Since ancient times, hair was considered the maintool and heritage of a woman. The first means to care for them appeared in ancient Egypt. Today it is a whole system of tools and technologies. The most difficult and important stage is styling. Properly selected hair styling products help a woman look great, which, in turn, adds a sparkle to her eyes and self-confidence. But to make a choice in such a rich arsenal of technology and cosmetics for hair is extremely difficult.
Modern hair styling products are capable ofgive them shine, straighten or curl, and protect them from the weather. The protection is developed not only from harmful environmental factors, but also from the drying of hair, which happens when straightening or waving. All styling products specialists divide into two main types: chemical - cosmetics, for example, gel, and mechanical, such as hair dryer.
Penki and mousses are chosen by ladies who dream of a magnificent hairdo. A small ball is applied to the hair immediately after washing. Suits and owners of fine hair.
There are no harmful components in the wax.In addition, it is great for daily styling of curly and dry hair. A small percentage of fat contained in wax makes hair more docile and shiny.
Gel, traditionally considered a male agentfor styling, use also women with short hair, as well as those who want to give their long curls "the effect of wet hair." It provides hair nutrition, gives volume and strength, has not strong fixation. Tonic and emulsion are easy remedies applied to thin hair after washing. Gives a lush volume. In addition, the emulsion still has the effect of an air conditioner and does not allow hair to get tangled during drying. The lotion is applied to dried hair. Thanks to him, the hair when laid on curlers or a hairdryer get strength and volume.
Mechanical means for styling hair
The most ancient way of hair styling - on hair curlers.Slowly they go to the past, and the adherents gladly switch to the thermalblogie. They can understand: soft plastic and clips, do not spoil the hair, wax rod inside, a special stand for the complete heating, warming up for 5 minutes. And most importantly, the effect. The hair curled on the thermobigi remains stuck much longer curled on the curling iron.
Irons and hair stylers.The first - align the hair, the second - make curls. Irons are metal (harmful, but cheap), steam and ceramic (the most sparing for the hair). Some models of forceps are equipped with several sets of removable attachments, which makes them a welcome gift for any woman.