the fact that for the fashion show, the body should be ideal, and the skin - without additional decorations. And if the model will further spoil its appearance, it will do just fine to demonstrate the most closed sets. Kara Delevin tattoo loves and is willing to risk work for the sake of self-expression. It seems that the top model is confident in its popularity and talents and is not afraid to become unclaimed because of tattoos.

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