/ / Vichy Deodorants: reviews, features, composition and effectiveness

Deodorants "Vichy": reviews, features, composition and effectiveness

French brand Vichy has long been knownto domestic consumers. The company's advantage is the quality and safety of the products, and the main mission is to create tools that help you care for the skin while you are doing your favorite things.

What is unique about

Vichy laboratory specialists have developed a seriesantiperspirants based on thermal water extracted from the source of Lucas. Formed at an impressive depth (4000 m) at a temperature of 140 ° C, it rises up through a layer of magmatic rocks, where it is enriched with numerous trace elements and minerals. The composition of all antiperspirants corresponds to high standards of pharmacy and does not contain harmful components for the body.

Also the funds go through a strict dermatologicalcontrol and, judging by the reviews of the deodorants "Vichy", with regular application they are able to cure hyperhidrosis. In addition, brand products protect the sensitive skin of the armpits from irritation and inflammation, which means that it can be used after the epilation and shaving procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of the customer identify the following:

  • light texture allows the deodorant to instantly soak in and dry out;
  • do not create a sticky sensation;
  • do not leave traces on the skin;
  • after application on clothes, neither white nor yellow spots are found;
  • have a weak herbaceous odor, which does not interrupt the fragrance of perfume;
  • regulates sweating for a long time;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • soothes the dermis and relieves the irritation that arose after epilation and shaving;
  • in the composition there is (or at least) aluminum salts;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • provide antibacterial effect.

Practically in all the reviews of the deodorants "Vichy", the customer indicated two drawbacks:

  • high price;
  • uneconomical consumption.


As it was said earlier, the main component of the product is thermal water, which contains 15 mineral salts:

  1. Calcium - soothes and relieves irritation.
  2. Fluorine, iron, manganese - natural antioxidants.
  3. Potassium - helps moisturize the dermis.
  4. Silicon - has firming properties.
  5. Lithium, magnesium and boron - regenerate cells.
  6. Orthophosphate, sodium - moisturize.
  7. Sulfur - removes toxic substances from the body.
  8. Strontium - provides anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Bicarbonate - necessary to maintain the concentration of hydrogen ions.
  10. Ammonium - is involved in the synthesis of amino acids.
vichy deodorants

Also in the composition of deodorants Vichy are present:

  • Perlite. The ultra-absorbent mineral acts as an active ingredient that eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat.
  • Zinc. Regulates the functioning of the glands.
  • Extracts of plants. Fill the skin with vitamins.
  • Safe emulsifiers and stabilizers. Necessary to create a homogeneous emulsion.
  • Deodorizing substances. Warns bad breath.


Thanks to the various forms of release, the companyallows its customers to choose the most suitable means for themselves, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the body. According to reviews, Vichy deodorants can be used not only for the underarm area, but also for the palms, legs and under the breasts. For convenient use, the manufacturer produces anti-sweat products in three forms: a roller, an aerosol, a cream-stick.

The range is represented by the following drugs:

  1. "7 дней".The texture of the product is such that it can be applied where other forms of release fail. For example, in between the toes. For greater effectiveness, deodorant should be applied according to the schedule described in the instructions.
  2. Vichy homme. Intensive antiperspirant for active men, providing 72-hour protection.
  3. Faster anti-perspirant bullets will help to get rid of sweat after intensive training in the gym.
  4. "Vichy 24 hours". The product in aerosol format is intended for those who like a light and dry texture.

Deodorante mineral

The formula based on mineral deodorant is a whole cocktail of substances necessary for the skin, supported by the presence of thermal water Vichy.

There is no alcohol or salt in the product.aluminum, no parabens. But there is magnesium, which absorbs excess moisture, maintaining the purity and dryness of the armpits. Calcium is needed to strengthen the epidermis and soothe the skin after epilation and shaving. Chlorine with bicarbonates maintain acid-base balance in the tissues, and sodium produces a moisturizing effect.

The composition of the deodorant is also supplemented with panthenol (vitamin B5) is the most healing component. Its presence makes the product relevant for irritations and cuts in the armpits.

As an additional ingredient, Vichy laboratory specialists used zinc gluconate, which is designed to neutralize unpleasant odor and produce an antibacterial effect.


Reviews of mineral deodorant "Vichy" inmostly positive. Customers note that the anti-sweat tool does the job, leaves no residue on clothes, does not create a feeling of stickiness on the skin, and also has a pleasant floral and citrus scent.

The only negative - the product does not work 48 hours, as indicated on the package, but a maximum of 12.

The main question to the manufacturer of deodorant "Vichy" without aluminum

Reviews of the new product literally flooded all kinds of forums and social networks. In this regard, the specialists of the French company answered two of the most frequently asked questions:

1. Why did the Vichy brand decide not to use a chemical element?

Previously, all antiperspirants contained saltaluminum, which penetrated into the glands, contacted with sweat, and then formed on the skin a substance like a gel, which prevents the release of moisture. Despite its effectiveness, the technology brought a lot of trouble: the ducts of the sweat glands were clogged up to such an extent that allergies arose and pustules appeared in the armpit. Now the brand uses hydrochloride, hypochlorite or organic metal salts, which also form a gel, but in this case it is more mobile and softer.

2. Some consumers, in their reviews of Vichy deodorants without aluminum salts, argue that the product is ineffective with hyperhidrosis. Is it really?

Unfortunately, this is partly true.Feature of Deodorante Mineral is the combination of portability and effectiveness in the fight against unpleasant odors. Therefore, the new product is more suitable for allergies, owners of sensitive skin and those who have recently done hair removal.

Stress resist

Reviews of deodorant "Vichy Antistress"claim that the tool continues to perform its functions, even if the person is experiencing a strong emotional overstrain. The effect is achieved due to the presence of Perspicalm and ultra-absorbing minerals in the complex. Working together, both formulas regulate the functioning of sweat glands in the event of a stressful situation.

The drug can be used not only foraxillary treatment, but also for feet. Ball applicator allows you to quickly apply the tool, and the unique formula is absorbed almost instantly, without leaving an adhesive film on the skin.

Stress resist

On the packaging it is noted that the product works inwithin 72 hours. However, according to reviews, deodorant "Vichy" from sweating has a cumulative effect, that is, with regular use, its effectiveness only increases.

Sensitive Anti-Transpirant

In addition to its direct responsibility, the globular antiperspirant has a calming effect, provides comfort and a feeling of freshness to the sensitive derma, allowing it to remain healthy and soft.

Thanks to the alcohol-free formulavarious perfume additives product is hypoallergenic. The composition also includes thermal water, due to which softness of the skin is achieved, the protective properties of the epidermis are improved and all inflammations heal.

roll-on for sensitive skin

A special amino complex allows the ballantiperspirant struggling with discomfort. The active ingredient is an extract of white water lily, giving the agent tonic, relaxing and antiseptic properties.

Anti-Transpirant Treatment Creme

Based on numerous reviews of deodorants"Vichy", we can safely say that this particular format of the product is the most popular of the entire series. The main function of the tool is to protect against odor and sweat for a long time. Product development was carried out for several years, as experts sought to create a deodorant that will provide a quick and effective result after the first application. It was empirically proven that Vichy 7 Days is able to get rid of the problem of heavy sweating in 2 uses for seven days.

The tool resembles a thick cream.This structure does not provoke irritation, protects the armpits from excessive dryness and is suitable for all skin types. As well as many products, "7 days" is based on thermal water. This product is available in a volume of 30 ml.

Anti-Transpirant Treatment Creme vichy

Vichy 7 Days cream is a specialized tool, which means that before using, you should carefully read the instruction enclosed in the package and follow it.

The scheme of application: to achieve the desired result is recommended in the first week to apply the cream 4 days in a row, next week - 3 days, and then 1-2 times. For example, on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Reviews of cream-deodorant "Vichy" claim that the first effect will be noticeable after three days, which is an excellent achievement for the world of cosmetology.

So, what is the long positive result from the use of the product?

  • Does not cause allergies, and therefore suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.
  • It has a powerful corrective effect: the main components are so small that they can penetrate deep into the epidermis and more quickly affect the functioning of the sweat glands, reducing their activity.
  • The creamy texture allows the deodorant to better eliminate the unpleasant smell, as it helps to reduce the volume of secreted secrets.

Vichy homme

A remedy for sweat created specifically for the stronger sex, taking into account their needs. Therefore, a globular antiperspirant is presented in two versions: 48 and 72 hours of protection.

According to the few, but still available reviews, men's deodorant "Vichy Homm" guarantees:

  • freshness even under stressful situations;
  • good tolerance to owners of sensitive dermis;
  • caring effect: reducing irritation, inflammation and hydration.
Vichy Homme Deodorant Roll

The formula of the two products is enrichedultra-absorbent substances that prevent the formation of sweat and odor. The light consistency contributes to the rapid absorption of the deodorant, does not create a sticky film and does not leave marks on the fabrics of clothing.

Deodorant Anti-Transpirant Spray

Those who are faced with profuse sweating, but want to combine protection with an unobtrusive scent, laboratory experts recommend paying attention to the regulatory deodorant "Vichy".

Отзывы подчеркивают, что продукт сохраняет freshness in the armpits within 24 hours. In addition, many have noticed: with each new week of regular use, the process of sweating has gradually returned to normal.

Deodorant Anti-Transpirant Spray vichy

The active substance is an amino complexvegetable origin. Its task is to regulate excess sweating. In addition, the substance soothes the epidermis and relieves irritation.

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