На сегодняшний день одним из самых популярных manufacturers of therapeutic cosmetic products is the laboratory of Uryazh, whose product reviews are very positive. The name of the firm has received thanks to a place in France where it, actually, also receives the basic component for the cosmetic products, namely special mineral water which is characterized by neutral pH. And just the special properties of this water allow the laboratory to develop and create means to care for delicate and very sensitive skin, as well as sufficiently effective preparations for cleansing the face.
At the moment, we can safely talk aboutthe active development of the firm Uryazh, reviews of products which appear every day more and more. The laboratory constantly tests new cosmetics, and its own catalog is often supplemented with new names.
Catalog Urjazh
In the catalog of cosmetic products laboratoryUryazh, reviews of which are numerous, at the moment, you can find a variety of products. These are skin cleansers, and are intended for basic face and body care, and special children's cosmetics, and anti-age drugs, and suntan creams, and lotions for problem skin. At the same time for each direction of cosmetics, this company offers not one but several products, each of which has passed rather stringent laboratory tests, so that there is no doubt about its quality, usefulness and harmlessness. The demand for exactly the anti-aging caregivers from Uryazh is especially stable, customer feedback about which very often can meet you on "women's" sites.
The main advantages of Uryazh cosmetics
All medical cosmetic products producedin the laboratory of Uryazh, are the result of the joint work of qualified pharmacists, cosmetologists and dermatologists. The firm very carefully monitors the quality of its products, uses unique technologies to preserve all useful properties of the main component (mineral water with a neutral factor) in the preparations. Therefore, among the main advantages should be highlighted that all products are highly effective, hypoallergenic, has excellent tolerability, does not dry the skin and does not break the integrity of cells, has a soothing and antioxidant properties. And so it's no surprise that cosmetics Uryazh reviews have only positive.
Urjazh: where to buy
In the domestic cosmetics market, productsLaboratory Uryazh became known relatively recently, but has already gained noticeable popularity. You can buy funds in specialized pharmacies, as well as in various online stores that sell cosmetic and medical products. But in order to reduce the risk of buying fakes, experts recommend buying these types of products only in pharmacies, where all the necessary requirements for their storage are observed.
Uryazh Iseak: Feedback
Most of the reviews about this cosmeticsgood. Buyers appreciate Uryazh company, first of all, for high-quality products, which effectively solves the tasks assigned to it, be it cleaning, moisturizing the skin or getting rid of problems with it. Another of the advantages of these drugs is that they can be used by people with any type of skin, since the basis here is water with a neutral pH. However, attention should be paid to the shortcomings that consumers find in Uryazh. In particular, its rather high cost is noted. So, the price of a cream in a small tube can reach several thousand rubles, which, you see, not everyone can afford. Another drawback is the inaccessibility of Uryazh's laboratory products, its deficit at conventional retail outlets that sell cosmetics. Meanwhile, you can order products through the Internet, which, however, does not guarantee its safety during the delivery process and compliance with important storage conditions.