/ / How to braid beautiful hair on medium and long hair: instruction, photo

How to braid beautiful hairstyles on medium and long hair: instruction, photo

Especially popular in recent years have becomespits, made with different techniques of weaving. How to braid beautiful hair? It is not easy to do this to yourself, however, given some recommendations, you can learn.

Preparing for weaving hair

How to braid beautiful hair? In order to do this yourself, a number of auxiliary materials are needed:

  • Mirror of a large size.
  • A fixative for hair.
  • Combs: massage, single-row, round.
  • Clamps, pins, hair clips, elastic bands, etc.

Those who strongly entangle their hair, will also need a spray for their easy combing.

how to braid beautiful hairstyles

Weaving of the classical braid

How to braid beautiful hair?First of all, you need to learn how to make a well-crafted classic braid. It is the basis of all weaving. It's quite simple to do it: we divide the hair into three parts. The left one needs to be moved over the central one so that it is between the middle and right parts. The same thing you need to do with the right strand: move to the center, so it is between the left and middle. And so the weaving should be continued to the end, taking turns taking hold of the strands from the left, then from the right side. Begin the braiding of the classic braid you can both from the back of the head and from the side of the head. The end of the weaving is fixed with an elastic band. If desired, you can stretch the strands a little, this will give the spit the volume.

French spit

You see the photo of this hairstyle in the article.It is very popular with young people, as well as with older ladies, because the French scythe adds a special charm and charm. Therefore, the technique of its weaving is quite a lot. Here is one of the most common ways:

  1. Hair must be combed and on the parietal part of the head (center) to collect a large strand of hair. It needs to be divided, as in the previous version, into three identical parts.
  2. The right strand is shifted to the middle so that it is in the center. One hand needs to hold two strands and shift the left to the center one, holding it with the middle finger.
  3. It is very important to distribute the curls between the fingers so that one strand is between the ring finger and the little finger, and the second is fixed with the middle finger. The weaving should be as tight as possible.
  4. Thus it is necessary to continue the weaving, according toqueue shifting the curls to the left, then to the right, gradually adding thin strands that remained outside the main braid. Despite the fact that there is an addition of strands on the sides, in the main weave there must always be three.
  5. When the French braid is woven to the nape of the neck, you can continue the weaving in the same way or fix it with an elastic band, if desired.

The French Spit (photo in the article) is beautifullooks and in a diagonal weave. The completion of the work can be varied, most often it is a tail, a scythe or collected hair in a bun. Effectively look hairstyles with braided two French braids.

french plait photo

French spit on the contrary

Partly you already know how to braid beautifulhairstyles. But that is not all. Now we will learn how to do the weaving of the reverse French braid. It is slightly different from the classical one. This hairstyle looks original, especially if you add volume to it by pulling strands. Weave step by step:

  1. Strands, as usual, we divide into three parts.
  2. The leftmost strand should be shifted under the central one, the same must be done with the right one.
  3. Together with the basic hair, it is necessary to select thin strands and shift them in turn under the central part of the hairstyle.
  4. So it is necessary to continue until the weaving reaches the level of the neck.
  5. Completion of the braid - at the discretion.

To stretch the strands and thereby give a hairstylevolume, it is necessary to fix the weaving well. After this, starting at the top of the hairstyle, you need to pull a little for the braid loops, pulling them out a little. It is important to evenly pull out each loop, not missing any one. In the end, the hair must be lightly sprinkled with hairspray to fix it.


Scythe: features of weaving

The hair of this kind will suit the owner of long hair. Looks scythe-strangely, reliably and originally. To make such hairdo it is possible, adhering to the following sequence:

  • Hair must be combed, gathered in the tail and fixed with an elastic band.
  • Then the hair is divided into two halves.
  • Each of the two strands must be screwed intoone direction, then twist them together in the opposite direction. It is very important not to twist the hair in the same direction, since in this case the hairdress will disintegrate.
  • The end of the braid is fixed with a hair clip or elastic band.

Such weaving is called in another way: rope, spiral, rope. A scythe-plait can be not only everyday but also evening.

Beautiful weave on medium length hair

How to braid a beautiful hairstyle on medium hair?To date, there are many options that can be applied to curls of medium length. And the hair styles offered below can be either everyday, or festive or evening.

how to braid a beautiful hairstyle long hair

Fish tail

How to braid a beautiful and light hairstyle? The fish tail is not a complicated weaving, but it looks very elegant and unusual. So, plait the scythe "fish tail":

  • Well-combed hair should be sprinkled with water and divided into two halves.
  • If the hair is immense, you can make a nap on the crown of the head before beginning the weaving.
  • On the outside of each half, you need to separate the thin strands and cross them with each other in such a way that the right outer is on the left on the inside, and the left on the right.
  • Weaving should be continued to the desired level and fixed with an elastic band or a beautiful hair clip.

The braid "fish tail" can be made tight or free, this dramatically changes the look of the hair.

how to braid a beautiful and light hairstyle


How to braid yourself a beautiful hairstyle ona date or a hike in a restaurant? Waterfall from the hair - this is exactly the haircut that can hardly be attributed to everyday. It is an addition to the romantic image. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Hair must be combed, after which, if they are not naturally curled, wind up the curls.
  • The temple must separate the thick strand and divide it, as in the classical version, into three equal parts.
  • Next, you need to weave a French braid, periodically releasing the lower strand. Instead, you need to grab a new one from the top of your head.
  • Such a weaving should be continued to the next temple, then fixed with a hair clip or elastic band.

After the hairstyle is finished, it must be sprinkled with strong-fixing hair spray.

how to braid a beautiful hairstyle on medium hair


How to braid hair simply and beautifully? On the hair of medium length, the rim of the braid looks original. Make this haircut can be as follows:

  • Hair must be combed and strands separated from the temples and on the forehead.
  • The remaining curls must be pricked with a clamp so that they do not interfere with the process of weaving.
  • Hair at the temple must be divided into three equalparts. We begin to weave the French braid "on the contrary", towards the other temple. After the braid has reached the level of the ear, weaving continues in the usual way a few more centimeters and is fixed with a small elastic band.
  • If some hairs had escaped from the spit, they can straighten the inside using stealth and sprinkle with varnish.
  • To give a volume rim, you can pull out the pigtail loops slightly.
  • The tip of the braid should be fixed behind the ear with a hair clip. Other hair to dissolve.

If you want, you can wind up a loose part of the strands with a curtain rod.

how to braid yourself a beautiful hairstyle

Beautiful weave on long hair

How to braid a beautiful hairstyle?Long hair is very beautiful, but they need special care. What can I say about hairstyles! It is not easy to make them yourself. But if you learn, then on long hair all the hair looks chic, especially if it's a beautiful weaving.

Malvinka with an element of a braid "fish tail"

It's quite simple to make such a hair, and the procedure does not take much time:

  • The combed hair should be wound with a curling rod so that the vertical curls turn out.
  • At temples it is necessary to separate two strands, to twist them into bundles and to collect on a nape, having connected them a small elastic band.
  • Strand, which remained free falling from the two harnesses collected, it is necessary to braid in the braid "fish tail". At the end, the braid is fixed with a beautiful hair clip.

Four-strand braid

Original hairstyle that looks great on long hair. In order to comfortably weave such a braid, it is necessary to adjust to keep in each hand two parts. Follow the instructions:

  • Before starting the braiding, the hair must be well combed.
  • Next, the curls should be divided into two equal parts and each of them divided again. This gives you four uniform strands.
  • To make it easier to understand the principle of weaving,it is necessary to conditionally number the strands from left to right from one to four. The first strand is shifted to the second, after which it is immediately thrown to the third.
  • The fourth lock is shifted to the third and passes under the second one.
  • Such actions should be repeated alternately from left to right, until the hair is over. At the end of the hair must be fixed with an elastic band and sprinkled with varnish for a strong fixation.

After completing the braid, you can gently pull, then all of its four components will be more pronounced.

A bundle on the back of the harness

To make such a hairstyle is not difficult even for those who do not have the skills of weaving:

  • The combed hair is gathered at the back of the head in the tail and tied with an elastic band. In this case, two strands of the face should be left loose, without collecting them in the tail along with the rest of the hair.
  • The tail must be divided into two strands and a braid must be made.
  • It must be screwed around the elastic and fixed with pins in the form of a beam.
  • Hair, which remained free at the cheekbones, you need to screw it with a curling rod.
  • Obtained curls must be sent back and secured by invisible persons near the beam.

In order for the braid to be braidedideal, practice is needed. If you want and hard work on yourself you can achieve great results and emphasize your individuality with an exquisite hairstyle.

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