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Hot Stone Massage or Stone Therapy

Massage with hot stones or stone therapy is gainingincreasing popularity among the population. Many have not heard of this massage technique yet. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the main points that most fully characterize this type of impact on the human body.

Hot stone massage is a newmodern society the kind of massage that is carried out with the help of washed and heated to a certain temperature stones, basalt or semiprecious. Stones are laid out on the energy centers of the human body and affect energy flows (according to eastern medicine). The stones also warm up and relax the muscles.

What is the cause of the use of basaltic stones?Basalt is a black volcanic rock that is rich in minerals and has the ability to absorb and retain heat, used to relax and soothe the body. Stones for massage are various in form and polished. A characteristic feature of this type of massage is the variety of shapes and sizes of stones, as well as the possibility of their use in various parts of the body. Each section of the human body corresponds to a stone of a certain shape.

Massage with semiprecious stones is carried out without their preheating.

In practice, mainly basalt is used(male stone embodying all four elements), marble (removes inflammation and calms nerves), tiger's eye (soothes and helps with heart diseases), aventurine (stone-antistress), jadeite (beneficial effect on blood circulation), malachite (gives balance and smooths menstrual pains), amethyst (rejuvenates, frees from freckles and burns) and pink quartz (beneficial effect on the lymphatic system and pancreas, calms the nervous system). The use of stones is conditioned by ancient beliefs in their "soul", and also by the fact that stones can reflect, transmit cosmic energy and prolong life.

Stone therapy has a positive effect on the wholehuman body. The impact is on the physiological and mental levels. In the first case, stones help to relax, relieve pain, stress, stress. Back pain is inferior, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes are activated, the organism is completely cleared of toxins. Psychological effects are manifested in the soothing effect of the massage. Anxiety goes away, depression weakens, stress disappears. With arthritis, certain blood circulation diseases and insomnia, hot stone massage is used as one of the treatment elements.

For modern society, stone therapy is new, butit has been known since ancient times. Eastern medicine for centuries honed the technique of implementing this massage. Maria Hannigen in 1993 developed her own stone massage system, based on the knowledge of ancient healers. Her name is stone therapy. Since then, the "new" type of massage has been gaining popularity not only in the US, but also in Europe. Each SPA-center has in its price-list this service.

Hot stone massage lasts from sixty to ninety minutes. The stones are decomposed into certain parts of the body.

The main advantage of massage with hot stonesis that it has virtually no contraindications. Exceptions are infectious skin diseases, open wounds, blood susceptibility to thickening, as well as previous surgical operations and chemotherapy. It is not recommended to carry out massage to pregnant women and people with a sick heart.

Carrying out a massage with hot stones requires the nudity of the client. But if you do not want to undress completely, then you can not remove your underwear.

Hot stone massage is another "miracle"presented to us by eastern medicine. The natural way of acting on the body helps to restore strength, normalize some internal processes, gives a good mood.

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