/ / Efficient face mask from melon will help to solve skin problems

Effective facial mask from melon will help to solve skin problems

A fragrant and sweet melon!Who of us has not tried this exotic fruit? It is known that it was grown by the inhabitants of Ancient Persia and Egypt four thousand years ago. The wise men of the East call melon a paradise fruit. They attribute to it the property of making all women who eat it, beautiful and desirable. Indeed, having studied the chemical composition of the fruit, it is difficult to disagree with them. After all, in its pulp are many vitamins (provitamin A, C, P, B9) and nutrients (folic acid, iron, silicon). In addition, there is a large amount of lycopene, which slows down the aging process in the body.

facial mask from melon
Despite the fact that this fruit is very sweet,calories in it a little. This makes it a desirable product when different diets are observed. Simply eat a melon and become more beautiful every day! How else can you use it to become more beautiful? Prepare a mask from the fragrant pulp, supplement it with other ingredients, and apply to the skin. A face mask from melon helps with swelling under the eyes, as well as when there are irritations and redness. Well this means fights with signs of aging: pigment spots and facial wrinkles. Therefore, it can be used by both young girls and ladies at an age.

Cleansing face mask from melon

mask of melon

This tool is suitable for women with oily andmixed skin. As a rule, they have one common problem - black dots and pimples. In order to get rid of them, you need to treat the skin pores, removing dirt and excess fat. Home cleansing facials perfectly handle this. To prepare such a tool you will need:

• puree from melon pulp - 2 tablespoons;

• warm milk - 1 teaspoon;

• infusion of St. John's wort - 1 teaspoon.

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth and applied to the face for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to wash off the product with warm water and apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

Moisturizing mask of melon

home cleansing face masks

To have always a fresh and attractive look,skin of the face and neck must be nourished and moistened. With this, the mask for a person from melon and honey perfectly will consult. We cook it this way: take crushed pulp of fragrant fruit (3 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon) and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. All well mixed and put on the face for half an hour. After that, the mask should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in the infusion of chamomile, and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Rejuvenating mask from melon

Prepare in the home naturalmeans for pulling up the oval face and smoothing the skin easily. To do this, take the same pulp of tender fruit (3 tablespoons), warm milk (2 tablespoons), almond or olive oil (1 teaspoon). Everything should be mixed. You will get a lifting mask from melon. Apply it to your face for 20-25 minutes. After rinse with warm water and smear the skin with cream.

Melon is a unique product!Masks from it are suitable for almost any skin. They solve a wide variety of problems, whether black spots, circles under the eyes or facial wrinkles. A mask for a melon face will allow you to always be beautiful!

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